This is an exceptional Alex Jones broadcast, featuring top investigative journalist, Steve Kirsch, who is extremely animated as he breaks down the implications of the findings of the high-level New Zealand administrator/data scientist, who oversaw the entire government database, who went public with the proof that between 17-24% of people that took the Pfizer/Moderna shots were dead within one year.
Steve Kirsch says he believes this is a watershed moment and that other government officials around the world who are privy to similar information may also be encouraged to come forward. He mentions that this process is already underway in the Philippines.
Alex is then joined by Harrison Smith and Ashton Forbes, who go over all of the latest data that lead to the conclusion that major US defense contractors have corruptly financed secret technologies using public funds for their own personal gain and that the 2014 disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370 may relate to a test of an experimental US Navy teleportation technology.
Then, Jay Dyer does a great segment on the predictive programming of an emerging Crowleyian, Satanic dystopia embedded in our pop culture, leading us to a One World
“The spirituality that the United Nations adopted is this spirituality that is an attempt at blending all of the religions into a new collectivism, where abortion is elevated into a sacrament.
This truly is a high-energy, highly-informative broadcast!
Glad to see that you are hanging in there, Alexandra. Keep up the good work.
Curiously this video stopped playing just under 27 minutes like another one a day or so ago.
I rebooted got back in where it left off and am viewing it with relish. AJ is proving what a great story c an be made of this New Zealand report in the hands of a skilled communicator who understands where and how to put emphasis.