In the annals of phone pranks, the antics of a pair of Russian comedians, Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexei Stoliarov) may rank as simultaneously the most hilarious, disturbing, cringeworthy and revealing of how stupid, contemptible and dangerous our politicians are.
Recently, Vovan and Lexus successfully placed a phone call with former President George W Bush.
This would be funny if it were just a joke but the evidence produced by these pranks reveals how Dubya is aware of the Pentagon’s biolabs.
I think Bushy might be on the scale for a tiny bit of Asperger’s 🤫
It was Martin Sheen who during the 2000 election called George W Bush dummer than a bag of hammers, YEP HE WAS AND IS RIGHT.
Would like to see the whole video.