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by Watchmen’s Duty


There are no property rights under Agenda 21/2030.

Property Rights are incompatible with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

America is the only place where property ownership is unique, and fueled our success, but that is coming to an end-of-life.

Everything that you own now, and in the “near” future, will become a rental service in the new global circulation economy, in basic terms.

When you are done with your items, you will return them to the corporation that made it for recycling.
Even the clothes that you wear.

To prevent waste, and to save the planet from humanity..

Homes, Vehicles, Properties etc can be applied to this circular economy concept being put into place, globally.

Property rights are not sustainable for the environment and contribute to climate change.

Get ready…

Washington state lawmakers passed a bill (HB 1287) on April 15 which aims to stop the sale of new internal combustion-engine vehicles starting in 2030

HB 1287 – 2021-22 – Concerning preparedness for a zero emissions transportation future.

Washington State Wants To Kill Gas Cars

California plans 2035 ban of new gas car sales. 17 states will decide to follow or not

Saving The Automobile Isn’t Just About Cars

Toyota Warns About Rushing Into Electrification

There is an aggressive push for more EV purchases

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling for the end of private car ownership in the name of saving the world from climate change by reducing the need for green tech resources

Pa. State Senate passes bill to stop banning of new natural gas hookups

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • What is funny is I was just shopping for insurance and they all want the app installed. An app to monitor every move and everyone else’s. I pointed the broad strokes of this video out to the agents before this video came out! I stated, eventually we won’t be able to drive or be allowed insurance because the ai dictates it not! They all listened patiently to my rant & 2 out of 3 agreed with me, one stated that she was not allowed to comment!

      • I’m a dissident. I only begrudgingly acquiesce to my bowel movements. Never a corporation trying to get one up on humanity. With what smart device that I don’t own am I supposed to have the app installed?
        Also, Todd how could you infer from what I wrote I would acquiesce? If this is how low you think of me & your fellow humans then I don’t know what to say.

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