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As the perversion of US law known as the “impeachment inquiry” winds up its second week, one might ask what this bizarre circus is all about?

Who does the National Security Council staff member, Alexander Vindman and the so-called “whistleblower” really represent, to say nothing of Adam Schiff and the House Democrats? Hint: It’s not the American people.

As former CIA head of Diplomatic Security at the State Department, Kevin Shipp says here, “A man is known by his enemies. Donald Trump is being attacked from every side by the Deep State and the Shadow Government, which is a clear indication that they’re terrified of him, they hate him. And a clear indication that he’s the first president since JFK that has stood up squarely against the Shadow Government and the Deep State and that’s why they’re his enemy.”

The Deep State is everyone’s enemy and it’s important to know one’s enemy. The term “Deep State” is being thrown around a lot and most people don’t know what it means, let alone believe it exists.

Some think it’s the Military Industrial Complex and the world’s largest corporations. Others think it refers to a permanent bureaucratic class and the endemic corruption that can arise from that. All of these are parts of it but the Deep State is less about any institution than it is a parasitic invasion that turns the host into its agent.

The Deep State is a transnational infiltration of governments, corporations and universities by a hierarchical cabal of controlled agents of influence. It is a criminal racketeering operation of a mind-boggling, global scale. We may also refer to it as the “Globalists”, the “New World Order” or the “Cabal”.

All of the major bank- and corporate CEOs and other agents of influence in the government, in academe and in the arts are controlled and co-opted by the Globalists. This affects which projects or corporations do and don’t get financed; whose voices get heard, what books become Bestsellers, what Hollywood films get made, what healthcare and education programs become standard, what fuel is used, what technologies get suppressed, what infrastructure is built and how every nook and cranny of consequence in the whole world is controlled.

Top agents are selected and controlled via blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein is a window into how they’re controlled and kept in line, as is described perfectly in this video by Mark Anthony Taylor, who is single-handedly litigating against the Globalist bankers’ manipulation of the precious metals markets.

It’s not just bankers and CEOs who are controlled by the Globalists, it’s all of the high-profile artists, actors, musicians and journalists. They are agents of controlled influence, manufactured and elevated to control the narrative, to control the culture and distract the masses.

As Tiffany FitzHenry explains, “Politics is downstream from culture. In order to influence politics, people who know what they’re doing start with culture…By influencing culture, you influence the world.”

The entertainment business, like the rest of the Mainstream Media is controlled by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, via the major talent agencies and assets (talent). Ever notice how actors and pop stars all have to become spokespeople for Globalist causes, like Climate Change?

This system was initially put in place in the first decade of the 20th century by the British Empire, with the foundation of MI5, MI6 and the FBI.

The original staffing of these agencies were the newspaper men of the day. In other words, the mainstream media was the driver of the intelligence agencies, as is explained here (the CIA was then founded later in 1947).

When extra narrative control is needed, you call in the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL’s Silicon Valley Anti-Cyberhate Working Group includes representatives from all the tech giants. ADL is the main contractor in YouTube’s Trusted Flagger program and ADL’s hate specs are programmed into Google-YouTube’s machine learning algorithms.

Dr. John Coleman mentioned ADL several times in his 1991 book, The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 and you may be surprised by what he said:

“The Anti-Defamation League is an outright British intelligence operation run by all three branches of British intelligence, that is, MI6 and the JIO…Let nobody underestimate the power of the ADL, nor its long reach…The ADL has an open door to the State Department and makes good use of State’s impressive intelligence agency…

“The ADL is a British intelligence operation founded in the US by MI6 and run by Saul Steinberg and Eric Trist of Tavistock. Saul Steinberg is the US representative and business partner of the Jacob de Rothschild family of London…[ADL is] a joint FBI-British intelligence operation designed to single out right wing groups and their leaders and put them out of business before they grow too large and too influential.”

The top leaders of the Cabal are not public. People like the Rothschilds and George Soros make up their managerial class.

The people at the very top of the Cabal control the central banking system. They only care about doing whatever it takes to maintain their control over the right to issue money. Any political ideology that can be harnessed in service of that is fine by them.

In the past, Capitalism has worked for the Cabal but as we move into a completely digitized world with digital currencies, it’s apparently been determined that an Authoritarian, Socialist system will work better for them.

There is also a spiritual component to this, that is ultimately the cause of all this.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I wish the main motive and intent was mentioned in this good article.

    As always, the motivator and intent is to secure all of the wealth the Earth has available.

    Government systematically “took it all” over time. Little bit by little bit more each and every year to where they now “collectively” own it all. The people are treated as mere productivity units to be drained and managed as they are masterfully entertained into delusion and illusion.

    Have you ever noticed how strong and pervasive the control is where in thousands of articles each year that we see, NO ONE mentions the collective takeover of the wealth factor. You can do that on the City, County, State, or Federal level but not a peep of the #1 motive and intent greater than all of the rest combined of the players involved.

    There is no accident that most of us have been trained by omission not to focus on or mention this overwhelming factor. We are trained not to mention: Due to the money, wealth, and control involved. Over the last century great effort has been expended by the controllers to maintain that omission or intentional vacuum in our cognitive thinking. Now on the other hand the controllers love to mention some created liability or one-sided presentation of a promoted debt. They would like you to believe there is only one side of a coin, liability and debt. The other side of the coin, investment wealth and total income, never a mention to you so void maintained and business as usual continues for our: For Profit, massive takeover machine that we know as our Government. Or a more appropriate showing of that word gOVERnMEN

    We should all call Forbes magazine 24/7 with one request and do so over, and over again. Forbes publishes the top 100 and 500 wealthiest people. Let’s get them to publish the top 100 and 500 wealthiest local governments in the country. And very important, to do so based on that local government’s standing wealth held AND NOT net wealth after deducting 50-years projected into the future liability that those local governments use to mask in their the actual showing of standing wealth they are holding “today”.

    I did the math for LA County, California and all local governments in LA County, and the total of “liquid investment assets held” by that collective was 1.8 Trillion dollars in value. The top 50 wealthiest “individuals” in the country would not even come close to the collective of LA County governments. So come on Forbes, get your act together and show your readers what is “really important!”

    PS: The one showing of collective wealth for all groups compiled each year is done by the Federal Reserve. They call it their “Z.1.Report”. The raw data tables need to be looked at to see the true showing of “standing wealth” held. If looking at “other” presentations made supposedly from the Z.1.Report, they will use a “Net” presentation that is highly deceptive.

    EXAMPLE: Let’s say you personally have 5 billion in cash on the table in front of you that is yours. (PS: Your budget for you house for the year is $140,000) So, your standing wealth is 5 billion dollars. Well, let’s do what government does. We will project ahead 50-years as to what are liabilities may be, including expenses, acquisitions, allowances for unforeseen costs, etc., and we come up with 5 billion 12 thousand as the total. So, 5B – $5,000,012,000 gives us a “Net” of $12,000 in the red.

    Well, if you just told everyone you were $12,000 in the hole but never mentioned the 5B or how you got from 5B to $12,000 in the red within your accounting, everyone would just think you were $12,000 in the hole for the year. See how it works. That is why it is so important to look at the raw data tables of the Z.1.Report. From the 2019 raw data, just collective government, local and federal pension funds as now “standing” as seen in those tables is at 22-trillion dollars in value. Also, when you digest the numbers, you will see that collective government is “funding” through their investment capital, directly or indirectly, the “majority” of the private sector and corporate sector debt.

    I uploaded from the Federal Reserve’s site the 2015 (gives the data in each table from 2011 to 2015) Z.1.Report raw data tables as an example to my website as a .pdf file. The link to download or view that .pdf file is –

    Walter Burien –

  • I wish the main motive and intent was mentioned in this good article.

    As always, the motivator and intent is to secure all of the wealth the Earth has available.

    Government systematically “took it all” over time. Little bit by little bit more each and every year to where they now “collectively” own it all. The people are treated as mere productivity units to be drained and managed as they are masterfully entertained into delusion and illusion.

    Have you ever noticed how strong and pervasive the control is where in thousands of articles each year that we see, NO ONE mentions the collective takeover of the wealth factor. You can do that on the City, County, State, or Federal level but not a peep of the #1 motive and intent, greater than all of the rest combined of the players involved.

    There is no accident that most of us have been trained by omission not to focus on or mention this overwhelming factor. We are trained not to mention: Due to the money, wealth, and control involved. Over the last century great effort has been expended by the controllers to maintain that omission or intentional vacuum in our cognitive thinking. Now on the other hand the controllers love to mention some created liability or one-sided presentation of a promoted debt. They would like you to believe there is only one side of a coin, liability and debt. The other side of the coin, investment wealth and total income, never a mention to you so void maintained and business as usual continues for our: For Profit, massive takeover machine that we know as our Government. Or a more appropriate showing of that word gOVERnMEN

    We should all call Forbes magazine 24/7 with one request and do so over, and over again. Forbes publishes the top 100 and 500 wealthiest people. Let’s get them to publish the top 100 and 500 wealthiest local governments in the country. And very important, to do so based on that local government’s standing wealth held AND NOT net wealth after deducting 50-years projected into the future liability that those local governments use to mask in their the actual showing of standing wealth they are holding “today”.

    I did the math for LA County, California and all local governments in LA County, and the total of “liquid investment assets held” by that collective was 1.8 Trillion dollars in value. The top 50 wealthiest “individuals” in the country would not even come close to the collective of LA County governments. So come on Forbes, get your act together and show your readers what is “really important!”

    PS: The one showing of collective wealth for all groups compiled each year is done by the Federal Reserve. They call it their “Z.1.Report”. The raw data tables need to be looked at to see the true showing of “standing wealth” held. If looking at “other” presentations made supposedly from the Z.1.Report, they will use a “Net” presentation that is highly deceptive.

    EXAMPLE: Let’s say you personally have 5 billion in cash on the table in front of you that is yours. (PS: Your budget for you house for the year is $140,000) So, your standing wealth is 5 billion dollars. Well, let’s do what government does. We will project ahead 50-years as to what are liabilities may be, including expenses, acquisitions, allowances for unforeseen costs, etc., and we come up with 5 billion 12 thousand as the total. So, 5B – $5,000,012,000 gives us a “Net” of $12,000 in the red.

    Well, if you just told everyone you were $12,000 in the hole but never mentioned the 5B or how you got from 5B to $12,000 in the red within your accounting, everyone would just think you were $12,000 in the hole for the year. See how it works. That is why it is so important to look at the raw data tables of the Z.1.Report. From the 2019 raw data, just collective government, local and federal pension funds as now “standing” as seen in those tables is at 22-trillion dollars in value. Also, when you digest the numbers, you will see that collective government is “funding” through their investment capital, directly or indirectly, the “majority” of the private sector and corporate sector debt.

    I uploaded from the Federal Reserve’s site the 2015 (gives the data in each table from 2011 to 2015) Z.1.Report raw data tables as an example to my website as a .pdf file. The link to download or view that .pdf file is –

    Walter Burien –

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