Edward Dowd joins The Alex Jones Show to say that in his professional opinion, the Globalists are going to have to pull off some kind of a massive-world-changing event to cover up the massive death numbers from the COVID vaxxine.

Ed is seeing the same kind of thing, as a financial analyst as Dick Allgire’s group of remote viewers are describing and as Clif High’s Web Bots have been predicting and as psychics around the world are seeing.

“These folks cannot relinquish power, because if they do, they’ll be put in jail or prosecuted. So, they have to create a distraction. In my humble opinion, it’s either going to be, like you said, it’s either going to be an escalated war with Ukraine – or don’t forget about Taiwan – China says they want to do something. Cyber shutdown, financial crisis, they even might bring out the aliens.”

And he says something very interesting:

“I’m looking for something so big that it’s going to kind of change the world, in that, there’s going to be a moment for humanity: Either people are going to buy this event and start another round of fear or we’re all going to call BS on it and their plans go awry and they’ll get brought to justice eventually.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Timeline now either during the 040824 eclipse hype or this Ju-LIE 3rd or 4th , so called freedom day in yankeeville, or could be BIG push on Easter Sunday that being the theme of ASCENSION, but only for the UNvaxxed 7% like me and my girlfriend

  • FREEMASONRY is the Luciferian religion of the “Elites”. The Freemasons made I Pet Goat II to tell us what their plans are.
    I Pet Goat II gives us clues about dates.
    *I Pet Goat II*
    Freemasonic/Luciferian Predictive Programming showing what’s coming FAST

    FALSE FLAG attack against NYC USA on an annular eclipse shown at 2:17 – 2:34
    Blamed on Islam (just like 9.1.1)
    When is the annular eclipse?
    OCTOBER 14, 2023

    FRIDAY OCTOBER 13? FINANCIAL COLLAPSE (Historical date of Knights Templar Massacre)
    – likely A NUKE/Tidal Wave

    New York Nuclear PSA tells citizens what to do in case of a NUCLEAR ATTACK
    ~1 year ago

    A 100 ft high NYC Tsunami (back of $10 & $100 bill)? ~14 years ago

    The USA will respond by bombing the Al Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount (Israel) using TR3B Bombers, starting a Jihad (WWIII). (@3:05 – 3:13) Exactly as FREEMASON Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, ALBERT PIKE predicted in his 1871 letter to Giuseppe Mazzini.



    Albert Pike 3 world wars letter

    The dollar/economic collapse (@1:59 -2:07) & WWIII go hand in hand. See the egghead boy’s EYES! (@3:03 – 3:05)

    (3:13 – 3:47 shows Africa, Russia and South Korea taken down by Luciferian Cabal, making way for NWO government rule over the planet.)
    After Al Aqsa Mosque is destroyed, construction on THE THIRD TEMPLE on Temple Mount will begin in preparation for their Moshiac.

  • The dark overlords wanted a 666 sigma type event but the DOD death jab just wasn’t up to snuff standards of best whacktices . If you need 6 boosters to reach death wish final destiny against a weak ass virus which is defeated with a $2 nicotine patch this is junk science for a whackcine . The mules at Infotards want to pump a new pandemic to boost ratings the dumb money is on monkeypox 2.0 .

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