The Moon produces the tides – in the oceans and in our bodies and brains – causing a constant state of contention within the human race, says Clif High, who joins Jean-Claude at Beyond Mystic to talk about how the Moon is not a natural satellite, it is a “DeathStar”-type of massive spacecraft/military base brought here by space aliens, though it is inhabited by space aliens who may be different from those who brought it here.

Crazier still, Clif says there is evidence that what we see as the Moon is a light projection – what we see is not the actual object orbiting the Earth.

Sheer lunacy!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Sorry Clif, but we ARE enslaved. Via the Fed and the IRS, we’ve been financially drained for over 110 years. Before that, in this country, central banking drained us periodically when they could get a central bank in. According to Ben Franklin, the Bank of England refusing to let us have our own currency was the actual cause of the American Revolution. Central banking was constantly impoverishing us, siphoning off the cream from us to them, just as it does now. In ancient times, “they” brought money in as a system TO enslave us because it’s based in lack and “not enough.” It has strings that can be pulled to manipulate who’s got what and when. It artificially produces winners and losers. It’s a control system and not an organic money system evolving natively over time. The CBDC’s are the next phase but it’s all of a piece. We’re harvested by alien parasites who have a plan, using money, to literally squeeze the juice out of us and use it themselves.

    • Clif never said we did / didn’t. He merely described how is looks from here, our vantage point on the earth realm. (BTW, it was the 60’s that did / didn’t go:)

  • What an ego! Cliff, surely you are not the ONLY person with access to information loaded into the akashic field. Stopped listening when you attacked, unfairly, David Wilcock and Cory Goode. Those guys are the real deal, credible, and undeserving of the shade you put on them. You have lost my respect. Ego will be your downfall…

    • Clif described himself as “an opinionated asshole.” He wasn’t wrong. We have to take on balance everything he says because he puts it out there as though there were no question that he’s right. But Clif is not always right. We just have to deal with it if we listen.

    • It’s certainly not choose either Clif or Cory “Blue Chicken” Goode. Goode proved a scammer imho. Wilcock wisely went off to develop his flying car factory.
      Too many Hopium salesmen out there Esperanza…(see what I did there?)

      • I have been following Goode and Wilcock from the very beginning of their respective journeys from obscurity to household name (in the spiritual community). I resonate strongly with the truth-tellers. The truth holds an energetic signature that sensitives can detect. Goode and Wilcock are truth tellers, credible, and Spiritual Warriors for the Light-Brigade.

    • Esperanza, your comments made me LOL, because Clif has actually beaten Goode in court and forced him to admit he made up all the BS that you swallowed hook, line and sinker!

  • The Woo woo show sucks, its time for MALE OPINIONS IDEAS & WORSHIPING ON THIS SUBJECT STOP… get a good woman that has SEEN off world on a show . they exist, i Know of 1……

  • I’m hoping you post Cliff High (well named) stuff for comic relief, or as a warning showing what lax concern for ones mental health can do to the ability to think clearly.

  • I can’t say, because I don’t know. But I have heard, many years ago about the moon being some sort of light projection or hologram. Also in some books, it has been discussed about a time in the distant past when there was no moon around the earth. Just food for thought. Thanks, Capt Joe Kelley.

  • Lost in deep space woo flat moon loon Cliff jumps the space shark projecting his whimsical effort at decoding the saturn-moon-matrix that was setup to control earthlings mood with frequencies. The freemason nazi astronut space assholes gave us our first clue that something was amiss with the moon after the mission comms were being blanked out and photos were edited / smudged for content and finally destroyed / lost along with all the tech to prove how they did or faked the moon tripping with fake footprints from boots that don’t match the landing photos taken by somebody not on the manifest . One giant fake ass leap for mankind , thanks NASA . The loss of interest for space travel to our closest base of operations to do stuff in space on a permanent basis happened because we were run off and told not to come back by the space lizards who operate the moon and might still live there . The rocks samples collected were faked and scientists were steered away from finding out about lunar geology . The fake moon is a psyop hanging over our heads like everything else .

    • Actually, that’s only what the English language did there (i.e. the noun describing nutty ideas / behavior was named after the luminous satellite)

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