Dr Jane Ruby: “Where do you think the PREP Act and other tools of this American Bioterrorism Attack come from? Congress exempted themselves from the bioweapon then trapped you in it.”

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • No one agency in authority anywhere from .gov or organized religion or the brain trust of organized medicine gives one flying shit about stopping the genocide of slavekind to the contrary they all decided it was a good idea to shrink the herd and have been working to implement the plandemic for decades and since they F’ed up killing the required bulk of humanity they will continue until they have trimmed the family tree of life down to banzai size . No outcry from our friends the benevolent space aliens or the divine beings “watching” out for us from the other dimensions . At a minimum they could have pulled the clot shot bio-weapons off the market when the first few millions of people died but a society that loses millions of kids every year from multiple forms of neglect probably can’t be expected to care too much about that now can they . I guess when you give evil free will shit happens .

  • And
    Here’s the other 2 on technology,


    Candidate was able to see for 50 Myers in total darkness for several hours,


    Data Collecting is the New Frontier , it’s also Tues 8nto How People will be controlled and eventually turned into half human half robot, transhumanism,,

  • Vaccines should not even exist, first of all.
    RockHead Medicine based on fraudulent Germ’s theory (which is not even a theory as it’s been debunked many times) goes back way back.
    People like RFK and Bigtree, “personally” agree about No Virus; however, they won’t dare to speak that out in public fearing losing support from parasites (AKA politicians).
    Gotta get to the fact straight, because even if we were to go along with the fraudulent “V” narrative, the parasites aren’t interested in getting rid of source of the problem.
    Matthew 12:26

    • John,
      Do you believe that nanotechnology exists? Smart dust, nanotubes, artificial DNA, spike proteins, etc? These things are NOT NATURAL, and are so small that the physical laws governing them are different.

      In essence, UNNATURAL “VIRUSES” DO NOW EXIST in my humble opinion, that allow evil men to hack into and control other humans via artificial intelligence (an artificial technological “neon” god created by man directed by Satan – Simon & Garfunkel “sound of silence” ).

      Contagion is documented in scripture, and the remedy in scripture is quarantine for anyone sick or women in menstruation, is it not?

      Why did many people practice things such as “chicken pox parties”? Children Inviting friends over to catch chicken pox & get it over with.. and it working? It seems to me we don’t fully understand what’s going on.

      With artificial/unnatural life on the nano scale, the rules of the game have changed. Things that were impossible before are no longer impossible. Satan is the prince of the power of the air according to scripture. Frequency warfare (5G, microwaves, artificial earthquakes etc) geoengineering & HAARP/ weather modification, Sirens singing beautiful music, holograms in the sky, TV, movies & radio, etc. Satan is a copycat & has said he will become like the most high – who can dwell inside us, know our thoughts & feelings, control the weather, perform miracles in the sight of men. Nanotechnology is the final key to allow Satan access to the Temple of God – OUR BODIES, so he can dwell within us IF WE CONSENT under duress. Sadly, many people without faith, afraid of death, will fear death more than separation from God & technological demonic possession by AI via genetic modification (Mark of the beast).

      I know that fear of death is a type of bondage according to scripture, and as bad as Death can be, the alternative is EXPONENTIALLY WORSE.. there are things worse than death. Those that take the mark of the beast pray for death and don’t find it. If Hell is defined as a place ruled by Satan, then we are in Hell right now my friend! And the only way to escape Hell is to die & return to God. We should never fear death & going to be with God in Heaven where we are bathed in love without pain, sorrow, sickness, etc.

      I think we both agree on this:
      No matter what the nature of the problem is (Germ theory / Terrain theory), the ONLY SOLUTION to the problem is faith & trust in the creator, with obedience to His word.

      I have experienced miracles (plural) through faith & prayer that astonish my doctors. Science cannot explain everything, because many things are unseen physically, and science ignores the spiritual side of existence, however this is first a SPIRITUAL BATTLE.

      May The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

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