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We have entered a moment in history where the topic of Hollywood pedophiles and their online pedophile networks is easily a more pleasant topic than what’s currently dominating the mainstream news.

I’m sick of coronavirus and riots. Like many people I see on Twitter, I want to leave this Blue State where I live and never look back. The entire concept of government has been discredited for me. But I’m done talking about that topic for today.

In his latest video, Mouthy Buddha takes us down a rabbit hole that he stumbled upon while looking through the bizarre photos that actor, Tom Hanks posts to his Instagram account. Hanks takes weird pictures of random gloves and shoes that he finds lying around, forlorn and forgotten.

In one picture, scrawled faintly in yellow chalk on the pavement next to a lost glove are the letters “SRC USA”.

As he does with everything, Mouthy popped that sequence of letters into the Russian search engine, Yandex.

He wasn’t really expecting anything, especially not another eerie confirmation of allegations that Tom Hanks is a pedophile but indeed, that’s what he found.

He says, “The term, ‘SRC’, which is typically short for ‘source’ or ‘search’ appears to act in this case as a kind of algorithmic glue for online predators on Yandex. These images are then collected and shared on Yandex profiles.

“Disturbing amounts of illegal child exploitation imagery are currently being catalogued and shared by predators on Russia’s Yandex search engine. Terms like ‘SRC USA’, ‘SRC KIDS’, ‘SRC BOYS’ all surfaced images of children in varying degrees of dress, many with sexually explicit tags and comments…

“It’s entirely possible that Tom Hanks has no connection to the term but it would have been misleading, even dishonest if I didn’t include that this image was how the apparent code was discovered.

“Additionally, because it included Tom Hanks, leaving out the testimonies of Isaac Kappy and Sarah [Ashcraft], would have also left out information we felt was pertinent. It’s up to you to decide the authenticity of their claims.

“But what I find most bizarre is that apparently, in general, Yandex knows this is a problem. Whether or not they’re aware of the specifics in this documentary remains to be seen.

“But it does appear that they’re knowledgeable of the search engine’s failure to eliminate images showing child sexual abuse, which begs the question, ‘Why aren’t they fixing it?'”

In his previous video, he found a similar code for lascivious pictures of little kids in the Google search engine, “BH kids”. Within 24 hours of publishing that video, the search algorithm was cleaned-up – and his video was taken down by YouTube.

But somebody managed to mirror that video and that version’s still up and it is a truly excellent piece.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Interesting that he reported the website to the NCMEC, which is known for its gatekeeping of CP evidence. Other interesting info about NCMEC:

    National Center for the Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and ICMEC are both non-governmental agencies and are in charge of some the world’s largest and most sensitive cases. 
NCMEC gets 2 million reports per year (I’m not sure how old this stat is but the record was 7 million a few yrs back). The NCMEC holds this info in their databank and decides if case is severe enough to pass on to law enforcement.

    Why does a 25-employee private organization that receives government funding have the largest collection of [filth] in the world with no obligation to report it? Other websites have “rules and regulations” to report any [CP] found to NCMEC, but NCMEC doesn’t have any responsibility to report it to authorities. All these websites intermingle and rules cancel each other out. NCMEC employees are going through 25,000 images every week.

    NCMEC President John F. Clark states on their website they have saved 8000 kids in the past 30 years, but with 2 million reports every year that’s a disturbing 3% success rate.

    It’s been reported that Brian Podesta works as an NCMEC analyst, his brother P.J. who writes for Salon has published articles to normalize/garner sympathy for pedophilia, and Podesta parents have worked@ WaPo for 30 yrs.

  • Since its Russia company, maybe that’s was what was in the soccer ball that Putin gave to Trump! All the evidence he needs to convict. Also I’m sure that company doesn’t want any of them to know whats going on if the are working with Trump. Those people have enough money to fake their death and never be charged.

  • How do I get the first video and how do I know when the 3 rd video comes out? Who is this guy doing the videos?

  • Hello, thank you for your courage and love! When will you do the next video? Different YouTube channels are reporting the execution of Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Oprah, Tom Hanks, Rita, Lady Gaga etc. Can you please make video with this info. Thanks I don’t know where to look to verify this claims as truth… Thank you, praying for you… 🥰🥰🥰

  • Love Mouthy Buddha’s work. Everyone, say a prayer to keep him safe. These perverts are pure evil. Guys like Bill Gates, George Soros, Rothschild (& Clinton, Obama prolly) have lots of coin to throw at “the problem”. It wouldn’t take much for some MS-13 dudes to “take care of the problem”.

    When is Trump going to actually DO something significant? Is the DOJ under Barr EVER going to show the public they are doing GOOD work?

    If they don’t start soon, we’re going to have to start all over. Because these sick motherfuckers need to DIE.

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