by Ann Vandersteel

LET’S TAKE IT ALL BACK: (psssst… attorneys won’t like this)

Remember Miki Klann from Maricopa County?

I tweeted about her in the Maricopa Board of Supervisors meeting the other day and it got over 6M views because Miki makes common (law) sense.

Watch the video below because this is the type of OFFENSIVE strategy we all need right about now!

In 2021 she and her partner Ann LeFlore started a project called Bonds for the Win which liberated 50 million children from mask mandates in the public schools!!

They taught parents how to request their elected officials’ oath of office, surety bond and liability policies.

We witnessed acts of bravery as parents presented school boards with personal liability for practicing medicine without a license.

In fact many of the elected officials would run out of the room in fear of getting served!!

As a result, one state after another removed mask mandates, and next thing you know Biden removed ALL THE mandates nationwide!

He did this just after funding the public schools with over $1.2 billion in Esser funds to push masks and vaccines.

So why such a sudden change of heart?

Well, it turned out that not a single elected official has ever had a proper surety bond, which makes them all illegitimate.

Miki and her team also discovered that not a single elected official has ever signed a proper oath of office to the original Constitutional Republic.

And without fair elections, these people should not be in office to begin with!

After two years of learning common law, Miki and her team have now developed a new, 3 step process which brings all the power back to the people.

Are you ready to serve this country?

Then go grab a pen and some popcorn!

I suspect that you’re about to see MANY more board members running out of city, county, and state board rooms real soon.

Let’s take back our Republic brick by brick!

Operation Restoration TG


Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The Question of Government — Thinking It Through:

    Remember the Colorado 9? C’Mon Alexandra! Most everyone birthed in America is “registered” (trafficked) as a U.S. Citizen…a debtor thanks to FDR. You are not the employer & creditor until you correct the record and publish your poitical status as American State National…now you have the standing on the Land Jurisdiction! Make no mistake you will be Colorado 9’d if you do not correct your status!

    Every day I get emails and letters from “men of action” who want to get out there and really “do” something — other than build their Assembly into a functional government for their State, that is.

    They send me video clips like the one below from a public meeting in Maricopa, Arizona, where a small group of people came in and read the Riot Act and the Commissioners fled the room:

    It’s important to know that: (1) it could have turned out very differently; those folks could have been billy-clubbed and arrested and thrown in jail for decades like the Colorado Nine; (2) the group following this Speaker acted in ignorance; please notice how she referenced the “Republic of Arizona”— the Republic of Arizona would be part of the old Federal Republic, if either one existed anymore, but no, they don’t, and they won’t until and unless the States reconstruct them.

    Any hint of ignorance displayed by patriot groups is like blood in the water for sharks.

    It’s our own ignorance that our detractors use against us every time. It’s what put the January 6th Protestors in prison and it’s what keeps them there today.

    Only the truth sets you free, not your assumptions.

    While these patriots chase after the illusion of a Republic of Arizona, the reality of the State itself is missing from their view. It never occurs to them that before there can be a Republic of Arizona, there has to be an Arizona.

    The great issue of government and the great Powerhouse of our Government, is the State.


    Because the sovereignty of this country is vested in the sovereignty of our Nation-States — and nothing else.

    We, Americans, take our nationality from our State. It’s called a demonym!

    It’s true that our State Governments are “republican in nature” — but they are republican, not republics!!

    Republics, like the Roman Republic, have great historical fame, but they always fail and they always fail for the same reason: the hubris of men.

    When the men running a Republic get drunk on their power, their pride and ego overcomes their humility and will to serve within limitations.

    The great hero of the Roman Republic, whom George Washington modeled himself after, was the Roman General Cincinnatus, a farmer who was called from working his fields, led Rome to victory, and then quietly returned to his fields.

    Not so long after the Roman Republic fell at the hands of its own soldiers.

    Something very similar happened in this country to the Federal Republic when Generals Ulysses S. Grant and William “Tecumseh” Sherman gained control and established a quasi-military occupation that has lasted to this day.

    It lasts because our civilian government was thrown into such disarray and its leadership was hounded so mercilessly that the actual civilian government lost its footing and its way.

    The soldiers shrug and collect the taxes for themselves — and keep us all eternally at war, war for profit, war for war’s sake.

    They shrug and say, well, where’s the civilian government? All they see is their own State-of-State organizations and the State Trusts they formed to hold our property “for” us. No actual State Government in view.

    The only way for this to end, is for all the rest of us to wake up and restore our long-absent civilian government, and the lynch pin for that, is the State.

    The thing that matters is plain old Arizona, not any “Republic of”. (remember the word “of” means without – The State “without” Arizona)…a corporation! An inchoate paper entity – a vessel in commerce!

    People listen up, there will always be a government – the only question is — will it be your government or someone else’s ruling over you? If it’s to be yours, you must staff it, and operate it yourselves.

    The dull, patient work of building a State Assembly may lack the conflict and drama and “rush” of confronting the rats in their lair, but it’s what needs to be done.

    As so often in life, the things that really matter require time and sacrifice; it still takes nine months for a baby to be born, and it’s not such a pleasant process in some regards.

    It’s the same with rebuilding your State Government and restoring your State Assembly to full function. It’s not glamorous. It can be frustrating.

    But it’s what really, truly, needs to be done.

    It’s also the only thing that we can all safely do, because it is guaranteed by contract.

    We have the right to peaceably assemble, the right to bear arms, and all the other rights that are naturally ours, as long as we are properly declared to be Americans in possession of our birthright political standing– so called “Special Designated Nationals”.

    We are like heroes from the days old, stepping off the pages of the history books and onto the stage of life, the long-lost almost mythical Americans.

    It doesn’t matter that most of us are past fifty and are standing here looking a bit dazed. We are here, and we know who we are, and bit by bit, we are restoring our government, the government we are owed, and which we owe ourselves.

    To all the undeclared people who are chasing around trying to restore State Republics instead of States, I have this to say — you are endangering yourselves and the cause that you hope to advance.

    The “republican in nature” government you are heir to is from the maternal side of the word “republic”– the humble, nurturing, patient, enduring Mother is the archetype giving rise to your State Government, it’s the simple lowly people gathered around their dinner tables, people without titles, people without pride, who come forward to serve like Cincinnatus.

    We are the ones who create the miracles by our own Will and we are also the ones who pay the bills, and who do everything else that is worthwhile, positive, and good. It stands to reason that we are also the ones to give rise to our own State Government.

    We do that by gathering together and building our State Assembly, not by ranting and foaming off at the mouth, but by determinedly building the government of, for, and by the people, our own civilian government.

    The soldiers know that they are supposed to be taking their orders from the civilian government, but they have been left adrift for a very long while. Some have liked having the “bit in their teeth” and only having the Lieber Code (Hague Conventions) to guide them, but they know it isn’t right.

    They know that the civilian government of this country is supposed to lead them and they have been waiting a long time for Americans to stand up and repopulate their vacant civilian government.

    No doubt it is a relief to the military overall to see our Assemblies sprouting up and taking hold.

    No doubt it is a relief to hear sane, calm, plodding voices above the clamor of the Political Party Crazy Train.

    They’ve trusted their lives and honor and future to us; we can do no less for them.

    And all you men of action, let the action you take be the right action. Let your actions be schooled by the wisdom of humility and peace, by long-suffering, by selflessness, by commitment to doing what is truly needed even if it gives no hint of glory.

    Somehow I am sure that when Cincinnatus left his plow and answered the call of the Roman Republic, he wasn’t overjoyed; he answered anyway. And he did the job that was needed, and then, he went home — little thinking that he would be remembered.

  • International Public Notice: Notice to Federal Agents and Agencies:
    As presented recently, the foreign Federal Subcontractors operating under The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States have been very remiss in their duties and have since the 1930s hired hundreds of subcontractors known as Federal Agencies to do their work for them.

    Instead of putting these Agencies and their Personnel on their own payroll and paying themselves for all this extra help, these Territorial and Municipal parent corporations have charged all these additional services for themselves against their contracts with our Government without our permission and without our knowledge and without presenting us with a single bill or accounting— leaving us to think that they were paying for all these extra people to do their work for them out of their own receipts.

    Instead, they have been illegally, unlawfully, and immorally accessing our credit and charging all this largesse of “government” to us.

    As a result, we have had more than 350 Federal Agencies ram-rodding around pretending to have authorities re-delegated to them by our Federal Subcontractors, being paid using our assets and credit, which has resulted in the Federal Subcontractors misdirecting these so-called Federal Agencies to do things that are harmful to us, but profitable to the parent corporations.

    The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and its grotesque malfeasance and fraud regarding nicotine and the NIH (National Institutes of Health) regarding the recent so-called pandemic, were used as examples of Federal Agencies (that is, subcontractors of Federal Territorial and Municipal Corporations that are themselves Subcontractors of ours) operating against the Public Good and Public Interest, but nonetheless purloining their paychecks and merely presumed authorities — ultimately, from us.

    The promulgation of all these Federal Agencies began in the years immediately following the so-called Civil War, and rose to a crescendo during the Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

    We never agreed to pay for all this extra Hired Help for our Hired Help, and are serving Notice that we will not pay for any services of any Federal Agencies that don’t serve the Public Good, nor will we support the paychecks, benefits, and pensions of any Agency Personnel who refuse to take the required Oath (or Affirmation) owed by our Public Employees:

    An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service (citizens of the United States) or uniformed services (U.S. Citizens), shall take the following oath:

    “I, (Name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    This section does not affect other oaths required by law. (Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 424.)

    This is both a Public Law and a Federal Statute.

    All Public Employees, including Agency contractors, are required to know and accept the responsibility of a public paycheck, which includes taking this Oath.

    The Constitution referenced is the Municipal United States Constitution, but all Constitutions must conform to the Federal Constitution issued in 1787 as amended and as ratified by our States.

    Only amendments ratified by our States are enforceable as Law; any other amendments passed as By-Law Amendments or unratified Administrative Policies are peculiar to the foreign service providers and their personnel only.

    The concept of “re-delegation” of enumerated powers and representational capacities has repeatedly been considered by the United States Supreme Court as recently as last year and found wanting. Members of Congress have been repeatedly told that no, they cannot delegate away their legislative powers and re-delegate their legislative powers to Agencies.

    The power of Agencies to create and enforce Administrative Code is strictly limited to their own internal operations and to their own personnel, and cannot be foisted off as “Law” on the Public at Large.

    This same issue of “re-delegation” applies in many aspects of government services incorrectly structured as public-private partnerships, such as the relationship of the Territorial and Municipal parent corporations with the Internal Revenue Service/IRS and the Social Security Administration/SSA, which are privately owned for-profit subcontractors trading upon and operating under color of law “as if” they were actually part of the Federal Government and as if their Agents were imbued with authority under our Delegated Powers.

    They are not.

    As an example of how these private organizations have purloined public power, we have examined the Internal Revenue Service/IRS — which claims to have power and authority vested in it by the unratified Sixteenth Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America.

    As already noted, an “Amendment” that is not ratified by our States has no force of Public Law impacting the General Public of this country and can only pertain to the service provider and their personnel adopting such a measure.

    The Sixteenth Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America was never ratified by our States and never passed into any form of Public Law. In essence, it provides for a “kickback tax” to be paid by Federal Employees and their dependents as tax on the privilege of public employment.

    This is an instance of our Federal Subcontractors playing dirty with their own Employees, and then foisting this off on the General Public, using the False Registration and impersonation scheme that we have detailed elsewhere, enabling them to “mistake” members of the General Public of this country as Federal Employees and Dependents.

    This has promoted charging us for the vast unauthorized expenses of these so-called Federal Agencies and using these Agencies to harass innocent Americans under color of law, to illegally confiscate the value of their labor and their physical assets and to terrorize them with loss of their good reputations and the enforcement of illegal bills of attainder against them– resulting in shame and jail time for people who never owed the Federal Corporations a dime.

    This one so-called “public-private partnership” alone, between the Internal Revenue Service and IRS and the Territorial and Municipal parent corporations operating as our service providers, has resulted in literally trillions of dollars of damage to our overall population and the economy of this country.

    None of this was ever authorized by our Government under our Delegated Powers and is about as “Federal” as the Federal Reserve, another glaring instance of malfeasance and misadministration by our foreign governmental services providers and their vendors.

    It is worth noting that the Internal Revenue Service/IRS has no enforcement powers of its own, and instead, illegally “borrows” enforcement powers from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) —and uses constructive and purposeful fraud to do so.

    Having created and operated foreign Legal Fiction Persons named after American babies, the same fraud artists have made up entire life narratives for these fictional characters, all involving the interstate (international) manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms — they then present these False Narratives wherein the identically named Legal Fictions are engaged in things like running rum distilleries in Barbados, to the BATF officers, who then assist the IRS in collecting the purported taxes owed by these Legal Fictions from the totally clueless Americans they are named after.

    This is a force of arms racketeering and international money laundering scheme promoted by private subcontractors of the Territorial and Municipal Corporations responsible, and it has been used to Terrorize innocent Americans for over a hundred years.

    Most recently, Joe Biden accessed our credit illegally and without any valid authority, to hire 87,000 more IRS Agents to harass and terrify Americans who aren’t Federal Employees, and who aren’t aware of ever having adopted any Federal citizenship obligations.

    Thanks to the unconscionable nature of the birth registrations obtained without disclosure to the parents of the victims, and the age of the victims themselves, these purported contracts have been the fraudulent basis of this impersonation and racketeering scheme, the foreign money laundering, the financial terrorism, the accusations of “tax evasion” and tax debts — all purportedly owed by people who are actually the creditors and employers of the scum responsible for this situation.

    The responsibility for the performance, misdirection, abuses, and ignorance overall of these Federal Agencies and Federal Agents, remains the liability of the Territorial and Municipal service providers, who have self-interestedly let these Agencies run roughshod over their own Employers, to misrepresent their Employers, and to mischaracterize and impersonate their Employers in the name of their own corporate profit.

    These “errors” and omissions have not yet been satisfactorily corrected and resolved here in The United States nor in the various occupied Territories and Municipal enclaves abroad.

    For starters, we wish for all 87,000 new IRS hires made by the Biden Administration to receive pink slips — Notices of Termination of Employment.

    We won’t pay to harass and terrorize ourselves anymore, and there is no imaginable need for such a mammoth workforce to collect employee payroll taxes from people who are legitimate federal employees.

    All Federal Agencies are hereby put on Notice of the nature of their employment and limitations of their roles and authorities as mere vendors to our Territorial and Municipal Subcontractors and nothing more.

    Agencies cannot exercise re-delegated powers of any kind.

    Agencies cannot continue to misaddress members of the American General Public as if we were Federal Dual Citizens.

    All Courts and For-Hire Jurists are hereby fully informed that they cannot rely upon and should not give credence to contractual obligations presumed to exist on the basis of undisclosed and unconscionable birth registrations and the subsequent creation of Municipal franchise PERSONS, nor can they rely upon the purported “life-narratives” of fictional Legal Persons provided by Federal Agencies including the Internal Revenue Service/IRS, BATF, FEMA, SSA, etc.

    When living people show up in the foreign courts of Admiralty and Maritime Commerce and tell you that they have the only survivorship interest in these Legal Fictions named as Defendants or as DEFENDANTS and they bring forward foreign Birth Certificates as evidence of the crimes committed against them by these shameless and treasonous human traffickers — believe it and Cease and Desist from continuing to misaddress these Americans. They are the victims of crime, not the promoters of it.

    These Americans are in fact the Employers and Creditors of the recklessly mismanaged and criminally misdirected Territorial and Municipal Corporations and their Federal Agencies.

    Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

  • Search for “RICCARDO BOSI” on this website and watch the first video that comes up. You’ll learn a lot

  • Politics is like playing cards at a table and all the cards have been marked and everybody knows but you…
    People are beginning to see this…
    You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
    R. Buckminster Fuller

  • Not one State ever honored Article IV Section 4. This is important if we are to take our Republic back which we never really had. Starting with our rights come from our Creator per the Declaration of Independence.

  • Practicing medicine without a license? That is the legal ground to nullify the tyrannical orders to wear masks? However, it has never worked for me, as the grocery Snodgrass nosed young manager called the Police, and the police said it is a private company? And, that is their policy! I told the police what if the store decided not to serve black people, would the private company angle continue to hold water?

    • Ha! Same thing happened to me, almost word for word, except when I asked about black people the cop changed the subject to trespassing and told me I could leave now or be arrested for trespassing. End of argument, LOL, since leaving seemed the better option.

  • It is so much bigger than this –

    Viewing the following, my heart sank into sorrow for the death of nations.

    Here you will witness honest top knotch medical doctors discussing the evidences, like timid puppy dogs afraid of something unspeakable. We don’t need any more evidences, yet look what is still in my face right here in small town Florida – “have you had your covid shot yet”? Where is justice, why do the people mourn?

    Myocarditis paper

    Through my looking glass we see two major drug corporations in the lead of developing mRNA gene therapy operating systems, Moderna and Pfizer.

    Moderna was fka “ModeRNA Therapeutics” a highly secretive culture with little outside review, a biotech company that investigates and develops protein therapeutics based on innovative messenger R.N.A. technology. Moderna’s CEO is a French national by the name of Stephane Bancel. Remember that name whose net worth has been reported in excess of four billion US dollars. Another name to remember is Paul Sagan. Paul, a native of Chicago, son of Bruce Sagon, director of two public companies, VMware Inc. and Moderna; managing editor of Time Warner, founder of Road Runner, the world’s first broadband cable modem service, and Pathfinder, one of the early Web properties that pioneered Internet advertising. Obama appointed Sagan to the President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee and is senior advisor to the World Economic Forum. He is involved in way too many companies to list here. Remember that name.

    Pfizer Drug Company’s CEO is a Greek national by the name of Albert Bourla. Remember that name. Scott Gottlieb, another name to remember, is a member of the board of directors of Pfizer and a swinger on the revolving door between drug companies and government regulators such as the infmous FDA wherefrom Gottlieb approved the first gene therapy product in the U.S. on August 30, 2017 & was appointed by Trump to head the FDA to streamline approval processes. Are you listening and connecting the dots? He was an early supporter of Trump. Time magazine named him one of the top industry change agents. I find it easy to believe that Gottlieb was Trumps insider ram rod for warp speed approval of an experimental gene threapy operating system!

    Continuing now with Pfizer, Mikael Dolsten, a Swedish national and former Obama advisor has been Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer and President of Pfizer Research and Developement. Remember that name. Another Pfizer agent worth mentioning is Sally Susman, a Democrat political funds bundler, vice chair of the Pfizer Foundation and co-chair of Pfizer’s Political Action Committee. Dolsten held previously similar positions with Estee Lauder & American Express. This political money manager, one site has it that claims she she said she believes in “the Christianity religion” and is a proud lesbian married to Robin. Sally is the daughter of Louis Susman who married Marjorie Sachs of Goldman-Sachs investment banker fame, a Democrat political funds bundler, ambassador to UK in 1969! I should also note that there has not been in my long memory a Presidential administration that was without Goldman-Sacs in the middle of it!

    Names are important, remember them. Thats why MSM hides them behind corporate names because they are all fellow club members not wishing the electorate to ever figure out who owns them. What I have given readers here is tip of the iceberg only. This club is everywhere besides the drug industry with their hands on our necks!

    • JD,

      Then there are compromised
      electronic “vote” machines, as
      barriers to restoration.


      • Yes, and now you see why we need to get rid of those twin evils, corporate ownership of our votes and corporate funded election campaigns. Corporate, corporate, corporate curtains behind which you find club members manipulating us. I just touched the tip of the iceberg here. The club has been running roughshod over us for a long time. 1.7% of the population dominates the other 98.3%. Follow the money.

  • Many thanks Alexandra.. Im ecstatic that this is in process!! I’ve studied Law for Mankind.. aka Common, Natural, God’s law.. I will being starting a Notice and Claim for Trespass against the ex for allowing our daughter to create a fraud anti harassment order, and calling the corrupt King Co. Police after I tried to see her after her mental breakdown .
    I was jailed over nothing for 9 months.. and no money, friends, family to get me released .. This good woman has created a clear path for Justice for the children.. and others involved in the evil communist agenda of these school districts .. REFORM is essential now, or Never enter another govt. school!!

  • This gives me more hope for our country than anything I have recently seen, and there are a number of signs of growing resistance to the future the globalist have for all of us. May God bless their valiant efforts and spread this message of hope and truth far and wide. It may be our best chance of restoring honest representation and clean the filthy sty that public service has become.

  • For Governor Greg Abbott
    Like most Americans, you are probably wondering why an appeal to “States’ rights” isn’t working for you right now. It’s because the “State” you run is actually a “State-of-State” business franchise that is subject to the will of a foreign District of Columbia
    Municipal Corporation (parent corporation).
    Just as every Wendy’s Hamburgers franchise has similar signage and menu, every such State-of-State franchise is Federalized and enfranchised and obligated to follow the rules the parent corporation sets down. That is how Texas and other States of the Union have been controlled by these foreign jackdaws.
    The other thing that you control, Governor Abbott, is the State Trust that was set up after the Civil War. That contains the public lands and infrastructure and other primary assets that belong to Texas, which you are responsible for maintaining. What you don’t actually control is the State itself, which has been “deemed” to be in mothballs, “in interregnum” and “absent” for many years. It’s the actual State (State known as Texas – not STATE OF TEXAS Inc.) that has State’s rights.
    Unfortunately, you can’t invoke State’s rights while acting as the Governor (CEO) of a State-of-State franchise for-profit business organization. The people who can invoke State’s rights in the matter are the members of The Texas Assembly (State citizens), who have the proper provenance and standing to not only invoke State’s rights, but also the ability to enforce The Constitution of the United States on Joe Biden and his lawless crew. The people of the Texas Assembly bring a Public Interest suit against Joe Biden and the White House Office, Inc., in the District of Columbia Supreme Court for failure to perform, dereliction of duty, and default of contract.
    That’s how you get Joe by both ears. And that is how you do more than claim “State’s rights” – that’s how you exercise them. The Texas State Citizens (properly recorded American State Nationals) are the proper Parties who are enabled to enforce the United States Constitution which requires Joe to close the border. Or else be brought in as a criminal!

  • We have an invasion on our southern border. Who in our state of Arizona is responsible for our safety and security, our elected representatives. We, at the Arizona Assembly, have sent Governor Hobbs, the Secretary of State, the Attorney General and the sheriff’s of the border counties notices and demands to close the border. The border is not protected, they are all liable because they refuse to do their jobs. Get behind our efforts to to restore the Republic at
    God bless and the Moma Bears.

    • Arizona is the state that kept electing the POS McCain for the past 100 years. War crimes, and all, they kept electing him? Or did they? May be the voting machines are fixed?

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