What did he know… and when did he know it??
(The music is priceless!)
Category - 9/11 & False Flags
by Greg Reese The solar eclipse on April 8th is becoming a major event. The National Guard is being deployed and the people are being advised to have two weeks of food...
by Ortodox Info The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion...
9/11 Was Orchestrated by the Highest Levels of the US Government Ted Gunderson speaking at a 9/11 conference in May of 2004. by The Depop Agenda THE GREATEST COVERUPS:...
Former MMA fighter and ex-computer science student “Steven Jackson” of JWTV reports on the strange April 8th Solar Eclipse emergency situation. A sheriff...
This is the follow-up to Kerry Cassidy’s bombshell report from the late Colonel Donn de Grand Pré, who’d claimed that it was the White Hats who launched the...
We haven’t heard from Dr Steve Pieczenik in quite a while – and now, he’s just come out, guns blasting and saying some pretty intense things, especially...
More 9/11 truth is coming out, on the heels of @SpookdBlog‘s recent Telegram posts. A secretive whistleblower has just released some information to Kerry Cassidy...
Retired CIA case officer, @SpookedBlog on his Telegram channel recently posted this leaked helicopter video of a missile striking the Pentagon on 9/11 with personal...
Bill Kristol is the Co-Founder of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) think tank, along with Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan. As Greg Reese...