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by David Nino Rodriguez

Courage is contagious folks. Miki Klann gives an exclusive interview on what exactly went down with the Maricopa Board of Supervisors.


Here is a statement from Miki Klann :

“We the People just witnessed as the entire Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County run out of the room and vacated their post!

“And we served them anyway!!

“We, the body sovereign presented them each with a notice of liability and opportunity to cure. The fine is $1.75 million per claim and there are 12 signatures which means they are each personally liable for $21 million.

“If they do not resign in 3 days they will be presented with a Writ of Quo Warranto and a Waiver of Tort.

“If they do not rebut these truths and they remain in office we will send them a default judgment and a final bill for payment. We will also be notifying the military and their act of treason will be grounds for an immediate military tribunal.” – Miki Klann

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The Cops, the Sheriff’s…

    They want their paycheck to pay their mortgage. They work for a Criminal Corporation that has them Extorting from Americans. Cops are less powerful, they simply extort through giving out tickets and arrest. Parking ticket people work for the local courts to extort, so the matrix system can pay their slaves that protect them. Extortion is a crime, The Matrix Corp. is a Criminal Crime Corporation (C.C.C.)! The sheriff is an elected county official who serves as the chief civilian law enforcement officer of their jurisdiction. The Sheriff enforces court orders and mandates and may perform duties such as evictions, seizing property and assets pursuant to court orders, and serving warrants and legal papers. In some counties where urban areas have their own police departments, a sheriff may be restricted to civil procedure enforcement duties, while in other counties, the sheriff may serve as the principal police force and have jurisdiction over all of the county’s municipalities, including those operating their own county police departments. Sheriff administers the county jails. Sheriff is court security for the Extortion Corp. Sheriff works for the Feds and backs up local Cops.
    So all Sheriff’s and Cops, don’t forget the HWY. Patrol extort for and protect the Governor, “ALL” Work for and Protect The UNITED STATES OF THE U.N. CORPORATION, A CRIMINAL GENOCIDE UNIT OF CLUB 300, THE FEDRAL RESERVE BANK, THE CITY OF LONDON AND THE KING OF ENGLAND.
    Genocide is the Top Crime coming from the Government, any one working for them, works for a Criminal Entity. Genocide is Punishable By Death. 19.5 Million People work for Fed. and State. Numbers for death due to the Vaxx BIO Weapon is at 20 Million to 60 million Americans. The C-19 we were told about does not exist, this was planned back in 1983/84. The D.O.D. is all hands in on the Genocide.
    ” What a Chem Trail We Americans Are On.” “T-Rump will not save Us or the Day. Putting the Embassy in Jerusalem has helped cause the Genocide in Palestine. His children Mother was a Jew, therefor Jared Kushner …. His people come from Ukraine. This Makes Him… A Kazarian ” . Wake Up Americans…. Jews are moving into Ukraine like Gypsies to reclaim their land. In the 8th century, under King Bulan, the entire Khazarian Empire converts to Judaism. And for a few hundred years, this empire continues as this sort of far-flung destination, empire of new Jews, that is encountered by passing travelers, occasionally written about in stories and histories. And then, a few hundred years later, this entire empire mysteriously and quickly disappears from the historical record.

  • Verizon is censoring yout clips through shutting down sound volume levels

    03/20/24 Colorado communism out in open

  • I have an alert list of about 2,000 in Maricopa and surrounding area that will be receiving this tonight. And many of them have lists of their own.

  • Miki Klann is my new best friend! She has big ovaries Nino, not balls:)

    And she’s right about the timing of things. I’ve been noticing recently a shift in the energy of people calling out the corruption on the internet. People are ready to act. Thank God!!

    God Bless this woman. Such an inspiration.

    • It seems ovaries have had more chutzpah lately. Glad to see it; now we can get them in a pincer attack.

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