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This clip shows the primitive subliminal mind control techniques transmitted via television at the American public during the height of the CIA’s MK Ultra project during the 1960s. A similarly Old School but more overt “flash frame” technique, subliminally advertising McDonald’s junk food was found still being used during the airing of a recent episode of ‘Iron Chef’, the cable TV cooking competition show.

DJ of Level9News details how much further this agenda and its technology has advanced since the ’60s, through the use of smart dust, mass brainwave entrainment psychotronics, as well as by harnessing the Global Information Grid (GIG).

She claims,

The Geo-spacial Intelligence program has been collecting information on every human being at an accelerated pace for the past decade. GeoINT is a tool for the proponents of Global Governance to cast a neural net over humanity…for human command and control.” 

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Dino when you are a whacko who sucks up the propaganda like chikken soop you end up believing BS and becoming your own worst enemy, and the enemy of truth. Go drink another cup of rubbing alcohol and tell us again bout dem evil Libs and sociests and how dem smart smart conflagilists are singing hallelujah on dat train bound fer glori. Was this a test to guess which barnyard animal you’re thinking of, cause I got a clear indykation of a jackass. Now go kick your dog and take some candy from a baby to prove what a smart smart man you is

  • Some commenters above are saying that they “still don’t see it”…pretty much me, too.
    Studies have shown that the liberal brain operates differently than everyone else’s.
    And what are characteristics of liberals?
    –they promote ever-larger, invasive government
    –what they like they mandate and what they don’t like they seek to ban
    –they don’t mind being lied to.
    –they deny facts if they vary from what they WANT to believe.
    –can’t ‘reason’ with them / devoid of common sense
    –they blindly worship their candidates
    –when interviewed most seem to have quick, almost rehearsed, responses but, at best, sluggish thought processes.

    Could this be the answer to this conundrum?
    That liberals are far more responsive to subliminal “suggestions”???

  • For the last few years we have seen video on the net of very long caravans of trucks, and long trains of military heavy equipment being moved around the West. They all seem to have brand new paint jobs, some UN, some desert camouflage, and other camouflage. Now we may know why. The UN, IMF, traitors, and others are planning on stealing our natural resources. There have also been rumors of foreign troops on US soil, and rumors of deals some in the State Dept. have made with foreign govts. To pay off our debts to them. Since when is it a must to pay off a loan, especially to countries that were stupid enough to send us solid goods on return for pieces of paper, blips on a computer screen, or promises to pay in the future made by politicians who are known to lie for a living ? Those liars told them that We The People would be responsible for the debt, and they believed them. And now they are coming to collect. It is no wonder why they want us disarmed. They sold us down the river !

  • FreeDixie and everyone else… You have to google “Judge Darby Calls The Military”. This is rather new info that I just learned yesterday, and I wonder why it didn’t come out sooner. But anyway, there is this recording of a Constitutional Judge with an oath who calls the military begging for help for the Ranchers out in Oregon. It seems he is claiming that mercenairies from BlackStone, who work for the IMF, are posing as FBI and State & Local law enforcement. These are the ones who killed Finicum, and who are Terrorrizing other ranchers. The motive is to get them to leave their land, under which is a Hugh Uranium deposit. International mining companies want to steal it, and the IMF is handling the financing. Supposedly, the Clinton Foundation has deals with a company called Uranium One, which is now wholly owned by the Russians. It all about minerals, and control of them. And TRAITORS !

  • Well, it didn’t work on me. I hate the government. The first thing to believe when the government tells you something is to believe it is a lie. I support what the militia did out in Oregon, and one of their numbers was murdered by the Oregon State Gestapo for protesting against the government’s violation of the Constitution. It’s on video. This is an evil, corrupt, controlling, tyrannical government and it wants to keep a socialist in the White House, with full support from the GOP. This evil government will not tolerate protesting against it. It is way past time to clean the garbage out of Washington and start over.

  • I know something is going on. Shows I watched growing up I remember. And when I see the reruns now I know the language and plots are deviated…..I know it’s different….I don’t know how they do it or why and it’s not paranoia on my part…

  • I am glad I have never had a TV!!
    How dismal that the beloved National anthem has been raped by the powers of government, consumerism and re-education. Everything seems so tarnished….the beliefs we grew up with subjected to travesty after travesty.

    The rape of decent human values and the transformation of ethics and morality into a subjugation of basic humanity and then into a mire of control and dominance. It is no wonder so much violence exists today. Can it not be a way of resisting the chains that bind us through these immoral programs by a reactionary violence. Furthermore, perhaps that is why these type of immoral programs proliferate so the control and dominance gets tighter and tighter and people react more violently. The “Lucifer Effect” if you will.

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