Naomi Wolf joins Steve Bannon to talk about how internet activists have discovered that Anthony Fauci collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is controlled by the People’s Liberation Army of the CCP to ship a coronavirus strain related to SARS-CoV-2 from China to Rocky Mountain Laboratories, which is controlled by the NIH to run experiments in collaboration with Dr Ralph Baric from the University of North Carolina.

Naomi tells Steve, “This was a joint venture with the Wuhan lab and Dr Fauci at a time when experimenting with Gain-of-Function research was illegal in the United States of America. So, we thought that he solved that problem by shipping the experiments off to Wuhan – but in fact, he collaborated to bring the coronavirus to the United States – to the heart of the United States in 2018 to Montana, to a lab that he oversaw.

“Not only that, he arranged with a, quote ‘shady roadside zoo’ in Maryland, which is 15 minutes away from Camp David, which is overseen by a former NIH official to get 12 bats – Egyptian bats – to be shipped to him in Montana…to be infected with the coronavirus from the Chinese lab in Wuhan, China. This was 2018.

“So, Dr Fauci has been pointing the finger at people who raise questions about whether there was a lab leak, saying that they’re ‘dangerous misinformation spreaders’ – in fact, he was experimenting on the Chinese-origin Wuhan lab coronavirus in the United States in 2018!”

As reported in the Daily Mail:

“US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic more than a year before the global outbreak, an investigation has found.

“The National Institutes of Health (NIH), under Dr Anthony Fauci’s leadership, infected 12 Egyptian fruit bats with a ‘SARS-like’ virus called WIV1 at a lab in Montana in 2018…

“The paper – SARS-Like Coronavirus WIV1-CoV Does Not Replicate in Egyptian Fruit Bats – was published in the journal Viruses in 2018. The study was first flagged by DRASTIC, a group of internet activists who investigate the origins of Covid-19 and the lab leak theory.

“The group White Coat Waste Project is now using the Freedom of Information Act to request more details about the experiment.

“The White Coat Waste Project is a watchdog that has been fighting to stop sending American tax dollars overseas to fund dangerous virus research.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Now we be a good time to rerelease the video of Fauci ‘predicting’ a epidemic in two or three years in mid January 2017.

  • That’s when people died on ventilators in the US with “Vape Lung Disease”.
    Remember that? Same symptoms same death. And no one could ever clearly ID just what vape ingredient did it. 1 mag said it was the THC. Another the flavoring. It disappeared the same month that Covid appeared.
    So did the common cold.
    So did the seasonal flu.

    Catchin’ on yet Sherlock? (I have really overestimated human intelligence and underestimated mass collective MK-Ultra capabilities. The world collective consciousness was split in half on 911.

    Thanx as always Alex. The agenda goes off planet.

  • The most reliable analysis I’ve discovered on the bioweapon, is the daily report on the Jeff Rense channel. He has a brilliant nano-scientist, Erica Khan, who breaks down & explains the latest, up to date. published science studies, reporting on the covid-19 bio-weapon’s effect on the human body. Scroll down to the column entitled: Jeff and Erica and choose any of these presentations…they are all educational. Once one understands how the bioweapon works on the body, one clearly sees it was designed to destroy life. It wasn’t a fluke or accident, it was designed that way for one purpose, to cull us.
    Thank-you Alexandra, for working so hard and caring so much about what happens to all of life. If only more people cared with such passion and courage, we would be living in a much different, and much better world.

  • Alexandra,

    Naomi et al. – re above report –
    is correct to uncover Fauci
    corruption—but SARS-CoV-2,
    just as with HIV, has N E V E R
    been isolated and PROVEN
    to exist.

    The VIROLOGY scam pre-
    vails unchallenged, except
    by journalist Jon Rappoport.

    Study Jon Rappoport’s
    research; e.g., :

    SARS-Cov-2 Never Existed :



    Study his book on AIDS ( Google “Rappoport AIDS Inc.” )



    Unz Opines :

  • All of this is well and good, but until someone charges and convicts the little troll for his crimes, it’s all just chest beating, no? If everyone knows it, but nothing is ever done they’ll try it all again because nothing changed.

  • Some of us knew this early on and tried to warn the nation, but big brother was doing all to censor us thanks to Trump’s national emergency. Even so, now who in power will do anything about it?

    RFK’s voice has been effectively snubbed by the corporate owned media and everybody knows what’s up with the US Justice Department’s obsession with Trump and the US Congress obsession with foreign wars.

    With the old fox in charge of the hen house who will save US chickens? More chickens?

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