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This is an incredibly informative interview and I am absolutely floored by the exponential increase in my understanding of the mechanics of the fraud and of the evil that has been perpetrated on humanity.

Sasha Latypova joins Dr Jane Ruby, first to quickly address ongoing potentially defamatory statements from Karen Kingston, before moving on to discuss her investigations with specialists at the Enigma Group.

Dr Jane Ruby is as aghast as I am at Karen Kingston’s recent behavior. For nearly a week, Karen has guested on as many podcasts as possible and she has raged all over social media, tacitly accusing Sasha of promoting a PSYOP on behalf of Pfizer in order to demoralize and to discourage people from suing the pharmaceutical giant.

This is patently false. Sasha is not discouraging anyone from suing Pfizer but she does suggest that if you *only* go after Big Pharma, you’re not going to stop the crimes against humanity or ensure the prosecution of all those responsible.

Karen puts the bulk of her Substack posts behind a paywall but she seems to be saying that Bad Pfizer defrauded the Poor Little US Government, while Sasha and her collaborator, Katherine Watt are saying that Pfizer’s DoD contract Federalized them and made them into a de facto government entity, which she believes explains why they demanded that sovereign nations put up their military bases as collateral to them.

This might also explain why, when Aaron Siri was arguing in court to get the Pfizer clinical trial data released, which they wanted to hide for 75 years, Pfizer’s lawyers weren’t even present in court. It was Department of Justice lawyers representing Pfizer.

People asked why the DOJ was defending Pfizer’s commercial interests. Could it be because the commercial interests weren’t really Pfizer’s, they were actually the US Government’s?

Sasha and Dr Jane talk about how the model for drug manufacturers to weather the storm of COVID class action lawsuits was created by Big Tobacco in the 1990s, culminating in the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement between major tobacco companies and 46 state attorneys general.

Big Pharma has all the money in the world to pay massive settlements. In 2009, Pfizer paid out $2.9 billion, the second largest pharmaceutical settlement in history. Nobody has gone to jail in these cases.


After the FDA approved the Pfizer “vaccine” in August of 2021, Sasha looked to see if it had been added to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund – and she saw that it had not. She wondered why, because if it were an approved vaccine, it should’ve been on the list.

It was at this time that she discovered that the injections are technically being classified as “countermeasures” – not as “vaccines” – and when she also found a 2-page document advising that those injured by countermeasures must file within one year to receive “countermeasure compensations”. She saw that only 40 such claims had ever been paid out, which meant that nobody knew about this and/or they didn’t pay out.

The term, “countermeasure” appears all over Pfizer’s contracts with the DoD – as well as in the PREP Act and in other laws that have surreptitiously effectuated the legal dismemberment of the United States over the past several decades, as charted by Katherine Watt.

In Pfizer’s Other Transaction Authority contract (OTA) with the DoD, the term, “medical countermeasure” aka “MCM” refers to the injectables to be manufactured. Sasha says, “That’s how I found the term, ‘countermeasure’. It’s extremely poorly-defined… typically, [countermeasures are] associated with weapons and that’s because that’s what the DoD orders.”

In other words, the so-called “vaccines” were contracted using the same framework that the DoD uses to purchase weapons. Because that’s what they are.

Through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and other supplemental legislation, over $4 trillion was distributed among hundreds of companies (mostly pharmaceutical) to produce emergency products in response to the COVID-19 “pandemic”, including PPE (masks, etc), plus the bioweapon countermeasures being promoted as “vaccines”.

OTAs enable the bypassing of regulations, the suspension of regulations and the maintaining of secrecy, including from other branches of the government.

She says these countermeasures are not normal pharmaceutical products and they’re not regulated as such. The DoD can order them from private manufacturers and if they’re administered under a Public Health Emergency and under Emergency Use Authorization, then they’re not subject to pharmaceutical regulation.

This is why, when Pfizer was sued for committing fraud during their clinical trials, they claimed they weren’t contracted to manufacture an FDA-regulated product and in their Motion to Dismiss Brook Jackson’s fraud lawsuit, Pfizer attached their OTA contract, saying in effect, that they had no obligation to conduct valid clinical trials, because the only goods and services they were providing to the US Government, according to their OTA contract were a “large scale manufacturing demonstration for a prototype”.

While these contracts contain language about maintaining Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and about obtaining FDA approval, Sasha says, “Those are just words for distraction. They have no enforcement power.

“When you get to the Scope of the contract, the Scope has an explicit clause, saying that the preclinical, the clinical trials and Good Manufacturing Practice compliance are out of the Scope of the contract and the Government explicitly is not paying for it. Meaning that the Government is not ordering it and there’s no meaningful way to enforce those things.”

And because there’s no cGMP, there’s no saying what’s actually in the shots, which is also why they’re called “large scale manufacturing demonstration for a prototype”.


Sasha has interviewed workers on Pfizer’s assembly line and she’s found that the operation is so compartmentalized, that they have no idea what they’re doing.

Sasha says:

“The drug substance gets made in Rentschler, in Germany or Puurs, Belgium, then it gets shipped in biobags to Andover or Chesterfield or Kalamazoo and those people mix it, without knowing what’s in the biobag. They mix it and they make the finished product and then they ship it to another place – or either they fill-finish it in their own facility or they ship it to Kansas to fill-finish or some other supplier and the same thing goes for all of them

“There are literally hundreds of suppliers all over the world and there’s this cross-shipping and no traceability – and the entire supply chain is owned by DoD, so they can insert, at any time whatever they want.

“So, as you are aware of that Coast Guard case in Alaska…the DoD tried to pass a few batches or trays of this product – which is EUA – as [“FDA-approved”] Comirnaty®, to overcome the Servicemembers’ resistance, based on the fact that this is EUA and cannot be mandated. So they pretended, ‘We have the real deal!’ but the real deal came from an unlicensed plant, not licensed to do cGMP, so it couldn’t be Comirnaty®. So they just literally mislabled them and tried to pass them off – I assure you, they do this all the time.

“And also, CDC also put those FW series – I think it’s like five batches of FW, so one of them was in Alaska – they put them on their list as if released in the United States but I have shipment information from Pfizer, right down to the zip codes and no Comirnaty® products have been shipped.    

“So, those FW batches that CDC claims they released, they don’t appear in the shipments and they don’t appear in VAERS.”

Just wow. Jaw-dropping fraud and villainy…


Dr Jane then asks Sasha why our government is trying to kill us and she answers that most of the employees at government agencies, like the FDA and at Pfizer are unaware of what they’re participating in, although she suspects many are beginning to wake up.

She believes that those at the top are aware of what they’re doing and that they’ve been captured by the Globalists, who openly discuss population control at venues such as the World Economic Forum, which is convening at Davos, Switzerland this week.

Sasha jokes that the Brandon Regime “can’t run fast enough” in their desperation to make the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) legally-binding, which would formally codify the WHO’s authority to arbitrarily declare pandemics and lockdowns.

She says that states need to look at this very carefully, in order to disrupt the economic depredations of the Globalists. She recommends that people visit James Roguski’s Substack to familiarize themselves with the Fascist peril of the WHO and their IHR and what actions we can take to defeat these.

Whereas, back in 2020, the WHO issued “recommendations” and our CDC issued “recommendations” – and it was supposedly the overzealous school boards who masked the children – she says that in the next round, which the WHO will be implementing in months, they want to make the IHR legally-binding, not just recommendations. It would be a much more brutal execution of the same tyranny than what we experienced before, because the mandates would now be law and much harder to fight.

These Fascist, foreign encroachments into our law are unrelenting and she says that’s why it’s so important that we be proactive, speak up and write to our legislators, at all levels, because at every level, legislators and administrators have the power to interfere with this agenda.


Some may recall the crazy stories that came out in 2021 about Pfizer’s secret contracts with various governments; how in the case of Argentina, Pfizer demanded the nations’ bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings as collateral against claims of vaccine damage from their citizens. Dr Jane asks Sasha why Pfizer would want to own the military bases of countries all over the world?

Sasha directs people to a recent Substack post from Katherine Watts that deals with this topic. Watts explains how when people say “Pfizer”, they think “private pharmaceutical company”, however, in these contracts for COVID countermeasures, Pfizer is acting as a government entity.

Sasha explains:

“The Government kind of captured them, as they did with other companies that I mentioned for these COVID countermeasures. They’re essentially a private business fused with the government, having government sovereign protection for their actions, as long as they follow orders from the Government…

“So the ridiculousness of a private US manufacturer going to a foreign sovereign government and telling them that, ‘You will buy this. You cannot test it. You cannot ask questions. You will pay, regardless of whether we deliver or not. If your citizens are injured and sue you and win, then you pay and if you can’t pay, you give us your military assets.’

“So, people were like, ‘How insane is that?!’ and “Why would Pfizer want military assets?’ Well, that’s why. Because it’s not Pfizer, as the private pharmaceutical company. It’s Pfizer, as part of the US Government. The US Government wants those bases…

“They felt that they had enough enforcement power to force 100+ countries in the world to suspend their national legislation, because it also says that, ‘You cannot change your laws in the country to alter the liability issues, in regard to this contract.’

“So…a pharmaceutical company goes and dictates to all of these countries in the world, that they cannot practice their own legislative power. That’s not Pfizer. That’s the US Government!”

We saw similar levels of profound, systemic treason in the Konnech “voting software” (datamining) case, which revealed that the CCP and the Chinese military may already have the keys in their hands to the entire United States infrastructure, and to every moving part of our daily existence – with the support and the blessing of the US Military and the Federal Government.

As has long been evident for those with the eyes to see, the US Government and the US military do not represent or defend the People of the US, they do the bidding of the central bankers; the Globalists.

America was too big and too powerful to be invaded from without, so it had to be invaded from within. Other countries all over the world have been similarly captured from within and this is the horror that we are living today.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I think the USA is “Mystery Babylon” in the Bible.

    The AI running this comment section says this is a “duplicate comment”, yet I’ve never commented here, or said that before!

    • The duplicate comment issue occurs to me sometimes too.
      I think it’s just the browser or internet being temporary slow.
      It happens often when you hit “submit” and refresh the browser, because you thought the connection got stalled.

    • Perhaps the book on its own is a misrepresentation.
      The Babylon can be located anywhere just as you see shills everywhere in the world.

  • Karen is focusing on the AI HYBRID PARASITIC TECHNOLOGY and the patents. Chemtrails we breathe in food water vaxxines sensitize us as electromagnetic beings to radio frequencies. The shots gene edit god given dna to control w frequencies and its already happening to targeted individuals who are tortured shooters or anyone who hears voices hauntings etc are TESTS. No need for brain chip. Watch war neuroscientists dr james giordano speak at west point- they can control body mind torture kill. more info on this on yt a simulated reality or on yt lookoutfacharlie read comments of people who have become sensitized saying they r being tested on. BEAST SYSTEM.

  • This explains why large institutions such as hospitals, medical centers and universities have looked the other way. It explains maybe why the Deagle site lists a severe reduction of population for the US in a few years (I hope that it doesn’t come to fruition).

  • People must unite against any dictate from the government and the media. So, when some Tran decided to infest a school, he/she finds resistance on ALL FOCKING LEVELS from the doorman to the superintendent to the teachers to the students.

  • I wish they stop the cat fight and gaslighting.
    Maybe Karen didn’t talk to Sasha enough; however, Sasha is also doing the same thing there with Dr. Ruby gaslighting it.
    They are all smart and right about many things, yet they should also listen to each other and correct one another if they need to.
    I believe that if a person is not a controlled opposition, he or she should be able to also correct themselves (if any mistake) too.
    I expect better from them with a better cooperation in the future soon.
    They are fighting for the same cause, yes?

  • What does she suggest in order to get these criminals being held accountable?
    Oh yeah, politicians don’t know even till this day, even with so much money?
    And these shots are bioweapons by the definition that anybody that there actually should not be any protection given.
    I understand Karen was upset, but I don’t see anything so wrong with what she said.
    And Dr. Ruby, please provide the proof of criminals getting arrested or anything positive is happening.

  • Wow!! This was a fabulous interview and completely depressing. I went to the website recommended for the WHO and again massively depressing. I did hear about some people in the House of Representatives who want OUT of the WHO–good. Can’t be soon enough. Not that they won’t slither over to some other letter agency. I mean the WEF is apparently kind of a dud, but not dead. They just became too obvious, time to change venues. It’s easy for someone like myself to take responsibility for my own actions, but we have to think of people starting a life, needing a job, sending kids to school–that is where they will get us. During the pandemic lockdowns kids were out of school and that showed us how tricky it is to educate children. I ended up trying to educate my granddaughter, begging, bargaining, and pleading, etc. Taking responsibility is not enough. People will compromise over jobs, school, having a life.

    • Jay –

      “He cries out in pain as he strikes you.”

      I have compassion for people and families
      (and isolated people without families) who have been deceived and injured or killed by this crushing psyop/bioweapon/genocide.

      This attack on ordinary people, children, and families has been gamed out for years at many levels.

      Medical providers are ethically obligated to provide informed consent to their clients.

      • B, we were all born into this psychological warfare. The first lie your parents taught, was a man coming down the chimney. The first lie your clergy told you, there was a man born a virgin. The first lie your science teacher told you a man landed on the moon. The first lie a president told us, a man wanted to take over the world. We had plenty of time to wake up, hence September 11th, 2001, but Americans ceased the moment to be entertained.
        Everyday I witness man wanting to be entertained. Entertainment comes as a price to your soul & energy. It’s an addiction.
        I hear people complain about surveillance, while they are the ones who invite it into their lives. Look around you, do you carry a cell, do you have tracking devices on your vehicle, if yes, you consent.
        Medical providers took an oath to their medical degree, not us.
        Downfall of man is the very same throughout ancient history. Its going to be, what its going to be. Compassion I’ve had, but at 60 I’ve lost my patience with ignorance, ignorance is a choice as well. People want the easy way out, most always had.

        • People must unite against any dictate from the government and the media. So, when some Tran decided to infest a school, he/she finds resistance on ALL FOCKING LEVELS from the doorman to the superintendent to the teachers to the students.

  • Latypova:”“There are literally hundreds of suppliers all over the world and there’s this cross-shipping and no traceability – and the entire supply chain is owned by DoD, so they can insert, at any time whatever they want.”

    Quality control, of the most basic kind,
    IS TRACEABILITY…based on lot numbers,
    and process controls.

    Without Traceability there IS NO QUALITY CONTROL.

    • B
      The only “quality control” they are interested in, is “what strength ‘missile'” hit, “where” it hit, and “,how much damage was done”, in order to facilitate better killing in the future.

      Think of the world (as whoever is running this extermination campaign obviously does) as a house infested with mice. The mice don’t know about humans; they just have their little mice civilization with which they are more or less happy, and then a realtor comes along and sells the house to some (other species) being who wants to fix it up and rent it out. First thing the new owner has to do is get rid of all these damn mice (at least down to a level where they aren’t noticeable), so he sets out poison bait and other forms of extermination and takes note of which ones work best. THAT’S the only “quality control” going on.

      J describes the psyops we grow up with very well, but I have two quibbles:

      1. Everyone at every moment makes what seems to them the best choice, given what they have to work with AND NO ONE GETS TO CHOOSE WHAT THEY HAVE TO WORK WITH; the story is already written, we are just playing our parts, the idea that we have FREE WILL is comforting self-delusion . Thus “love (in other words, have compassion for) thy enemy”, and “they know not what they do “.

      2. It’s not the tracking and surveillance that are the problem (the Stasi were good at that without the benefit of everyone carrying around a wiretap in their pocket), it’s how the information thus obtained gets used. MILLIONS of electronic payments are made every day but we can’t seem to have an election without a flustercluck. Are we going to use our ability to control and track payments to end sex-trafficking and kiddie porn or are “we” going to use it to stifle dissent.

      With the electronics we have had for DECADES we could have:

      Direct democracy

      All taxation replaced by a flat tax on WEALTH
      (which could fund weekly compensation for the government’s TAKING of every legal resident’s right of access to land – to support their right to life – ending poverty and homelessness)

      1000 years of peace.

      We just have to get everyone together in ONE political party based on CONSENSUS.
      Piece of cake.

  • The difficulty is due to unregenerate minds trying to understand spiritual minds (both good and evil) and it doesn’t work very well.

    I understand Kingston’s frustration and I share in it, not only over this issue but also over corporate controlled elections. Where are the nations Secretaries of States, Attorneys General and other prosecutors? Nowhere to be found on these issues! Except maybe in Florida, but they are only now belatedly getting started.

    It all gets back to them as owns the gold makes the rules. There is nothing new under the sun, what has happened before will happen again.

    In this present case we have two malignant banking systems, the Rothschild central banking system and the Vatican bank, reportedly somehow recently under Rothschild management. We have been made to forget history, so it’s helpful if we look at a bit of it.

    The US Federal Reserve is a fundamentally a Rothschild operation located in NYC (Babylon on the Hudson) and a major part of its operation is as a corporate contractor for collecting Federal taxes and regulating the money supply which are rightly functions of the Federal Gov, but Americans haven’t cared about its being turned over to this private corporation. It has been historically the progeny of the Rothschild City of London central bank. The third central bank is the unregulated Vatican central bank originally a creature of the Italian Medici family of Florence who controlled the Papacy at least in the 16th century that I know of. The name apparently traces to “medicine” and I wonder if it had anything to do with drug trafficking for it is no secret family names often derived from their occupations.

    Such Popes as Leo X were Medici family members and responsible for genecidal crusades against non-Papal Christians which these Popes tattooed as “heretics”. Other Medici family members were placed in the Papacy as well with equally deadly consequences for dissenters.

    This background is useful because we have witnessed strange things reportedly happening in the Vatican for decades. The most recent was the resignation of Pope Benedict under strange things going on at the Vatican bank, and the rise of a Jesuit Pope, who confessed he is a communist according to at least one RCC priest. Traditional Catholics are fuming over his wholesale departure from Catholic family traditions to put it politely.

    It is self evident that such corporations as Black Rock for instance are contracted with the USG to perform governmental services and in that sense it’s reasonable to consider such arrangements as “government”. This is what is meant by privatizing government to which too few ever objected because it seemed to be a reasonable remedy for reducing the size of government. It never dawned on us that it also meant loss of control.

    This incestial relationship got underway in WWII and it proved to be successful against tyranny abroad, but then Truman not being the brightest bulb in the pack permitted it to continue and the US State Dept and George Marshall threw Chang under the bus and saved mass murderer Mao and his commie plan for man.

    The CCP plan has been tested and proven in China and readied for world wide application, not by China, but by the EU order that is looking increasingly like the Fourth Reich.

    • JD, there cannot be a “Fourth Reich” when the Third Reich still exist. What do you think “Occupation” of a Nation means….Therefore Germany’s Land Boundry’s & Constitution prior to the take over in 1945, still exist, which is a major problem for those who stole the Germans homeland that was theirs for over 700 years.

  • 4 trillion dollars for flue where 99.97% of the time most people will recover from it ? That is abuse of power, and embezzlement of public funds. Imagine a helicopter manufacturing company goes to Trump and say: the handicaps are unable to get around, and sometimes cars run over them with their wheel chairs. We must issue all of them helicopters, and demand that every store must have a helipad for them. A year later, there are more killing from helicopters collisions, and crashes. Reporters calls these inusual death rises as SH’T HAPPENS.

  • Alexandra,

    Feminism is C O M M U N I S M is
    the Davos folks’ political/cultural
    endgame !

    It’s all connected to an expression
    of our REPTILIAN brain’s lust for
    P O W E R and C O N T R O L—
    mostly a FEMALE thing in both
    women and “men” ( Bill Clinton
    and Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden
    and all the rest of Libertine Liberal
    Leftists are right-hemisphere
    EMOTIONAL in relating to the
    world; study :
    “My Organic Psychology”
    “The Donahue Syndrome
    for an in-depth explanation.

    Davos attendees are serial killers
    of humanity—via lust POWER and
    CONTROL, which lust stems from
    a PSYCHOTIC sexual obsession
    with the phenomenon of
    O R G A S M :

    “ According to the Daily Mail, the courtroom heard about Groves’ obsession with Fitzgerald’s ‘performance in the bedroom,’ which involved bondage, dominance, submission, and masochism. Her friend testified that Groves ‘watched enough murder documentaries’ to understand that burying the body ‘in the back garden’ wouldn’t work.”

    -above story — about a woman obsessed with serial killers ( this analyst explains the phenomenon in my psychology reports about our FEMALE/Reptilian track in the brain—study “My Organic Psychology ) — is what I call, “The Eve Syndrome” (( writ large ! ));
    and please watch/study :
    “Buffy, The Vampire Slayer” TV series,
    which starkly presents that syndrome in Buffy :


    • Alexandra,

      Post this version, as its errors
      are corrected—if you decide to
      publish :


      Re: Root Cause of Davos Meeting and Our Steep Decline

      Feminism is C O M M U N I S M is
      the Davos folks’ political/cultural/
      financial endgame !

      It’s all connected to an expression
      of our REPTILIAN brain’s lust for
      P O W E R and C O N T R O L—
      mostly a FEMALE thing in both
      women and “men” ( Bill Clinton
      and Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden
      and all the rest of Libertine Liberal
      Leftists are right-hemisphere
      EMOTIONAL in relating to the
      world ); and study :
      “My Organic Psychology”
      “The Donahue Syndrome”
      for an in-depth explanation.

      Davos attendees are serial killers
      of humanity—via lust for POWER /
      CONTROL, which lust stems from
      a PSYCHOTIC sexual obsession
      with the phenomenon of an
      O R G A S M :

      “ According to the Daily Mail, the courtroom heard about Groves’ obsession with Fitzgerald’s ‘performance in the bedroom,’ which involved bondage, dominance, submission, and masochism. Her friend testified that Groves ‘watched enough murder documentaries’ to understand that burying the body ‘in the back garden’ wouldn’t work.”

      -above story — about a woman obsessed with serial killers ( this analyst explains the phenomenon in my psychology reports about our FEMALE/Reptilian track in the brain—study “My Organic Psychology ) — is what I call, “The Eve Syndrome” (( writ large ! ));
      and please watch/study :
      “Buffy, The Vampire Slayer” TV series,
      which starkly presents that syndrome in Buffy :


  • I have been awake (not “woke”) since two thousand nine and during these past fourteen years my time spent down in the rabbithole have convinced me that America was founded SPECIFICALLY for what is about to happen next. America IS the biblical “Mystery Babylon” – no question. We used to lead the world in education and healthcare but now we lead in pornography and abortion. We export our vile and evil culture across the globe and corrupt others. We are following in the path of ancient Israel and just like them, we WILL be destroyed when GOD pulls his hedge of protection…..

    • If you have followed the conspiracy path, you may also question about Bible.
      What if Bible was made to brainwash?
      It’s just that I’ve come to a different path than yours after being in rabbit hole for decades (however the change did not worsen my behavior as far as I’m aware of).

      • The Bible is a record of Migration patterns of Aryans versus the Semite Arabs. It is a record of wars from the past two ages, which equal 2,160 years each age, & that are still being played out today. The Persia Empire, the Homeland of Aryan Iran, has suffered deeply by “Mohammedism” Muslim invasion’s.
        This is why the Shah, Reza Shah Pahlavi was “Neutral” during WW2 and was Trading with Germany as high as 50%. He managed to ship thousands of old/ancient Persian/Iranian books to Germany before the Soviets & England invaded Iran August 25th, 1941 and took over the oil fields.
        Ask yourself why is it so dangerous for Slavik & European people to know their Roots….Ask yourself who murdered millions of Russian’s from 1917 forward, why were they a target. Hint, They shared the same symbol on their money and passports prior to 1917 that was on Germany’s flag in 1933.

        • Okay, Jay, I’m on the edge of my seat:
          who DID murder millions of Russian’s from 1917 forward, and also shared the same symbol on their money and passports prior to 1917 that was on Germany’s flag in 1933? ( If you could post a link to images of their money and passports, that would be helpful.)

          • Alan, this is for the symbolism question,
            in the event the link doesn’t work:
            Robert Sepehr, Atlantean Gardens, website
            Title: Iran of the Ancient Aryans
            Is just one of many video’s Robert shows the connection between European & Slavik people & the Swastika symbol.

  • I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist for over 3 years now. Even by my family. This stuff is all so bizarre it’s hard for anyone to comprehend

    • A conspiracy is a secret plan by a group to do something harmful or unlawful. A theory is a logical connection of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct. The CIA twisted the meaning to stop any further investigation into the killing of JFK.

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