Bret Weinstein tells Tucker Carlson that taking Three mRNA COVID vaccines has been found to trigger IGG4, i.e., a weakened immune response and he says that China did not give their population the mRNA vaccine.

“IGG4’s biological purpose is to turn down an immune response.

“The Chinese did not vaccinate their population with mRNA technology or anything based on spike protein.

“Our two populations (America and China) are now different in this regard…

“And the message that was injected into so many people was like a firmware update. It was a firmware update that caused the immune systems of people to [change the response to spike proteins].”

In a nutshell, this equates to one population (China) immune to some new bio-weapon and one population (America) susceptible to it.

h/t MJTruth

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I was visiting my son in Hangzhou China during mid January 2020 to mid February 2020. While there was a great deal of disruption when I was there, it was nothing like the USA media portrayed. In the area of Hangzhou, many Chinese citizens were not at home and vacationing for Chinese New Year. The high end Grocery Market across the street from his apartment was still open and he was allowed to shop every other day. Sidewalks were bare but I watched, from his apartment, as delivery trucks, and their drivers, seemed to go about their work. I made it out of China the day that the Hangzhou airport had it’s last international departure flight (during Covid) and ended up in Korea (when the 6 other passengers and I boarded the flight we had NO idea what country had agreed to allow us entry). Took me just a few hours short of 4 days to make it back to Ohio and the beginning of the USA lock downs.

    By the time I made it home, my son’s life was getting back to normal except his co workers were stranded in other countries. He was going out with his girlfriend to events were she lived in Shanghai. I was stuck in an area of the USA where stores only allowed so many people in , arrows were drawn on the store floors etc.. I communicated with my son daily on WeChat and his life was slowly returning to normal much before mine . My son is fluent in Mandarin so he was able to understand everything that was happening. We knew it was theater back then by all the inconsistencies we experienced.

  • The death cults plan to place china as the new leaders of the deathstar planet poised for mass extinction . They saved enough slaves over there as necessary to keep them supplied . The chinese people have all the preferred attributes for a life of subjugation . Life down under in the lizards lair far from the whining and wailing recently poisoned uneatable livestock . Reminds me of a work of fiction story of underground Elohim races who farmed the topside people as a food supply and demanding tribute to live a dumbed down simple existence . The rest is reset history .

  • International Public Notice — It Was Not a Mistake

    The reasons are made obvious:

    Please note the video clips of the bizarre stadium pageant staged at the London Olympics years before the pandemic — with sexy nurses carrying needles and patients using hospital beds as trampolines and trying to escape assassins and all the rest of it.

    That was years before the democide.

    We let JFK’s murder stand under a manure pile of government secrecy and obvious Warren Commission lies.

    We accepted the same snow jobs with RFK, MLK, Princess Diana, Vince Foster, and so many other people who depended on us for justice.

    We turned our backs on Randy Weaver’s wife, baby, and young son. We didn’t look at what went on in Waco and the massacre of the Branch Davidians.

    We were horrified but did nothing about LaVoy Finicum.

    Nothing about the Colorado Nine.

    Nothing about Russell Means, Don Benson, Steve Curry and thousands of other Americans who have suffered and died under the bootheels of lawless piratical foreign corporations acting as “government services providers” and phony judges acting as bill collectors taking a cut on commission.

    Congressman Louis T. MacFadden? Charles Lindburgh’s baby? General George Patton?

    The dumb clucks among us still shrug and think, “Well, it’s our government, and our government wouldn’t do anything wrong….”

    But now you know for sure that it’s not our government doing these things.

    It’s foreign Municipal Corporation Subcontractors and their Agencies staging all these murders and violence, not only abroad, but increasingly in this country, too.

    Remember September 11th? How about Paradise, California. How about Lahaina? Sandyhook? The Boston Marathon? Pearl Harbor?

    The concert in Las Vegas? January 6? Building Seven? Fukushima?

    Thanks to the worthless bought off, co-opted, gagged, dumbed down, clueless media, we haven’t heard even a tenth of what goes on in the world.

    We didn’t hear about the slaughter of the elected Ukrainian government.

    Out of 22 hot wars going on in the world this Christmas, we heard about two.

    People, we’ve been looking the other way for far too long, so now, look at this one from World War II:

    Bayer is still around; in fact, it recently picked up Monsanto — another Corporate Bad Boy that needs to go down the toilet.


    How about the “State of Israel, Inc.” incorporated a year ago in February of 2023 as a new business entity by the Companies House, London, with its address given as the Israeli Embassy at Kensington Palace, and the Beneficial Owner listed as the Israeli Knesset.

    Benghazi? The Nordstream Pipeline bombings? The “Emergency” Withdrawal from Afghanistan? The Helicopter Money to Iran?

    Joe Biden bragging — on television — about how he leveraged his then-office as Vice President to get a Ukrainian Prosecutor fired for investigating Hunter Biden’s influence peddling?

    Are you finally awake? Are you sick of it? And sick of looking the other way?

    The Swiss Government giving diplomatic immunity to all these murderers who planned and promoted the democide, protecting them so that they can’t even be prosecuted?

    The U.S. Congress giving similar immunity to Big Pharma so that they don’t have to care what they shove in our arms as long as it is labeled “vaccine”?

    It could be rat poison, but they are doing that already and calling it “Warfarin”. Or it could be “Luciferase”.

    The Uniform Commercial Code being deliberately altered after-the-fact to provide a loophole for the big banks to come in and pretend to be the Secured Party Creditors against your homes and land for debt owed in fact by these same foreign banks?

    Your borders being left open to every security risk on Earth? Our gold being transported to the Philippines by the U.S. Navy for “safekeeping”?

    G.W. Bush thinking that he had the right and authority to erase our borders with Canada and Mexico?

    Your silver dollars being stolen in inequitable exchange for unpaid I.O.U.s without a “certain date payable”? The fiat currency being inflated into oblivion?

    Your gold stolen to bankroll the World Bank and IBRD? And the Federal Reserve?

    Where’s the 20,000 Metric Tons of gold those useless pieces of corporate corruption owe us by FDR’s own admission?

    Hillary Clinton’s computer? Did you know that she was an Irish Dual Citizen while operating as Secretary of State?

    Your good name stolen and copyrighted by the British Crown? Your natural political status denigrated to the level of an animal or worse?

    And who was playing God that day in 1940, when the British Territorial U.S. Congress thought it good to pass the Buck Act?

    Or when they founded Hamas? Isis? And Hezbollah?

    Germans working for the Pope pretending to sit on the English Throne and to be Protestant Monarchs?

    Placentas being passed off as stillborn fraternal twins and then this ruse being used to create infant decedent estate interests for these criminal hypocrites to pillage and plunder?

    Millions of missing children?

    We’ve been looking the other way for so long, we’ve forgotten how to look; but, this rampage of corporate criminality and the abuses of commercial law are coming to an end, because we will make it so.

    Because this time we won’t look the other way while they are bombing Yemen or believe their lies at all. This time we are going to pull our ostrich heads out of our butts and we are going to look, and see, and call this horror show what it is.

    This entire planet has been turned into a crime scene because of a couple dozen banks that have been funding and benefiting from the war-mongering and the destruction and corruption.

    • Steve, General Patton said “We fought the wrong enemy.”
      Sandy Hook & Boston Marathon were illusion’s.
      Pearl Harbor was staged by Franklin Roosevelt the communist, who also stole the people’s gold while sending their teenage son’s to kill their own bloodline in Germany.
      You should be more concerned about who was behind the “Bolshevik Red Terror” that killed over 60 million Russians & Europeans that turned Russia, Poland along with half of Germany into a Communist state that lasted almost the entire 20th Century.
      Adding a Propaganda piece on the same beaten road that leads to the cowing down of my people is unappreciated. Truth will always outweigh the lies of deception. The cards have fallen, wake up! Sincerely Jayne

      • Steve, you mentioned Benghazi, Muammar Gaddafi colorful man, a good man. People believe he was murdered because of the gold trading he was setting up for Africa. Partly true, but the last straw was when he publicly apologized at the Arab-African Summit October 10th, 2010, to his African brothers for the Sub-Saharan Slave Trade by the Arab’s, when the Arab’s defeated Egypt in 640 & took control of North & East Africa & their Islamic Slave Trade Island Post was in Zanzibar. While the European’s Trans Atlantic slave trade lasted shy of 200 years, the Arab/Muslim Slave Trade went on non-stop for 1,300 years (640 AD – 1920) & was the most brutal, gruesome human trafficking recorded in history. Mr. Gaddafi last words on the subject “Arab’s engaged in Colonizing & exploiting that still continue today.”

        • Jay, it was the US State Dept. that murdered him through terrorists working for the US which in turn was working for Israel to hammer down Israel’s enemies. When the world agreed to grant some land in Palestine to European Jewish victims of Nazi tyranny it was on condition they live in peace amongst their new neighbors. Well now today, more than ever we know that ideal was DOA and the land of Palestine has become a cup of trembling for the whole world to bear.

          • Muammar Gaddafi was murdered by our State Dept. yes, but for the reasons I gave.
            The Palestine Region was first developed in 1860 – 1920 by the German’s. Land purchase Recorded, that’s why Syria could not hold claim to it after WWI.
            There were No Jewish victims from Germany. The Jews from Germany went to the already established communities of Mount Carmel, Haifa, Jaffa & Sirona under the Transfer Agreement, recorded history (1933-1939).
            The nasty Jews went to New York City because Adolf Hitler put an end to their careers in publishing, teaching & prostitution, welcome to America….

  • Here he goes again about Spike Protein (misrepresentation of cell break down). Chinese also got vax with different brand name (sino-something), and many got similar side effects.

    He should make it clear that whether mRNA or non mRNA, doesn’t matter , just don’t take it (unless he’s still pushing that stupid wuhan bat virus theory on a purpose).

    • John, right!

      The medical profession has been corrupted by Big Pharma which is milking American two legged cows. I’ve known for many decades that they mark their products way up in America. The exact same products they sell for less than half outside of America. Medical doctors today are drug pushes for Big Pharma, now injection pushers for Big Pharma and they have weaseled their way into retailers like grocers, big box stores turning them into shot pushers. Haver you had your flue shot yet?

      My family doctor’s signs greet patients at the door, “must wear mask, have you had your flu shot yet”? Preliminary nurse asks have you had your flu shot yet and the first thing out of the doctors mouth is have you had your flu shot yet. This is insanity on steroids! Big Pharma has turned the nations doctors into trained monkeys.

      It doesn’t stop there, all the loot they lifted out of American pockets that doesn’t go into their pockets goes to TV sponsoring and TV talking heads are controlled by their money. And Americans are putting up with it. It’s evil to the core.

      It’s a billionaires trick!

      • “My family doctor’s signs greet patients at the door, ‘must wear mask, have you had your flu shot yet’?”

        And you still patronize this idiot?

        • Bosco, not if I can help it! But finding a doctor who is loyal to his oath is not as easy as I would like it to be. Really he has been trying to get rid of me, because I wont bow down to his god, the corporate/govenment complex.

  • Trump promoted the massive mRNA experiment on Americans.

    How much he knew about it I cannot say, but he absolutely knew it was experimental. Fauci knew it was experimental and Trump stood behind him nodding his head in affirmation every time Fauci lied about it. Trump has never apologized! Oh he has made blame shifting excuses, but one thing Mr Perfect doesn’t do is admit it when he is wrong.

    Aside from the daily Trump Fauci show, real scientists told the nation the shots were not vaccines in the traditional sense, but experimental gene therapy operating systems. What, did Trump not know? How could he not know?

    Kennedy on the other hand was jumping up and down trying to get MSM attention, but they were joined at the hip with the daily Trump-Fauci circus act.

    Another thing that got my attention was the theater coming out of China at the time. I used to stop the clip and slow forward so that I could more closely see what they were trying to create. That’s when the theater became more obvious. The falling Chinaman falls were fake theatrical falls. There were even a few clips coming out of China at the time exposing these theatrical displays. How much of this did Trump know?

    How much if any of Trumps thumping of China was theater? What did Xi know?

    What struck me as odd was that Yael Kushner, nee Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner spoke Mandarin Chinese in the their home while their children were being tutored in Mandarin Chinese. Wow, that takes some kind of serious dedication! What did they know that we don’t?

    There remains a lot of stink in the nation!

    • Correct, and why I will not vote for him no matter what idiot the Dems put up.

      The other major reason is the state of emergency order he signed which then created lockdown nation.

      You’re right about the fake falls in China also, only I didn’t need to slo-mo them they were so obvious. People collapsing don’t break their falls at the last second. Really bad acting.

      • Bosco, you are quite right, it was the recognition that they appeared to be breaking their falls at the last second that prompted me to slomo and confirm! Any thinking person could have picked up on it.

      • JD, Rumor has it, Trump with a group of other rich men purchased 80% of the kill shots & replaced them with saline. If true, that’s why Trump kept saying “we saved a lot of lives.”

        • Heard that and a whole lot of other Q type 3D chess BS excuses for the guy. Nonsense! I prefer to look at his real actions. I actually know 7 people dead from his shots. He’s so lame he couldn’t even pardon Assange.

          • I didn’t hear it from Q, I never followed Q. Read it from Anna Von Reitz site, whom was ungrateful that there was still 20% kill shots out there.

        • She’s concerned that he’s being brought in to be the new “narrative police” and she finds it hard to believe that if she and millions of other regular people who are not polymath university professors like him could immediately tell that the Plandemic was a total PSYOP, then how can someone of the intellectual stature of Bret Weinstein not have instantly known this, as well, instead of supporting the mandates for the first two years of the COVID Hoax?

          • Polly is right. And emerging from the mainstream media, presently we are seeing in France the same type of “good guy” who is now taking the same role as Tucker Carlson : earning 1 million euros /year (taxpayer money) and advocating for the People and “Democracy” and how mad is th fake government. No word about holocaust in Gaza.

          • MOSCOW, February 2, 2024. The coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing, its causative agent has not gone anywhere. This opinion was expressed by the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia Alexander Gintsburg.

            “[…]the pathogen has not gone anywhere, it has only become more abundant, has given a powerful impetus to many technological areas in healthcare and science,” he said

            Session of Davos Agenda 2021 online forum
            Vladimir Putin spoke at the session of the Davos Agenda 2021 online forum organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
            January 27, 2021

            President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

            Mr Schwab, dear Klaus,


            Hopes that it will be possible to reboot the old growth model are connected with rapid technological development. Indeed, during the past 20 years we have created a foundation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the wide use of AI and automation and robotics. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated such projects and their implementation.

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