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House Republican Leader, Kevin McCarthy used FTX-laundered stolen taxpayer Ukrainian aid money to Defeat Conservatives in 2022, destroying the so-called “Red Wave”

The Republican House Oversight Committee is launching an investigation into Joe Biden’s dealings with his son Hunter to determine whether the President is a National Security Threat 

• The G20 unanimously supports a Global Vaccine Passport and…

• The largest peaceful protests in world history are happening in Brazil, as the people resist the election theft and the Globalist/Communist takeover of their country.

The New York Times, in partnership with the World Economic Forum was supposed to be hosting a live event next week with FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin – but it looks like that’s not going to happen, now that FTX has filed for bankruptcy and Bankman-Fried is facing extradition from the Bahamas to the US.

FTX’s new CEO and liquidator, John Ray III, who also oversaw the unwinding and liquidation of Enron, admits that “Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here.”

The class action lawsuit against FTX Sam Bankman-Fried alleges that FTX maintained no bank records, no list of employees, had no employee contracts, zero security and they literally approved expenses using emojis.

On Friday morning, The National File posted a Twitter thread stating that House Republican Leader, Kevin McCarthy used FTX-laundered stolen taxpayer Ukrainian aid money to Defeat Conservatives in 2022, destroying the so-called “Red Wave”.

Top McCarthy political and fundraising insiders, Jeff Miller and Brian Walsh are both closely linked to the failed Red Wave. The Washington Post reported back in September that McCarthy’s plan of defeating conservatives was going to deliver him “a more functioning GOP caucus.”

McCarthy systematically targeted his opponents, like North Carolina’s Madison Cawthorn and he spent millions in his secretive effort to systematically weed out GOP candidates who could cause him trouble as House Speaker.

These candidates included recent candidates in New York, Florida, Washington State, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas, California and North Carolina.

GOP leaders (RINOS) say that they’re “enforcing unity within his sometimes fractious Republican caucus”. But is that really what this is? Many conservatives have questions about whether Kevin is creating unity or merely killing off his political opposition inside the GOP.

The Freedom Caucus has asked for a set of rule changes. Those include: 1. Return to regular order; 2. Re-institute “Motion to Vacate the Chair”, which allows one House member to try to remove the Speaker. It has been around forever. Nancy Pelosi recently dispensed with it.

An explanation of the Motion to Vacate the Chair can be found at the bottom of Page 3 in the Freedom Caucus Memo entitled “RESTORING THE PEOPLE’S VOICE IN CONGRESS” but McCarthy and his allies seem intent on keeping Nancy Pelosi’s House Rules in place, so as to cement their iron grip on the House GOP conference and stifle any and all dissent within the ranks.

As it happens, one of Kevin’s biggest donors was financed by FTX, a massive money-laundering operation that is being studiously ignored by the dinosaur media and he also just happened to give up as many as three or four dozen house seats, that everybody and their dog believed were going to flip red.

The National File thread continues, about how the dark money network of PACs that McCarthy used to launder donor cash, including the FTX money, includes the Congressional Leadership Fund, led by Dan Conston, American Patriots PAC, WFW Action Fund, Conservatives For A Stronger America, Eighteen Fifty-Four Fund and the Common Sense Leadership Fund, Fix Congress Now!PAC, Unite America PAC, American Liberty Action PAC, American Prosperity Alliance (which doesn’t disclose donors), Results for North Carolina and the National Realtors PAC.

Annie Dickerson is also tied into McCarthy’s political and fundraising operation which is tied to FTX dirty Democrat money laundering operation used to defeat conservatives. Dickerson founded Women for Women Action Fund, which spent heavily to defeat Joe Kent in Washington State.

FTX and Ryan Salame joined an elite circle of Democrat-donating globalist financial titans in their effort to defeat conservatives in 2022. A few of the globalist financial titans who joined FTX in donating to McCarthy to defeat conservatives include Charles R Schwab, Elliott Management’s Paul Singer, and Citadel’s Kenneth C Griffin, all of whom are billionaire donors to CLF and WFW Action Fund.

Many lawmakers from both parties are now jumping forward to return the money they got from FTX, as that money is clearly seen as tainted. It remains to be seen whether CLF plans to return its stolen crypto cash. Sources tell National File the lawsuits are brewing but of course, you won’t hear too much about this abysmal scandal on the Mainstream Media.

Sam Bankman-Fried and his FTX cronies gave $300,000 to nine members of the House committee now investigating FTX’s collapse. Five members serve on House Financial Services Committee’s Digital Assets Task Force.

Meanwhile, at the Homeland Security Committee hearings yesterday, Senator Hawley skewered DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his policies of allowing human trafficking to flourish to unprecedented levels at the Southern Border and of throwing around the full weight of the US Federal Government to police the speech of everyday Americans. Hawley cited specific emails published by The Intercept, which show that his department has been turned into a “censorship machine”, forcing social media to censor critics of the Biden administration.

It’s theater – but it’s cathartic theater – which is the best kind of theater – and if it leads to the impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas, who is clearly an enemy agent and who is not working on behalf of the American People, so much the better.

Also yesterday, Representative James Comer announced that the Republican House Oversight Committee is launching an investigation into Joe Biden’s dealings with his son Hunter to determine whether the president is compromised or swayed by foreign dollars. Whistleblowers, like Tony Bobulinski described President Biden as the “Chairman of the Board” for these businesses.

So, President Biden is being investigated by the House for things like human trafficking and the mainstream media isn’t talking about it.

Meanwhile, The Washington Post has published a piece, post-midterm elections that once again clears former President Donald Trump’s name and reputation as to whether he was conducting nefarious business activities with classified documents, the presumption of which formed the basis of the FBI’s unprecedented raid on his Mar-a-Lago home in early August.

But Attorney General Merrick Garland ignored this Friday when he appointed Jack Smith as Special Counsel to investigate whether criminal charges should be filed against Trump. Many believe that this will culminate in Trump’s arrest. I’m being told by my own source that this is because the Biden Regime wants control of the Nuclear Football, which they’ve never had.

Harry the Greek at reports that Konnech CEO Eugene Yu missed his court appearance Thursday at the Los Angeles County Court House. Konnech Inc is a software company based in China specializing in election systems. Over a thousand Boards of Elections use Konnech software, including the Pentagon.

Yesterday’s court hearing in the Eugene Yu criminal case revealed the Prosecution still has the Konnech CEO’s passport, as well as an encrypted device that contains 350 terabytes of encrypted data.

Harry asks, “Is Yu back in China with his wife, Donna Wang of Michigan State University? Yu’s charges of embezzling $2,640,000 from Los Angeles and conspiracy were withdrawn on November 9th. However, prosecutors will file new charges next year to include ‘fugitive from justice’. Yu was arrested in Lansing, Michigan’s state capital at their airport. He was attempting to flee the country said the Judge.

In the meantime, the investigation continues. It includes unnamed private-sector forensic cyber experts. According to the LA Prosecutor Eric Neff, Konnech has thousands of contracts in the US. Its servers store, send and receive election data to China from many states.

“Konnech has contracts with the Pentagon to handle overseas military ballots too. The verbal sparring between Luke Spisak, the LA Prosecutor, and the defense attorney spilled into the hallways, as was witnessed by George Webb and his Citizens News team of five persons who were at the hearing.”

In the meantime, LA County’s investigation continues and includes unnamed private-sector forensic cyber experts. The defense wants Yu’s encrypted device back. Spisak says no way. Tuesday’s hearing will determine who gets to keep the device.

Harry says 350 terabytes is enough to store data of every registered voter in the country, plus plenty to spare for the rest of the world, including the 56 countries where the UN’s Carter Center has been rigging elections with China, including the states of: Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Harry reminds us that the Michigan State Police and Ingham County Sheriff Department in Mason, Michigan have no record of Yu’s arrest on October 4th and release in October 6th. No driver’s license. No voting record. No driving violations or parking tickets, even though Yu has lived in Michigan for 25 years. Harry says it is as if he is being protected by the FBI and Justice Department.

Neither agency has an effort to prosecute Yu and his voting machine software company, Konnech. Yu’s mug shot from Ingham County, Michigan was taken on October 5th. On October 6th, it was deleted from the internet for good. On whose authority?

LA County’s Konnech data ended up in China, according to George Gascon, Los Angeles’ elected District Attorney. Yu was supposed to pick up his passport at 8:30 AM last Thursday but he didn’t show up and the Prosecutor still has it. Where is Eugene Yu?

Harry says Yu’s wife, Donna Wang, MD, vacated her office at Michigan State University, where she was the Director of Nanomedicine and Molecular Intervention without notice after 25 years at the university. Her office phone, “is disconnected”. Where has Dr Wang disappeared to? How can Yu leave the country without a passport? Who let them escape? Yu’s next court hearing is nest Tuesday. Harry asks, Will he appear then to pick up his passport? Or will his double show up instead, wearing a mask like Joe Biden’s fake stand-in?

Meanwhile, Kanekoa the Great has posted another bombshell report on his Substack with his findings that Eugene Yu was an “officer” on the “finance committee” of the American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation, which awarded Dr Charles Lieber an all-expenses paid trip to Zhejiang University in 2002.

Charles Lieber is the American pioneer in nanoscience and nanotechnology and the convicted felon who was the chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University who failed to disclose his role as a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology and his participation in the Thousand Talents Plan, which is one of more than 200 similar initiatives China uses as part of its overseas program to acquire foreign technology and intellectual property.

Don’t forget, Eugene Yu’s wife was a 25-year professor at Michigan State as the chair of the the Department of Nanomedicine and Molecular Intervention, so this looks like a spy ring and the tip of a whole other iceberg in the Globalists’ 5th generational war on Western Civilization via exfiltration of US intellectual property, forced Death Shots to weaken the populace and election fraud to steal the governments.

According to the DOJ, the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) “paid Lieber $50,000 per month, living expenses of up to $158,000 at a time, and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at WUT.”

Charles Lieber developed nanowires, nano scaffolding and nanoelectronic devices for cell and tissue electrophysiology that are rumored to have been used in the COVID Death Shot, which is difficult to verify, because the Death Shot manufacturers refuse to disclose the contents of the vaxx.

And speaking of the Death Shot, the G20 unanimously supports a Global Vaccine Passport, which means mandatory Death Shots if you ever want to leave your house again.

The enemies of humanity, the World Economic Forum and their minions have been meeting over the past week at the G20 Summit in Indonesia, where they crescendoed in unanimous agreement to impose a Global Vaccine Passport.

These people are stupid.

There are many, many more of us than there are of these parasites. All I can say is that I hope these guys are all fully triple-vaxxed and -boosted and that they stay up-to-date on all their latest jabs and get all the extra bonus jabs they could ever need.

The Brazilian people are showing the world how it’s done, after

Brazil’s Socialist supreme court is following the lead of Trudeau’s evil Chinese Regime.

Whereas the Trudeau Regime blocked the funds of low-salaried workers who supported the truckers, Brazil’s Communist supreme court is blocking the funds of 42 agricultural entrepreneurs in the frontier state of Mato Grosso suspected of supporting the truckers’ protests. Regardless, millions of protestors throughout the vast nation are standing strong.

The Gateway Pundit reports that the party of President Jair Bolsonaro presented its report and announced it will apply to have the election annulled since the results could not be validated.

Globalist toady, Alexandre de Moraes, who enabled convicted Communist embezzler, Lula da Silva to run for President wants to depose Minister of Defense General Paulo Sergio Nogueira.

After the Ministry of Defense filed its report with the Supreme Electoral Court on the October 30, stating of the election, that “It is not possible to say the electronic voting system is free from the influence of malware that could affect its outcome.”

Instead of investigating the allegations, the Supreme Court charged that the report “endangered the physical safety of citizens” who were “involuntarily encouraged” to protest – as if the more than 3 million Brazilians who turned out on Republic Day November 15 to protest the steal didn’t know what they were doing.

The truckers are on strike again and they’re blocking the highways.

Contrary to Globalist propaganda, the indigenous peoples of Brazil are largely supporting Bolsonaro, because they know that the Globalists seek to annul their rights to their land and that the Globalists actually want to blot out all of the world’s indigenous people and to blot out any legal system that is outside the Globalist New World Order.

As some of you may know, I am half-Brazilian and I can tell you that this man is saying that these tribes from all over the country have gathered at the capital because they stand with the Brazilian patriots and they don’t want Communism.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Lieber if I am not mistaken is tied to CIA drug laboratory, Fort Dietrich, I learned this the first day I heard about COvid-19 in the news! Fort Dietrich is central lab, they create and it can be detected where the drugs are made, they have a signature from the lab they are made!

  • Better news & more interesting stories that’s cited and sourced unlike the MSN propagandists ‘sponsored by Pfizer’!
    Apparently Yuma Fosgate traded & upgraded his tin foil for full metal aluminium so he could name call peoples beliefs as scary. Just don’t tell him that humans have a 2 dimensional nervous system that is affected & influenced by magnetism and any radio waves but humans don’t notice it because of the Lilly Wave.
    Thanks for FKTV broadening my horizons & mind since I’ve had internet!
    Thanks again Alexandra!

  • 20 – 42? How about including some older ages too?

    I agree, many males completely do not take care of their person. Go organic vegan for the animals, and raw too.

  • Did not know this about McCarthy, maybe this is why MTG backed him, they got leverage on the dude. It has just come out that MTG texted Steve Bannon & said McCarthy said there will be NO funding for the special council against Trump. She mentioned the Holman Rule, haven’t looked that up yet.—-The Jack Smith dude is the one that ruined Bob McDonnell, Repub governor of Va. , my state, it was an absolute con & the Supreme Court reversed the conviction. Smith looks like another Barr, just another deep state money whore.

  • You guys are seriously retarded. It is both amusing and scary to come to this site. Amusing because it is funny to see the ramblings of the old aluminum hat gang with these bullshit conspiracies, but scary that so many of my fellow countrymen and women buy into this shit.

    • 19:50 min. in Not B/S.
      United Nations needs to go.
      You think the (Staged) event of a boy named George wasn’t for a purpose.
      “We hold these truths to be Self Evident.”….
      “That when Any form of Government becomes destructive, it is the Right of the People to alter or Abolish it.”….
      The United Nations is NOT the new form of “Laying New Foundations.”

    • You can’t except it because you probably have good morals and can’t possibly see that evil does exist. One you get past the fact the evil does exist in the worst way the puzzle pieces come together and it’s easier to see.

  • McCarthy – another version of snowflake like passive-aggressive undermining of diverse views in his own damn party?
    Then there is the sieve like hull of the Titanic flooding our ship of state with the sewer water of dishonesty and lies…damn People, we gotta get up off our asses!

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