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ROGER STONE: “The first thing people need to understand is that the Great Divide in America is not between Republicans and Democrats. It is between a ruling elite that dominates the rulership of both the Democrat and the Republican Parties and an outsider who threatens their rush to the New World Order.

“The Biden Regime, in conjunction with the intelligence services, the National Security apparatus and their allies in the still-dominant Fake News media are determined to cancel the Constitution – and above all, now that they have power, to ensure that they never relinquish power through a fair, honest, transparent election.

“And therefore, Donald Trump poses an existential threat to them. He’s made it very clear that after his first term, where he learned a great deal, he now understands that only dismantling the entire apparatus of the Deep State can save this country.

“Meanwhile, their policies are having the desired effect. What people need to understand is Joe Biden wants the border open. Joe Biden wants a fentanyl crisis in this country. Joe Biden wants small regional banks to fail, so we Canmore to centralized banking system and ultimately, to them controlling all of our currency digitally.

“Joe Biden has no problem with World War III, if that’s what it takes. So, people think, ‘How can this be happening?’ All these policies are willful.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The DS goal of merging life after death with a woke dream of hell on earth proceeds apace.
    Trump saved agent Stone so he can play his role as cheerleader for the DS red team sequel.
    His Trumpiness will be a one man army winged crusader against this million or so embedded foes including the ones he personally placed in office last time and not including a few hundred more he will enlist to build his new cabinet just to make it a fair fight he does love a challenge. We’ll be so tired of winning again, I can’t wait to see the fear in their crazy ass eyes(AOC,Shift,).

  • Be careful for what you wish for!

    Trump is not the savior, sorry….just a good actor.

    Who holds the debt to the US?

    Noticed how those debt holders are being highlighted as peaceful, caring and freedom loving.

    WHen the US goes tits up, you’ll have foreign soldiers knocking on your door to secure your personal stuff including your home, car, etc…just becuz we allowed our leaders to bankrupt this country and we did nothing. Now the foreigners hold all the cards.

    Trump is a fake, an actor and money-loving grub. He’s done nothing for this country that is exceptional. Quite the contrary, he has done quite a bit of damage.

    Your great white hope is not coming. Only you and others like you can save this country.

    Its time for us to remove our consent to this gov and its so-called leaders including Trump.

    They have all ignored the constitution and demonstrated their treasonous behavior over and over. Yet not one of the elite leaders are in jail. Not one.


  • He isn’t in the globalist club, but he’s an asshole. I’m pissed off at the shenanigans, but if he were not such an asshole…

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