This is an exceptional Alex Jones broadcast, featuring top investigative journalist, Steve Kirsch, who is extremely animated as he breaks down the implications of the...
Category - Science
Gravity Is a Lie, Light Speed Is Slow, Nothing Is Real, the Universe Is Electric
Clif High has said that, once this war is over, it will take a century for us to dig out of the disinformation that has been deployed against us our whole lives...
Dr David Martin joined Alec Zeck of The Way Forward podcast about the fundamental misconceptions that have been built into our sciences and how these have now been...
Why Woo is Clif High’s Theory of Everything (TOE) and it is a magnificent monument to his thoughts.
by Bill Gates Is EVIL Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole and The Highwire Host Del BigTree examine freshly drawn blood under a microscope after it is exposed to different COVID...
Clif High’s data processing predicts that whatever emotional tension and release language that is occurring in the aftermath of the stolen Midterm Elections will...
“The Science” tested positive for COVID on Wednesday, despite being double-jabbed and triple-boosted. He should take 20 more jabs or more, until his symptoms...
MIND BLOWN! Gain of Function on Pox Viruses Confirmed
Amid this new monkeypox scaremongering, Amazing Polly set her sights on the late Dr Mark Buller, who was the US’ foremost orthopoxvirus researcher and who, with...
New Zealand Scientists also Find Microcircuitry and Nanotech in Shots
Dr Matt Shelton is a physician in Wellington, New Zealand with university studies in mathematics and physics and extensive experience with phase contrast microscopy. He...
German Chemist Dr Andreas Noack Was Arrested by an Armed Police Unit During YouTube Live Stream
On November 18, 2020, well-known German chemist and a top graphene expert in the EU, Dr Andreas Noack was arrested by an armed police unit in the middle of his YouTube...