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This is Max Azzarello, the man who set himself on fire last week outside the courthouse of the Donald Trump “Hush Money” trial.

Max says he did 1,500 hours of research to learn that we live in a secret kleptocracy, saying,”That’s when the government gets taken over by con artists whose only job is to steal from the public.

“Wanna learn the biggest secret in the world? In March 2023, sketchy billionaire Peter Thiel (Former CEO of PayPal & first outside investor of Facebook) started a bank run. I did 1,500 hours of research and I learned all their rotten secrets. The big one is the cryptocurrency is history’s first planetary multi-trillion Ponzi scheme.

“That’s an economic doomsday device and when that Ponzi goes insolvent, as all Ponzis must, we’ll get the worst economic collapse in world history. And every powerful person you can think of is in on it.

“Wanna know why everything gets worse and more expensive? That’s because we live in a secret kleptocracy. That’s when the government gets taken over by con artists whose only job is to steal from the public.

“And I hope you know this is wonderful news, because now that the public knows about the secret kleptocracy, they get to abolish their criminal government.

“Start a f* revolution! Start a f* revolution! Start a f* revolution! You’ve got nothing to lose!”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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1 comment

  • “And I hope you know this is wonderful news, because now that the public knows about the secret kleptocracy, they get to abolish their criminal government.”

    That must be a joke.
    The public (the portion of it that wants to know) already knows all the things he is preaching. And this ‘wonderful’ knowledge he stumbled over in his “research” is of no help to the public (the non ignorant portion) in starting a revolution. So far none of the revolutions we know of has been a result of a grassroots movement All revolutions have been designed and managed by the very kleptocracy of the past. The public never even got to the planing phase of abolishing any criminal government.
    From the paper:
    “Just another bullcrap story from Langley. That little dude supposedly committed suttee outside one of the thousand Trump trials.
    Oh, and did I mention it was captured live by CNN? CNN just happened to be there and caught it live in their background. But that’s not suspicious.
    He’s an agent and the whole thing was faked. The CIA can fake things like this in their sleep. Hollywood does it all the time. Remember in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, when DiCaprio fried the fake Nazis with a flamethrower? Looked very real, didn’t it? But no one was burned at all.
    He is Max Azzarello, but my guess is that is just a stage or CIA name. His middle name is Crosby, so he may be from the powerful Crosby family. Intelius tells us he is also related to MacBeths, which looks like the usual joke to me. I guess his mother is a Hamlet and his father is King Lear.
    And why fake this? To blackwash conspiracy theorists and truthers in general, by making them look crazy, unstable, violent, and suicidal. He is a classic Anti, telling a lot of truth and then doing something insane to get you off that truth.
    But this one is already backfiring like all the rest. I can’t believe they didn’t see that coming. They never should have put the truth in this guy’s mouth or anyone else’s, since what people can do is take the truth and leave the event. We have seen it a thousand times. The event fails to blackwash the truth, since the truth is more powerful than the fake event. The truth sticks and the event is left behind as a smelly residue. People can see that a lot of what this guy said is true, since they were already thinking it before he came along. They don’t care whether he was crazy or not, since they know the pressure of the truth themselves. They have felt it personally, threatening to overwhelm them with its size and power. They wouldn’t be surprised if the truth did cause some of their fellow citizens to go crazy, since why wouldn’t it? So, again, the event fails even if true. It does the opposite of what its creators intended. Instead of blackwashing the truth, this event just confirms it once again. It is another total fail, proving again how incompetent these agents are.”.

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