The 16-Year Plan to Destroy America
1. Install Rogue Operators
2. Leak Classified Intel
3. Weaken US Military
4. Reveal NSA Programs
5. Open Border
6. Dismantle Space Programs
7. Iran & North Korea: Fund/Supply
“Their plan was eight years of Obama, eight years of Hillary and the United States would no longer be a democracy. It would be a Socialist country run by a group of elites and that’s essentially what they’re trying to do right now.” – General Mike Flynn
So, what are we supposed to do, Trust in Trump, or kick off the Revolution ourselves?
Trump bought us four years despite constant attacks, but I can’t do this all by myself.
Apathy is as much a terminal disease as is Liberalism.
Don’t worry about it. At every moment, everyone makes what looks to THEM to be the best decision, given what they have to work with (and, in case you heard otherwise, NO ONE CHOOSES ANY PART OF WHAT THEY ARE GIVEN TO WORK WITH).
So, if whoever wrote this little drama needs to send a whale to swallow you (or us) up in order to get you/us off our duffs, THAT’S WHAT’S COMING.
or not.