Unrestricted Warfare means that parody and hoaxes are now indistinguishable from reality. When I posted the videos of people with magnetized vaccine injection sites the other day, I didn’t know for sure if these weren’t hoaxes.

Now, we learn that “manipulative magnetic nano-medicine” as the future of COVID therapy and “super paramagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine” are a thing.

The next wave of such videos are documenting how the vaccinated have EMF readings that are 20x-30x higher than normal. All the better to serve as network nodes on the Internet of Things.

Greg Reese has made this great short video on these topics.



For those of us who still have a survival instinct, the COVID-19 vaccine has been nothing but red flags, from the start. An experimental mRNA cocktail that re-wires your cells at the genetic level, everyone is supposed to get it. All negative comments are censored.

Those who question it are shamed and attacked in the public. And all this, for a manufactured pandemic, created via headlines, pop culture talking points and government shutdowns.

On a certain level, the whole thing is undeniably a psychological test. With all these blatant red flags, are you so compliant that you are willing to submit and take the shot? Or are you driven by an independent instinct to survive?

The normal, healthy response would be to question this.

Now, we have people dying after getting the vaccine. Painful side effects are becoming normalized and there are other side effects being reported. Strange ones. Several people claiming that magnets are sticking to the injection point on their arm after getting the COVID vaccine. Is there something metallic inside the vaccine, that’s strong enough to hold a small magnet?

Vaccines come with inserts loaded with small print, known famously for some, listing autism as an adverse reaction. The inserts for the COVID vaccine are intentionally left blank, so we have to search outside of the box.

A quick search will find reports on manipulative magnetic nano-medicine as the future of COVID therapy and super paramagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine”.

The first gap the transhumanists and techno tyrants need to bridge is the interface; the controversial chip. Some people these days have no problem having a computer chip implanted into their body but many of us prefer to remain without. Are the magnets responding to some form of fluid nano chip? Who knows?

The trials are happening now, the public being used as lab rats. Some people are also claiming that the vaccinated are giving off high EMF waves, above 400 for the vaccinated, at least ten times higher than the unvaccinated. What does that even mean?

Similar to how thousands of women have claimed that having contact with the vaccinated has resulted in having problems with their menstrual cycles. Some are now claiming that having contact with the vaccinated has caused mysterious rashes on their skin.

The one thing we know for certain is, say “No!” to the vaccine.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I am convinced that this ‘vaccine/transfection’ is a dress rehearsal for the last coming implant IN the right hand which will promise to cure all diseases and prolong life.
    This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at tinyurl.com/matrixofgog to find out who they are…
    The Plandemic:
    “1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
    2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
    3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”

    “Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”

  • The energy they will bombard you with is directed to your dna profile. As energy, it is therefore not visible in our light spectrum. It is injected as nanobites via control/chaos police ops, via a customized radar gun.

    This energy works with metallics from chemtrails that we are all inundated with. The energy must be magnetic as it also alters your natural aura and replaces it with their own false light aura.

    Being magnetic and of energetic origin, it needs heat. The human body a perfect target. But that fact also is it’s weakness… Are you still there? If so, once infected and feeling the extreme energetic capsule in which they in prison you, ice cubes, cold compresses, anything that you can do to intentionally cool your body, will help it detach temporarily.

    No known long-term stuff that works. It also hates peroxide at 6% or greater. Rubbing alcohol, apple cider vinegar; all help to cope/detach but not long term. But these will help you with your fight. If you know how to correctly use crystals to clean your aura it does help. That means that your aura, your consciousness and your soul are still there. They want us to kill ourselves.

    The goal must be to simply survive the madness until they are defeated; Christ consciousness victory. Use your chakras, pray and point yourself higher through the chaos and pain.

    • The only one who can save you is the Almighty LIVING God! Not crystals! It is GOD who chooses when it’s time for someone to die. Do not subscribe Jesus Christ to your new age “Satanic” doctrine.

      • Exactly Sonia! God has given us all free will to choose which will guide our steps: Satan or Jesus Christ. As for me and my house we will worship the Lord Jesus Christ! We put ALL of our faith and trust in the Lord alone and not in any man for it is God who controls the kingdom of men. Dan 4:17. Those who put their trust in man are cursed; Jeremiah 17:5. Already, God has given the world a ‘strong delusion that many believe the lie’. What is that lie? We learn the truth of it in Romans 2:28-29 – it is the Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Jews, Spiritual Land of Israel, the inheritance of Jesus Christ for it is He who is King of Judah and King of Jews; therefore, the born again Christians are the House of Israel, the House of Judah and the spiritual Jews. 1 Corinthians 15:46 First that which is natural – Last that which is spiritual. Natural Children of Israel, Natural Jews in the Natural Land of Israel. Natural Babylon Shinar Iraq. Spiritual Children of Israel, Spiritual Land of Israel, Spiritual Jews and chosen ones are born again Christians. Spiritual Babylon = ALL nations have now drunk from the cup of fornication held by GOG and his horde of imposters and ALL nations have become spiritual Babylon. Who are the puppet masters many call the ‘elites’ which also entails the minions or ‘useful idiots’ as the real puppet masters call them. Who are the real puppet masters?
        I have done a lot of historical research of their own documentations and bible study to find out who the people are who have been controlling this world in wickedness; creating this free slave world in which we all now live in a debt based, fiat economic system and you can read about them here; if you care to and if you do, read to the end to learn all of the truth. It is slow going in the beginning because the ground work had to be laid so you will understand how it all ties together; be patient it will be worth your time. tinyurl.com/matrixofgog
        God bless you and yours Sonia.

  • Over,4,000 dead, over 40,000 vaccine related injuries.
    And lots of msm hype, and food bribes from some governors. They want most of us gone, and easier to handle. What will happen won’t be known for 4 to 14 months.
    Still reminds me of the Georgia Guide Stones….

    • I am convinced that this ‘vaccine’ which is really a transfection inasmuch as they inject a protein virus into the RNA/messenger of DNA which can never be undone, causing the ‘vaxxed’ to eventually become the super spreaders, is a dress rehearsal for the last coming implant IN the right hand which is the Mark of the Beast (kingdom), the U.N. which received its deadly wound as the League of Nations.

  • It is a sad thing to see people put their hope, trust and faith in man which is a curse to them by God who do so. As for me and my house, we put ALL of our hope, faith and trust in the Lord God alone. We fear no man for while man may kill the body, no man can take us out of the Hand of the Eternal/Everlasting God and we will see the Kingdom of Heaven and live forever with the LORD. In whom do you put your trust?

  • ALL of this is by design; planned long ago by the puppet masters whose aim it is to take total power and control over the people of the world and allow their false messiah to rule with an iron fist. This third and fourth wave of the virus was planned long ago by the puppet masters who own the central banks, including the Bank of China. These imposters are the puppet masters whose messiah is Lucifer/Satan. It is they who have created the free slave world in which we all live today. See my blog at tinyurl.com/matrixofgog to find out who they are…
    The Plandemic:
    “1st Phase: Common/cold/Flu. Mild symptoms at most. Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear. Flawed testing system utilized, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. Inflation of Covid case numbers, through changing of death certificates, double-counting, and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid19. Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.
    2nd Phase: The 1st Phase will lead to compromised and frail immune system through lack of food, social distancing, wearing of masks, and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria. Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system. Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill. This will be blamed on Covid19. This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it. A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.
    3rd Phase: If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released. A lot of people will die from this. It will be survival of the fittest. It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated, in order to return to normality. Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not. It will be anarchy from all sides.”

    “Covid-19means the ‘certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence’ and ’19’ was the year in which it was created.”
    Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide to fight lung infections and lung cancer:
    So now the “vaxxed” mRNA injected individuals are the true super spreaders:
    They are NOT Vaccines – they are BIOWEAPONS to infect ALL people – the VAXXED are the spreaders!
    VACCINE – A KILL-Shot! Whistleblowers, Doctors/nurses. See VIDEOS http://www.stateofthenation.co/?p=54778 http://www.coronanews123.wordpress.com/2021/01/29/2212

    “Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.”
    — Former Pfizer VP
    If you value your life, do not get the experimental gene-therapy RNA treatment offered by Pzifer, Moderna or AstraZeneca. If you have ONE article to read, it’s this one:
    The Zelenko Protocol: (thezelenkoprotocol.com)
    Top Health Experts Accuse CDC Grossly Exaggerating Outdoor Covid-19 Transmission Rate:
    Seychelles’ mistake is a wake up call for the world – the Vaxxed have become the Super Spreaders:
    COVID-19 may be the greatest crime against humanity in history:

  • All the little lab rats died, so now they are using big ones. Us.
    I’m old, not totally stupid. Good day to all that still want to live a bit longer.

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