In the wake of the Lahaina fire, eyewitnesses posted videos online of flash-carbonized bodies, like the cat that was found standing up, the perfectly-sculpted dog and the bodies of the people found on Front Street.

Hawaiian health advocate, Michelle Melendez of StandTogetherHawaii is joined by Arrow Tree Branch (a pseudonym), who has just spent 2 weeks in Maui and he brings with him an amazing artifact that he says he sifted out of the ashes where there was melted aluminum 20 feet away: a toad that was flash-carbonized in mid-leap, which he suspects was likely done by the Directed Energy Weapons that were deployed against innocent civilians going about their day on August 8th, 2023.

Since there is an active cover-up of the Lahaina crime scene, this specimen could be valuable for a forensic investigation of what actually happened to this toad, to see if there are any characteristics in the toad’s cell structures, etc that can be confirmed to be a result of microwave and/or other radiation, as it is highly unlikely that even a very hot fire would have resulted in the strange, petrified bodies that were seen in Lahaina after the fire.

The two call on any qualified scientists to help them do a professional investigation and analysis of this fossilized amphibian.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Go to and contact Mike Adams of the Health Ranger Report channel and see if he can analyze the toad. He’s got his own lab & testing equipment.

  • The Sabbateans (or Sabbatians) were Jewish followers, disciples, and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676), a Sephardic Jewish rabbi and Kabbalist living in the Ottoman Empire, named Sabbatai Zevi, who by the time he was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1666 by Nathan of Gaza, had 2/3 of all Jews alive at the time, following him. This was an enormous following, and one wonders why there have been no Hollywood movies made on this history.

    Vast numbers of Jews in the Jewish diaspora accepted his claims, even after he outwardly became an apostate due to his forced conversion (convert or die) to Islam in the same year. Sabbatai Zevi’s followers, both during his messiahship and after his forced conversion to Islam, are known as Sabbateans. Segments of the Sabbatean movement lived on into the present 21st-century. In Turkey, the descendants are known as the Dönmeh. The Donmeh were responsible for the slaughter of Armenian Christians in the Armenian Genocide.

    ” I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7

    Sabbateanism re-emerged as Sabbatean-Frankism, after a Sabbatean, named Jacob Frank (1726-1791) , claimed he was the messiah, and the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi.
    Frank claimed that “all laws and teachings will fall” and asserted that the most important obligation of every person was the transgression of every boundary, he believed in “redemption through sin”. Sabbatean-Frankists participated in wife-swapping, incest, orgies, and every degrading human behavior one might conjure, in order to force the hand of their god… (sounds psychopathic, doesn’t it?)
    This cult is very much still active albeit under cover, shhhhhh! and has grown in power over time. They have no conscience regarding their behaviors, the means justifies the ends, it is the goal of complete world domination that matters. So you see using lazors to burn life alive is no big deal…it was a trial run.
    The following is an excellent historical account of Sabbatean-Franksism, in case anyone is interested.

    (perhaps you could post info on all the Euro- mid-wives and men too, who simply refused to convert or were protecting their knowledge of healing herbs , and were literally burned alive via the Maleus Malforcorum during the burning times, by followers of Judaic religions, for upcoming Celtic Samhain

  • Harassment of Maui rock toads is illegal and handling them hallucinogenic toads is also illegal now you all is just tripping .

  • People to test the Lahaina carbonzied toad I would say Dr. malone, Dr. Arids and Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD.
    Dr. Milalcea has been analyzing the Covid shot.

  • Someone erased my comments about questions about the missing children. Why haven’t there been parents or parent been interviewed??? Why haven’t there been posters or pictures of the so called missing children on tv, media??? Why haven’t the parents been looking for their children or child??? Why have no parent come forward to demand where is their child or children??? Are there any children missing at all??? Have we been lied to again?something is very fishy here and I don’t like it one bit. Seems the people of the island are more concern about their land being taken from them than the children who supposedly have disappeared, if any. Something not right here. I have alot of questions. I’ll ask again are there any children missing at all? If they are, why haven’t the parents of these children have not been interviewed or questioned? Where are the photos, pictures? (Not fake ones by the way) something very strange is going on there. Why aren’t the parents demanding about their children. We are not being told the truth here. Something else is going on, what is it?

  • Her prayer, oh my goodness!

    Anyway, borrowing from a 1970s song, I am commenting to
    re-Mind every One with
    Heart and Mind that
    We are not entirely devoid of Power:
    He (She) is now to be among
    You at the calling of Your Hearts
    Rest assured this Troubadour is acting on
    His (Her) part
    The Union of
    Your Spirits, here, has caused Him (Her) to remain
    For whenever
    Two or More of
    You are gathered in His (Her) name
    As it was in the Beginning is now and until the End
    Woman draws Her Life from
    Man and gives it back again
    Where it is
    Love that brings
    You here and
    Love that brings
    You Life
    Unity in Light Love & Peace, People.

    ~ and
    Thank You

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