This CBSNews report centers on a 9-page report sent to the Mayor of Aurora, Colorado from the same powerful DNC law firm, Perkins Coie, used by Hillary Clinton to pay Fusion GPS to write the infamous, fake “Pee-Pee Dossier” for the purpose of discrediting Trump as a “Russian Asset”. This is also the same law firm that Patrick Byrne claims was trying to inject Ukrainian Child pronography on Donald Trump’s phone; the same law firm that has been involved with helping to launder Sinaloa Cartel drug money through real estate deeds, in order to bribe and control Arizona politicians, including Governor Katie Hobbs and the same law firm that has represented one the the US’ largest defense contacting firms, Boeing, since its founding in 1916 – the latter of which appears to be being forced to commit suicide, in this Globalist coup.

The fact that Perkins Coie is the author of this letter – and that it was marked “CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED”, indicates to me that this report about the takeover of the Whispering Pines apartment complex may well be a limited hangout for something much, much worse that is at hand!



CBS Broadcast:…says this is a picture of gang members breaking into a vacant apartment so they could move a Venezuelan family in and then collect rent.

“This is our business plan,” one gang member told a housekeeper, “If he [the property manager] doesn’t like it, we’ll fill him with bullets.”

The report authors called the gangs behavior “Brazen…and further exhibits the suspected gang members sense of comfort and control, consistent with their taking over the property and not fearing law enforcement or the property management.”

It was sent to Aurora officials on August 9th, with the investigators saying, “The evidence indicates that gang members are engaging in flagrant trespass violations assaults and battery, human trafficking…sexual abuse of minors unlawful firearms possession, extortion and other criminal activities often targeting vulnerable Venezuelan and other immigrant populations.”

According to the law firm’s report, the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua “Has threatened to kill (and in certain instances has apparently actively attempted to kill) members of whispering pines management.”

The report says a consultant for the property management company was “Severely beaten and stomped by gang members and was hospitalized.”

The alleged incident recorded by building cameras with screenshots attached to the letter.

The report relies on a property manager who said that, “Gang members allegedly stabbed a Whispering Pines resident for refusing to pay ‘rent’ to the gang.”

He also told the investigators the takeover began last November. The report recounts that this summe,r the gang approached the property manager and told him they would “help him” out, in exchange for half of all the rent that he collected.

The law firm that wrote the report called that “An organized crime tactic.”

The gang members then allegedly took over vacant apartments.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Here is your Hallelujah moment, people:

    Looks like Orthodox Chabad from Brooklyn became too greedy in Aurora and went for easy wholesale money from government.

    What is interesting, reporting is done by some local folks. Where are MSM? Where were they last year? How could they miss it? What about other cities? Can you hear me NYTimes?

  • Not happy about all this? Just vote ‘em out. Ha ha. I’ve tried to tell you all , that it’s all a scam. If you want your country, you’ll have to take it. But no !! Didn’t I read once, that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? You’re under a spell. The Masons, who created this phony democratic bullshit, have been spell casting and using sorcery to keep you brainwashed and stupid. This whole Republic nonsense all came from the Roman Republic. Ain’t you figured it out yet? You see it and can’t believe it. ALL Representatives are bribed, bought off, compromised and controlled by the East India Trading Company, located within London, in The City Of London. There’s never been a genuine election. Presidents are Selected way ahead of time (decades), not elected. What we desperately need is Direct Democracy. And anyone like Alex Jones or Mike Adams, who claim that direct democracy is mob rule, are in fact Controlled Opposition. Because of course it’s mob rule. It’s the whole damn mob of us trying to make our own laws and run our own affairs. Not Rockefeller’ Council on Foreign Relations. But, keep letting them gas light you as they successfully murder us all. MAY ALL GOD’S PEOPLE AWAKEN NOW !!! Please God, break the spell before it’s too late. Thanks for allotment to speak, Capt Joe.

  • You are right, Alexandra. Something fishy.

    I have hard time believing that criminals from overseas show up one day in Colorado with guns and mafia type business plan ready to roll. All, while police doing nothing.

    It reminds of Fast and Furious gun smuggling operation observed in real time on TV by boys in DC area.


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