by John Bowne

In a letter written to Congress by 10 retired FBI agents including former directors, assistant directors and special agents in charge, every concern facing the American people was verified. President Biden’s threat to force Texas Governor Abbott to face the consequences should Texas not abide by the Biden Administration’s demand that razor wire be removed from the Texas border so that millions more non naturalized military aged men could flood the border to go who knows where to prepare for who knows what has, so far, resulted in The White House freezing new natural gas-export licenses. As if Biden were sanctioning a foreign enemy.

Meanwhile, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, WEF member and reoccurring Davos attendee was on the other side of the world in India, opening a back door for globalism in Texas with the Texas Economic Development Corporation.

None of this makes sense. A real U.S. President following his duty wouldn’t disregard our national security to this maximum level of treason. We are sitting idly by waiting on a false flag to wrench us all back to our senses. But by then we may be too far gone..As the staged events potentially carried out all across the United States could topple our infrastructure and spiral the Country into order out of chaos. Followed by martial law and the cancellation of the 2024 Election. Or the outside chance of a third world level military coup if things get really bumpy. The border is an open bleeding wound slashed repeatedly by the United Nations push for agenda 2030. This is no longer clouded by speculation. This is exactly what is happening. Prepare now.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • NWO runs Texas politically the resistance push is just there to J6 the hat and ball wearing crowd into submission this will pass as a silent signup sheet for the FEMA camps . Whatever is being pushed on the patriot crowd is foremost the last thing you want to do about as useful as that shit fence … The Texas tea party ….the example of don’t let your cowboys grow up to be insurrectionists without first leaving the union and purging the black hat back stabbers cheering you on like a rerun of the fed Ray Epps-isode in DC.

  • MSM presents an entirely different twist on this invasion, because they are owned by the club, the same club that owns the Democrat party and half the Republican party, maybe even more.

    For instance MSM club members Andrew Lack, of MSNBC, Rupert Murdoch Newscorp and Fox, Sumner Redstone & family CBS, Leonard Goldenson ABC, Jeffrey Shell of NBC and Comcast, Jeffrey Zucker of CNN. They all are news gate keepers, they all belong to the same club and we ain’t in it! These orgs filter TV news and they are rapidly gaining control of the internet with the help of their fellow club members in government who back them up when they censor competition! They are monopolists!

    Club member Murdoch family only pretends to be what they claim to be, when in reality they control the opposition to the club’s objectives for dominion. The lone opposition controllers! They may well be conservative, but they belong to the same club pulling the levers for world dominion. They are not American patriots! They oppose American patriots and they control the news narratives. That’s the number one reason why our elected representatives seem so timid.

    Any normal ten year old would have done better than the recent SCOTUS ruling in which Justice Barrett sided with the Biden regime. I told everyone when Trump nominated her over the real conservative, a female Cuban-Am judge with a patriotic track record, that Barrett was something of a soft headed ideologue, not a strict constitutionalist, but who am I? Nobody. But once again another Trump pick that finally bit him and us. Barrett fails to understand basic fundamental law, that a family’s home is their castle and no one has a right to violate it. Which is what these Biden foreign invaders are doing to the American family! It would be utterly stupid if it was not the club’s plan to destroy families and nations and rebuild them in the image of the club.

    Barrett just doesn’t get it in spite of her dreamy blather about love and family! She became a stooge for the club.

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