Here is is yet more evidence that much of what we’ve lived through and assumed was “history” was scripted long ago. This is Project Camelot Co-Founder, Bill Ryan in 2010 describing the Plandemic and World War III, as described to him by a masonic whistleblower from the City of London, the financial nerve center of the Globalists.
by Bill Ryan
The Third World War and the Inheritance of the New World
In January 2010, Project Camelot received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London, in 2005. What was discued is chilling.
What the source reported is this:
• There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological.
• It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos – all carefully engineered.
• The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.
• During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, “China will catch a cold”. Biological warfare will spread further, to the West. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.
• This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the “real” war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.
This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse – as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.
These people can’t ever seem to do a report or podcast without bringing Hitler into it, always presenting him as the ultimate evil.
And the calling of this plan the Anglo Saxon Mission isn’t as he claims here, because its some white racist mission, but rather it is to destroy the Anglo Saxon peoples of the Christian West. It is Khazarian devils who are the architects of this genocidal plan.
These people will give themselves away when they always accuse their intended victims of the very thing they are doing or planning to do. This is why I’ve never trusted the project Camelot bunch because they are basically gate keeping for the zionist Khazarian cabal that is behind the madness & chaos.
I read the comments below and I don’t want to be a Donny downer or piss on anybody’s parade…But…The New World Order is already here, right now they are in the process of mopping up, the mopping up process might take 25 to 50 years and these people are really in no hurry this is a thousand year process. Leonardo da Vinci said there are three classes of people…those who see, those who see when shown, and those who do not see…I never trusted anonymous sources it always smells like shit, I mean CIA…
I always like these Jesus freaks… God sends his only son, we kill him and you really think he is coming back again? Get real!
We have a choice, give me liberty or give me death.
If there are not enough Good Men and Women to stop this insanity, I’m really not interested in existing on this plane. Fear seems to be the current overriding emotion on the planet. Perhaps it’s just my perception. I see a complete lack of friendliness and fellowship in the Washington state area. This is a strange area, full of non-thinking, fat, tattooed up, ring in the nose bozos… I am seeking an area with rational, truth telling women and men. I know this place exists, and in many places. I no longer wish to be around easily manipulated dopes..
It is as written.
End times are here.
Pray and repent if you are to be save from the great tribulation . Believe.
Let’s look. This is time sequence of events in Israel:
🙂 “From January to October 2023, large-scale protests took place across Israel in response to the government’s push for a wide-ranging judicial reform. The proposed package aimed to change the makeup of the Judicial Selection Committee so that control over the appointment of judges was effectively given to the government, prevent the Supreme Court of Israel from ruling on the validity of a Basic Law, defend the preference of the “considered constitutional” Basic Laws passed by the Knesset over the Supreme Court’s interpretation of a Basic Law or nullification of a regular law; abolish the use of “unreasonableness” as grounds for review of administrative decisions, reclassify ministry legal advisers from independent authorities to politically selected counsel whose opinions are not binding, and allow ministers to reject the Attorney-General’s advice in any matter. In July 2023, the Knesset passed the law to abolish the Supreme Court’s ability to review government actions on grounds of reasonableness.”
🙂 International bankers’ military base in the Middle East, going by the name Israel, is endangered. The people who are kept there behind the wall in order to man the armaments for the bankers’ interests in the region are rebelling and that is a big no-no. Guess who comes to bankers’ rescue in October 2023. It is Hamas, a Israeli creation that does the job of governing concentration camp, going by the name Gaza, for the bankers. Hamas which is, and was from its inception, a Israeli creation that never gone rogue:
Guess what stopped in October 2023. Yes, you are right, those large-scale protests against Basic law “reformation”.
🙂 As Gaza concentration camp misdirect winds down a bit, Israeli protesters hit the streets again sometime after February 2024. Now the prime minister (hired gun by the international banksters) is in danger of being deposed. Guess who comes to his clique’s rescue. This time it is Iran with this fake “drone” fireworks stunt which clears streets of protesters and also creates a false impression about impenetrable sky-dome above Israel. And this false impression of safety will be misused later on if/when people/soldiers return to their daily lives and continue with expansion (fortification as concrete settlements buildup) of bankers’ military base .
Actually, it is Iran’s ruling elite which manages the people of Iran for the international banker’s interests that answered Israeli government’s cry for help (Iranian embassy in Damascus “attack”). Iranian ruling elite are of course Phoenician (jewish) cousins in turbans, going by the name the Komnene clan, and they hate people protesting against the international banking central planning efforts anywhere on the globe:
The Komnene clan – which successfully infiltrated all the courts of Europe by the way of marriage in the last millennia – is tasked to play a role of boogeyman and to coordinate fake events in the Middle East, all in agreement with their Western cousins:
Therefore … no, there will be no nuking this time or any time soon, because nukes don’t exist, other then as a ‘fear-mongering-for-misdirection’ tool. And the WW3 prophecy is another fear triggering tool, continuously used to misdirect attention from immediate managerial problems arising from the people’s dissent on the farm-grounds around the world. Goon squads (prime ministers and presidents) running people farming operations around the world for the international bankster elite are in permanent state of discomfort, threatened from the below by the principled pesky people (who refuse their dead personae legal status) and from the above their pay-grade strata by the unscrupulous owners of global beast-system (with their ‘anything goes’ mentality that ensures their top of the pyramid standing).
As far as the bio-weapons ‘fear-for-misdirection’ tool goes, we have seen this so called bio-weapon in “action” and it was a global dud. But it served the global banking elite to curtail protest by the people of Hong Kong who were so successful in fighting oppressive goon-squad government there that international banksters were forced to hastily test (2019) and then execute (2020) their global scandemic scenario to help mainland China government goons suffocate any potential for protests being initiated inside international banksters’ global factory. And scandemic also served the global banksters cabal to measure people’s potential for protesting on all farms around the world and that potential proved to be very weak in global population, so weak that after just a few years our owners felt safe enough to reverted from global people-farming management back to managing their people-farms individually, case by case, Ukraine to Israel.
I think that the insight – that we are dealing with empty threats (nukes, WW3, bio-weapons) by our Masters – explains also why Master M-s are so lightly and laughingly deliberating on such doomsday topics in their meetings. They know very well that people are unable to see through their bluff relentlessly presented by their MSM and ALT-media whores as a real threat to humanity. They lough knowing that people will react as predicted, always looking the wrong way while subconsciously bending their knee to the M-M planned future, their flavor of World-Peace without any potential for dissent thus no opposition to one-order-world. Theirs.
Good observation re: distractions in Israel and other controls in the world via wolf-cry tactics.
I have reasons to suspect that the ‘Anglo-Saxon-Mission’ known otherwise as the one-world-order or the new-world-order is merely a Zionist ploy to fool the world about their false Jewish identity simply out of total humiliation from something that had taken the wind out of the Jewish sail some 2000 years ago – the fall of Jerusalem and the crushing of the 2nd temple to the ground in A.D. 70. They were finished when their old Mosaic order had lost all authority and the true new world order began immediately with the Messiah they rejected taking over the reins through His spirit-led followers.
Since then the European proselyte Jews have re-created a new rabbinic Judaism to give themselves a Jewish identity. With the emergence of Zionism, the world was fooled into accepting their false Semitic identity and conjuring up a fairy tale of not only the supposed still-awaited arrival of their Messiah in Jerusalem but also of a 2nd coming of Christ for the Christians and Muslims. Their illegal occupation of Palestine in 1948, has finally put the wind back into their sail! Everything else since is history as we know it.
Thank you so much Alexandra for this precise reminder. I had carefully read the transcript of this interview at the time.
What the genociders plan is not always what finally happens, as the timelines can be changed with/by our consciousness, and thanks to your action in this realm.
Thank you Alexandra for bringing this up. When I read this and saw Bill’s video my spine tingled and I have been expecting it ever since.
Do you know what happened to Bill? He seemed to disappear after this video.
To anyone who watches this, I suggest you watch for and remember two things.
1. The witness repeatedly states that the timelines quoted are not important. The sequence of events are event driven, not time driven. First event 1 must happen, then event 2, etc. So the fact that the suggested timeline is way off does not really impact the importance.
2. The witness also states, at least in the transcript if I remember aright, that biological weapons and nuclear weapons are interchangeable. So when they say a ‘nuclear’ weapons at any point, that might turn out to be biological.
In my opinion, this current conflict will result in the extreme fear and breakdown of the supply chains and medical system, and then the Real pandemic will get started.
‘A wise man sees the time and prepares himself.”
If you really want a full plan on what is going on, I wrote an article on Substack titled Germany must act irrespective of traditional values. Lt. Col Witt, the main author of the study I quote, explains the Ukraine conflict with as much prescience as Bill;s witness explains Israel Iran.
Neptune 7
its very confusing to folks when you post vids from people who do not separate out the races properly and attribute jewish racial activity to “Anglo Saxons”.
Conjuring Hitler
By Guido Giacomo Preparata
Second, a detailed analysis of the emergence of Nazism is generally shunned so it seems, for it might reveal too much; in truth, it might disclose that the Nazis were never a creature of chance.
The thesis of the book suggests that for the length of fifteen years (1919-1933), the Anglo-Saxon élites tampered with German politics with a conscious intent to obtain a reactionary movement, which they could then set up as a pawn for their geopolitical intrigues.
When this movement emerged immediately after WWI in the shape of a religious, anti-Semitic sect disguised as a political party (i.e. the NSDAP), the British clubs kept it under close observation, proceeded to endorse it semi-officially in 1931 when the Weimar Republic was being dismantled by the Crisis, and finally embraced it, with deceit, throughout the Thirties.
This is to say that although England did not conceive Hitlerism, she nonetheless created the conditions under which such a phenomenon could appear, and devoted herself to support financially the Nazis and subsequently arm them to their teeth with the prospect of manipulating them. Without such methodical and unsparing ‘protection’ on the part of the Anglo-American élites, along with the complicit buttress of Soviet Russia, there would have been no Führer and no Nazism:
the political dynamism of the Nazi movement owed its success to a general state of instability in Germany, which was wholly artificial—a wreckage engineered by the Anglo-American clubs themselves.
By ‘clubs’ and ‘élites’ I mean the established and self-perpetuating fraternities that ruled the Anglo-Saxon commonwealths: these were (and still are) formed by an aggregation of dynasts issued from the banking houses, the diplomatic corps, the officer caste, and the executive aristocracy, which still remains solidly entrenched in the constitutional fabric of the modern ‘democracies’.
These ‘clubs’ act, rule, breed and think like a compact oligarchy, and co-opt the middle-class to use it as a filter between themselves and their cannon fodder: the commoners. In fact, in the so-called ‘democratic constituency’, which represents to date the most sophisticated model of oligarchic rule, the electorate wields no clout whatever, and political ability is but another expression for the powers of persuasion needed to ‘build consensus’ around (momentous) decisions already taken elsewhere†.
The story told in this book is the story of the British empire, which by 1900, fearing the rising power of the young German Reich contrived in secrecy a plan for a giant encirclement of the Eurasian land-mass. The main objective of this titanic siege was the prevention of an alliance between Germany and Russia: if these two powers could have fused into an ‘embrace’, so reasoned the British stewards, they would have come to surround themselves with a fortress of resources, men, knowledge and military might such as to endanger the survival of the British empire in the new century. From this early realization, Britain embarked upon an extraordinary campaign to tear Eurasia asunder by hiring France and Russia, and subsequently America, to fight the Germans. The vicissitudes of the first half of the twentieth century made up the epic of the great siege of Europe.
As will be shown in Chapter 1, WWI completed the first act of the attack, which was crowned by the imperial ingress of the United States on the grand chessboard. Germany had lost the war, but she had not been defeated on her own territory; Germany’s élites, her political and economic structure had remained intact. Thus after 1918 began the second act of the siege: that is, an astounding political maneuver willingly performed by the Allies to resurrect in Germany a reactionary regime from the ranks of her vanquished militarists. Britain orchestrated this incubation with a view to conjuring a belligerent political entity which she encouraged to go to war against Russia: the premeditated purpose was to ensnare the new, reactionary German regime in a two-front war (WWII), and profit from the occasion to annihilate Germany once and for all. To carry out these deep, and painstaking directives for world control, two conditions were necessary:
1) an imposing, and anti-German regime secretly aligned with England had to be set up in Russia,
and 2) the seed of chaos had to be planted in Germany to predispose the
institutional terrain for the growth of this reactionary movement of ‘national
The first objective was realized by back-stabbing the czar in Russia in
1917 and installing the Bolsheviks into power; the second by drafting the clauses of the Peace Treaty so as to leave the dynastic clans of Germany unscathed: indeed, it was from their fold that Britain expected the advent of this revanchist movement (Chapter 2).
I never believed in this timeline, but a few relevant points are there, nevertheless!
Read this and open your sleepy mind?
Dr John Coleman has done an excellant research on who are the real enemies and perpetrators responsible for all the madness and chaos that have been happening.