Dr Matt Shelton is a physician in Wellington, New Zealand with university studies in mathematics and physics and extensive experience with phase contrast microscopy.
He tells Sue Grey the dark field microscopy images which he has taken of the Pfizer Comirnaty® vaxxine currently being deployed in New Zealand.
Dr Shelton explains, “People who were injured by the Pfizer jab started showing up in my practice. At this time in 2021, I didn’t have a microscope.
“Several doctors had come forward in other countries to report strange observations. Dr Zandré Botha from South Africa showed the uniform strange round circles. La Quinta Columna showed what appeared to be microchips and other formations. Two other doctors talked about parasites and of all things, hydras!
“This is not my first rodeo. Having previously experienced how those of us that critically look at the vaccine situation are heavily infiltrated by persons wishing to divert and control the narrative, I thought, “What is real?”, “What is put forth in order to lead questioners to look like fools?”
“Because of my previous extensive microscopy experience, learning to use a dark field microscope didn’t take a huge amount of education. I took a 12 week course on live blood analysis using the most sophisticated dark field microscope and camera, that my money could buy. It magnifies up to 4000x.
“After having a close look at the blood of dozens of vaccine injured people, patients started asking me about certain round and square bright yellow formations in their capillary blood as seen on the screen.
“Nothing in the textbooks identified such things, and various people doing similar work, suggested that they might be crystals or some sort of slide or cover slip anomaly. At first, I just told the patients that it wasn’t important – possibly uric acid or something like that.
“Then several ’empty’ vials of Pfizer Comirnaty® vaccine were obtained. I trust the source of the shots 100%. The vials were from recent leftover vaccine after the shots had been given.
“On a Friday in December, alone in my office, I took the vials out, thawed, and examined them. I drew up all the contents (just a few drops in each one) from each vial into a 3cc syringe with a 16G needle and put one drop of it on a slide with a cover slip, and another slide with a drop of vaccine mixed with a drop of human blood and put a cover slip on it.
“The images that follow are from the different slides and were taken immediately after the slides were made.
“The amount of activity in the liquid and the strange shapes were baffling to say the least.
“On the same hot day, I had to travel from my office to another office some distance away. The slides were packed up in plastic slide mailers and placed in a cardboard box in the car alongside the microscope. It had been a long week, and the ocean looked enticing, so I parked the car with the windows cracked about two inches, went for a 40-minute walk, then continued my drive.
At my destination, the microscope was set up and I had another look at the slides. I don’t scare easily but what I saw next gave me a bit of a chill.
“Then an enormous formation appeared right under my nose and I grabbed some pictures. At this point, my software was not matching up well with my mac computer so the phone video was the only option.
“The straight lines and corners were lined with squares, rectangles, and circles
“Wanting better graphics, I purchased a gaming PC laptop. The software was then useable and I could take future images from the video program attached to the camera, for better definition.
“If this was to be believed by anyone, it had to be repeated and understood better.
“In the days that followed I contemplated how the formation happened. Was it a function of time? Of the vibration in the car? Heat? Cell towers along the way? It could have been any of those, so I took some more of the liquid and plated out some more slides, put them in multiple slide carriers, drove them all around the city near cell towers for two hours, and then came back.
I did get some additional interesting images but nothing like the first one.
“A few weeks later, I got hold of some more vaccine from the same source. This time there were lot numbers and four vials. I plated them out separately and also mixed some of the old liquid with the new. The new liquid had far more circles than the first lot, and had fewer squares.
“Interesting that on the second day when I came back and re-looked, the structures had shifted off their foundations. This may have been from handling the slides but it shows that the formations are “things” and not shadows or dehydration.
“After some more attempts, interesting activity and organization occurred, but no dramatic new images were made.
I plated out another batch on the 16th of January. Then I took them out in the car into the city on a hot day and left them in the car with the windows down. It was around 28°C outdoors, and the car got to around 40°C max. When I got home, this image was on the slide with a whole lot more. The experiment was successfully repeated.
“It is not for me to make assumptions on what these elements are, but I don’t think this is a normal finding in old style non-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. The organization that occurred does not appear to be simply organic, or debris, or artifact, and it is not simply dehydration of the slide.
“It is highly self-organized and appears to be part of the design of the liquid.
“For so many months I had pondered why this infection was so severe and important, that the vaccine has to be given to every human on the planet several times – even if one has recovered from Covid. This is unprecedented in vaccine history.
“Anyone with a dark field microscope can do this same thing.
“Why aren’t more people looking at the vaccine under a microscope? Why hasn’t the public been informed of the full ingredients of the only FDA approved vaccine for Covid?
“The following images are from the slide which had one drop of fresh human blood mixed with one drop of vaccine liquid. When the liquid met up to the blood, the white blood cells were annihilated, and the red blood cells heavily damaged.
“While concentrating on getting as good a focus as possible, I didn’t think too much of what I captured. But when I later looked closer, it was obviously an image of some sort of nano-tech chips linked by ‘cords’. The cords may be made in part from fibrin. But what is certain is that when mixed with human blood, different things than just ‘vaccine alone’, happen on the slide…
“I have nothing else to say. The pictures speak for themselves.
“This research should be continued by other laboratories.
“Get some high quality German slides and cover slips. Place a drop of vaccine from a used vial or a fresh vial. Observe the activity at lower magnification and also at 1600 to 4000x using dark field microscopy. Get a dry incubator for the fresh slides and set it at different temperatures ranging from 38-42 for at least an hour. Observe again. If nothing interesting occurred, try putting it back in the incubator. Follow up the second day. Do the same with a drop of blood and a drop of vaccine. Combine different vaccine lots and use one drop of the combined vaccines on each slide.
“Use PPE and vent the space so you are not breathing the liquid (a laminar flow hood would be ideal) and wear gloves.”
Just proves that Dr. Carrie Madej was correct in her warnings and the fact she attended a few of these secret hideaway meetings. Yes people she’s proof that this isn’t a psyfy nightmare. They really want to turn us into cyborgs connect us to the internet with 5g like the Matrix. They want to control our minds via vaccines. Yes, I know it sounds crazy but if you dig on microbiology you’ll see it’s possible.
I wonder if the two brothers who conceived and directed ‘The Matrix’ were both mind-controlled by the Deep State into becoming trans women.
How many more findings do sheep need?
In the UK there was a rush to complete the 5G infrastructure. Installation happening everywhere, in a haphazard way even, digging up the same stretch of road several times. It seemed rushed to me, as if their schedule had been interrupted. Shortly followed by the pandemic, it’s very suspicious.
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I have also heard that after you get jabbed, you start to give off radio frequency. Don’t what frequency. But that is after the magnets no longer stick to you.
From a UK perspective I m a bit worried in the last few weeks because the monsters have backed off with the death jab. I ve always felt that the nanotech is 5 G related. I believe our politicians and other conspirators are at present playing for time till April , when these nanotech machines become activated . The so called covid disease is directly related to the presence of 5 G towers in terms of deaths and serious adverse reactions…..but it’s not started properly yet as the 5G data centres and infra structure are not quite ready yet.
There may be a mass kill event with radio frequency in April. The full horrors await us. Our politicians are playing for time . I could never vote for ANY UK political party ever again.
Motorola know , It may be a case of temporarily turning off our phones and routers or at the other extreme turning of the power to the whole network wireless system. This tech activation…..mostly unactivated at the moment ,can be activated by walking past any wireless signal so even turning off your phone and router could be useless as passing or driving near a radio mast is all it needs. Theres at least three types of deathjabs…..saline ,.nano computer hydra,and deathjab final ,designed to blow your immune system away.