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Robert F Kennedy Jr travels to the US-Mexico border in Yuma, Arizona to investigate the immigration issue firsthand. What he discovers is mind-boggling: a dire humanitarian crisis, a border security system crippled by politics and corruption, and people on both sides struggling to end the suffering. On his journey, Mr Kennedy gathers ideas to help him decide how, as President, he will heal the southern divide.

Robert F Kennedy Jr:

“I witnessed this dystopian nightmare of this uncontrolled flow of desperate humanity crossing the border and converging here because of misbegotten policies by high leadership of the United States.”

“I’ve come to understand that the open border policy is just a way of funding a multi-billion dollar drug and human trafficking operation for the Mexican drug cartels. When I’m president, I will secure the border, which will end the cartels’ drug-trafficking economy, and I will build wide doors for those who wish to enter legally so that the United States can continue to be a beacon to the world.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The gate crashing replacement citizens are cartel delivery drones for drugs , sex trafficked kids and cheap labor for the EL-ites who run our drug routes and sales from the sex trade shutting down the border would be an act of racism to this commie leftard who is confused about enforcing the laws of our country to solve this problem and turn off the free shit beacon .

  • Thats great RFK. For once, lets have a public discourse on this matter and lets allow the people to have a larger role in the decsion-making process. I dont need another ruler to tell me how things must be.

    There are other ideas out there that are never spoken or considered. Much better ideas than securing the border or opening the border. How brilliant!

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