The latest video by Greg Reese.
As most of us had feared, the lockdowns are coming back. Federal officials from the TSA and from the US Border Patrol have contacted InfoWars and revealed that the Biden administration is now setting the stage for full COVID lockdowns.
The whistleblowers told us that they will begin in mid-September with incremental restrictions, such as masking TSA employees and then, masking other government employees and then, masking non-government workers and then, masking everyone.
Fires and floods are everywhere and our billionaire ruling class are now being very open about their plans to lock us all down again, in order to “save humanity”.
The mask mandates are coming back. The lockdowns are returning. Will you comply or will you stand together against this decrepit old tyranny that seeks to rule over us all?
Now is the time to make that decision.
I actually want them to. I want it to happen cuz when it does. FINALLY America will have her BLOOD she thrives for.
Just ignore these criminals do not comply, it’s all total bs !!
Depopulation 2025
FREEMASONRY is the Luciferian religion of the “Elites”. The Freemasons made I Pet Goat II to tell us what their plans are.
I Pet Goat II gives us clues about dates.
*I Pet Goat II*
Freemasonic/Liciferian Predictive Programming showing what’s coming FAST
FALSE FLAG attack against NYC USA on an annular eclipse shown at 2:17 – 2:34
Blamed on Islam (just like 9.1.1)
When is the annular eclipse?
OCTOBER 14, 2023
FRIDAY OCTOBER 13? FINANCIAL COLLAPSE (Historical date of Knights Templar Massacre)
– likely A NUKE/Tidal Wave
New York Nuclear PSA tells citizens what to do in case of an attack
~1 year ago
A 100 ft high NYC Tsunami (back of $10 & $100 bill)? ~14 years ago
The USA will respond by bombing the Al Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mound (Israel) using TR3B Bombers, starting a Jihad (WWIII). (@3:05 – 3:13) Exactly as FREEMASON Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, ALBERT PIKE predicted in his 1871 letter to Giuseppe Mazzini.
Albert Pike 3 world wars letter
The dollar/economic collapse (@1:59 -2:07) & WWIII go hand in hand. See the egghead boy’s EYES! (@3:03 – 3:05)
Taking out NYC/Stock Exchange will have a great impact on the financial system & Value of the Dollar.
(3:13 – 3:47 shows Africa, Russia and China taken down by Luciferian Cabal, making way for NWO government rule over the planet.)
After Al Aqsa Mosque is destroyed, The Jews will begin construction on THE THIRD TEMPLE on Temple Mound, in preparation for their Moshisac (aka Antichrist).
The next Total solar eclipse to visit North America will be April 8, 2024. This eclipse path will complete an X on the United States when compared to the last eclipse path… very close to New Madrid Fault!
The 2024 TOTAL eclipse would be a warning to us.. a harbinger of bad juju before the coming 2024 NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE (affecting the Mississippi River)
*There will be NO 2024 Elections in my view.*
The earthquakes decimate the USA… no power & impassible roads. Clean water & food will become SCARCE very quickly.
Then the Pandemic 2.0 (referenced by BILL GATES) starts, with a weaponized smallpox or Ebola type virus that kills within 12-24 hours (starts in FL?). 60+% of the population has crippled their immune systems with the CV JAB.
Martial Law after Lawlessness.
The UN will arrive to “help” bringing food, water, medicine, and collect dead bodies curbside in body bags house to house (using garbage routes) to burn in mass graves.
“We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America”
(The J e W, December, 1925, Zinobit)
Some time later comes Biblical Tribulation.. under Noahide Laws.
Fall 2023 Salt Lake City?
Summer/Fall 2024 NEW MADRID Rupture that splits USA into 2 -EAST & WEST (See Edgar Cayce map & 1980s US Navy Map)
See Christian Psychic Edgar Cayce Map:
Another link – Edgar Cayce–21744010692649756/
See 1980s US NAVY MAP
US Navy map with nuclear reactors (government contractor) posted in 2015 that by 2025 they expect a population DECREASE from 327 million to 100 million – that’s 227 MILLION DEAD before 2025. ALL of the western countries had the same prediction of massive depopulation.
We have been Warned:
What did she say??
God Help us through it
Without the chinese new year holiday pandemic delivery system in place this time those variants will just have to spread themselves , except the US which is primed through the border migrunt continuous wave . So not as big a pandemic as planned to get us all craving shots to flatten the curve and save granny who has probably passed on already from the 5-6 shots plus the weekly tests . If they come for you this time I recommend you shoot first and aim for the head don’t forget to wear the mask so you can get away safely and effectively. I can’t wait to see what the lizards have planned to get rid of us with next . What an exciting time to be alive if only for a little while longer . This is the terminal phase of their shock and awe plan to plant most of you MFers but king kong ain’t got shit on me.
Was this a piece created just to get people to click on the links so their sponsors can be satisfied ?? I mean, no where in this 5 minute narrative is any reason given for the supposed lockdowns….if the gov were to start these up again, the “whistle blowers” would have also explained why they would be coming back. Instead, the fires are mentioned and floods…..hmmmmm more BS comin at ya.
Alexandra, I received the following from Karen Kingston this morning:
August 20, 2023: My sincere and deeply heartfelt apologies to those who I’ve caused worry and distress due to my long-term silence and absence. Without going into details, the expression “truth is stranger than fiction” accurately describes the last 30 days of my life. I can state with the utmost confidence that I am currently safe from harm because of the power of your prayers and God’s good grace.
Karen Kingston
“COVID-19” (whatever that is) Maskholes and Lockdowns again? Good luck with that, Crooked Joe Biden… I didn’t participate the first time and I’ve never experienced “COVID-19”!
If Trump is to have a chance at winning the Presidency again, WE ALL MUST RESIST “COVID-19” non-functional MASKING AND COMMUNISTIC THIRD-WORLD LOCKDOWNS!
If I can do it, anyone can. REVOLT!
No more masks it breaks down immune in the body
I’d say they will run into a whole lot more resistance this time around.
I don’t know about that…Americans are so dumb down and complacent…government employees are nothing but slaves… I wish it so but I don’t see the silver lining…
Nothing that a couple of tours in a Texas prison can’t fix. It worked for me.
I’ve never had “COVID-19” and had to Google what the Flu was.