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On October 7, Wikileaks released emails from John Podesta, President Bill Clinton’s White House Chief of Staff and until 2015, Counselor to President Barack Obama. Podesta is currently the Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton Campaign.

Podesta has been vocal in his opposition to the excessive use of classification. In a speech he gave at Princeton University in 2004, he complained about what he called the “bloated secrecy bureaucracy” within the US Government. He is known as a longtime advocate for government disclosure of UFO files.

While speaking at the Coalition for Freedom of Information news conference in 2002, Podesta stated that, “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.”

The Podesta leak shows that he received two emails from the late Apollo Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, discussing UFO Disclosure, extraterrestrial intelligence (“ETI “) and zero point energy (“ZPE”). Zero point energy is defined as free energy that does not damage the environment.

In addition to Podesta’s receiving emails on the matter of UFOs and ETs, other information revealed in the leak contained information on:

  • How to make $8 Million campaign debt disappear for Hillary, by “renting voter and donor information lists” from the Hillary 2008 campaign and other organizations that they control, thereby funneling money back into the campaign to cancel the debt. This was indeed, done with HillPAC, as investigated by a journalist at The Intercept.
  • Hillary took foreign money. It’s implied that Huma Abedin, Vice-Chairwoman of the Clinton Campaign knew about it and solicited it.
  • Podesta wrote: “…Hillary should stop attacking Bernie [Sanders], especially when she says things that are untrue, which candidly she often does…[she has] no idea of the damage she does to herself with these attacks, which she does not gain by making.”
  • Podesta suggests the Campaign was too afraid to ask for Bernie’s medical records. Knowing Hillary’s medical records are much worse.
  • A well-known journalist warned about how “Clinton’s sex life” could cause problems and attempts were made to shut up sources, because Bill Clinton sex “allegations are hurting both Clintons”.
  • The Clinton Campaign thanked Haim Saban, owner of Mexico’s Univision TV network for its moderators’ handling of the debate between Hillary and Sanders. (Can you say rigged?)
  • Strategies for attacking Bernie Sanders : “Sanders once wrote that men fantasize about women being on their knees and women fantasize about being raped by three men simultaneously.”
  • How to manage Hillary’s email fiasco. Should Hillary make a joke about the emails? No, because “We don’t know what’s in the emails, so we are nervous about this. Might get a big laugh tonight and regret it when content of emails is disclosed. “- Mandy Grunwald. Better not to joke about the “emails”. The email case was ultimately about how she exposed classified TOP SECRET/SAP information through the “emails” to Combetta, Pagliano, all of her lawyers, all of Platte River Network maybe a few janitors.
  • Hillary’s stance on the Defense of Marriage Act revealed, 2015 October “I’m not saying double down or ever say it again. I’m just saying that she’s not going to want to say she was wrong about that, given she and her husband believe it and have repeated it many times. Better to reiterate evolution.
  • Hillary campaign was terrified that the New York Times would report on her meetings with the largest Democrat Political Action Committee: “So afraid that NYT is going with this story on Priorities, whether we like or not. They have sources about the meetings. Honestly, it sounds like Priorities staff was yapping.” (The New York Times did not publish about this, as they are Hillary supporters). Emails suggest that meetings took place and there was coordination with Priorities PAC.
  • The likely moment when they figured out how to destroy all of the emails: “When I worked for the leadership we had a records retention policy to actively destroy all emails after 3 or 6 months. Each office made up its own policy. ” So just change your policy to something “made up” and you get to destroy all the evidence. BLEACHBIT TIME

You can peruse the leaked Podesta emails for yourself, here:

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Mark, Podesta has already publicly stated that: “my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files.”

  • The truth does not have to be validated by ignorance – Dick Gregory
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