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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Over the years I have attended many sales and management seminars.

    Two classic statements now stand out in the halls of my memory. One from a sales middle management female who recommended when all else fails, “lie to your prospect, you are the expert and they don’t know any better”. The other classless comment from the mouth of a division CEO whom I confronted on the issue of ethics. He responded, “what are morals and ethics, they are moving targets, I can’t be bothered with them, I’ve got a business to run.”

    Just a reminder, hundreds of lesser employees depended upon and was influenced by this sort of cancerous leadership!

    In a word, their underlying philosophy is called “Hegelianism”, where everything is in a constant state of flux. Nothing is permanent. If you attended public education after say about 1970 you got dosed with it in a program called “lifeboat”. It’s also peculiar to Darwin’s “survival of the fittest”. This is a religious opinion every bit as much as any other religious opinion. It’s not science!

    The US Department of Education and Federal courts deliberately replaced Christian moral and ethical principles with this type of “amoral” principles in public schools making “peaceful” manipulation of our neighbors socially acceptable. Certain universities then took that a step further teaching students how to steal other peoples property by abusing the legal systems that were originally established to protect from theft. I can name these schools, but out of consideration of FKTV, wont.

    These are college lettered corporate leaders I’m describing, RUDDERLESS corporate leaders! Would you trust them with your spouse, your children, your life savings, your life? Yet we trust them with everything else, don’t we?

    Surely the nation could do better, if we knew better.

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