by Greg Reese

If you want to routinely cull the population, then an invisible virus that you cannot see or prove would be the perfect lie to cover it up.

No one has ever isolated a virus. This is admitted by modern science who claim it’s impossible. So instead, they mix it with a soup of other genetic materials, run it through a computer and create what is known as a consensus genome.

The theory that the invisible virus is a lie was put forth nearly thirty years ago by William Bramley in his book, The Gods of Eden, where he outlines thousands of years of human culling events. He points out how during the Black Death, sightings of humans dressed in black and wielding what were described as scythes were seen before an outbreak of the Plague. Bramley suggested that the scythes may have been tools designed to spray poison gas. Denis Rancourt suggests that there has never been a virulent pathogen, including the Bubonic plague, and that these historic mass death events are done deliberately by oppressive systems to maintain population control. If you want to routinely cull the population, then an invisible virus that you cannot see or prove would be the perfect lie.

In the 1930s, engineer Royal Rife, created microscopes capable of magnifying material over seventeen-thousand times. Modern microscopes can only provide a magnification of about twenty-four hundred. We’ve been denied the magnification required to actually see if a virus exists.

This idea first gained a foothold during the HIV/AIDS scare when people such as Peter Duesberg, Kary Mullis, and Celia Farber, were exposing the lies of Anthony Fauci. And it gained serious traction during the COVID era with the work of Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Denis Rancourt, and Dr. Lee Merritt.

Dr. Lee Merritt studied the official test for SARS-COV-2 and found they are actually testing for the Homo-sapien genome. Which is highly suspect. And there are many other suspicious facts.

They test our nose, which like a filter, is full of foreign contaminants.

The PCR tests are being deliberately over cycled to find falsified results.

What we are told is a deadly virus, looks identical to an Exosome, a naturally occurring part of cellular cleansing.

The first scientific publication created to disseminate information to the public was named after an ancient altar used for ritual sacrifice called Pergamon. And it’s first editor was mossad agent Robert Maxwell.

Over a hundred years ago doctors were well aware of how deadly parasites could be to the human body. John D. Rockefeller’s main advisor, Frederick Gates, convinced Rockefeller to modernize medicine by eradicating hookworm, a parasite that was known to be the biggest cause of disease back in 1905. Up until the nineteen-eighties, text books were not talking about viruses as the cause of disease. They were talking about parasites. Today, while animals require routine de-worming, modern science says that it’s not a problem for humans.

After decades of research a group of German doctors found that every single cancer cell contained parasites. And that if cancer treatments such as chemotherapy failed to kill all of these parasites, then the parasites will be given the perfect conditions to spread throughout the body. The parasites start in the bloodstream and spread to other parts of the body where they grow into cysts. Under a microscope parasitic cysts look identical to what we call tumors. They had films, they published papers, but it all got buried. Because if one-hundred percent of cancer patients have parasites, then parasites are likely causing cancer. And today, the COVID shots, which we know are destroying natural immunity, are creating turbo cancers.

Having a lap dog under the age of five increases the chances of getting multiple sclerosis. Which can not be explained by MS being an autoimmune disease, but can be explained by brain parasites. Pathologist, Alan Macdonald, studied the brain and spinal cords of dead MS patients, and they all had parasites.

We all have parasites. Brain parasites being the most dangerous. And the parasite Toxoplasma gondii has a significant ability to infect the human brain. And it is found in insects. Which is probably why they want us to eat bugs.

The good news is that there is a remedy to these parasites. A healthy immune system can take care of most of them, which requires good nutrition, regular exercise, peace of mind, and love. And routine parasite cleanses can take care of the rest.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • He left out an important researcher on this topic – Hulda Clark. ( She wrote several books (Cure for all Cancers, Cure for All Diseases, etc -you can look for them on Bookfinder. com) on using herbs and a home-made zapper to eliminate parasites.
    Unfortunately, the homemade zapper description was based upon buying parts at RadioShack, which no longer exists. I’m sure directions for building the zapper have been updated since the book was published. She said all diseases come from parasites, which could be zapped and killed with herbal treatmetns, and also from environmental toxins, for which she had removal protocals..
    No one has everything, but I want to encourage people who are concerned to look into her life’s work.

  • Thank you for this Alexandra. Greg is very smart. His interview with Dr Lee Merritt was very good. Great movie to watch about the false virus is “Terrain”. It’s on Bitchute.
    I started calling the “virome” the “vibrome” instead. More accurate!

  • “cull the population”?
    “I keep on seeing people who are amazed that the Republican Politicians cannot see that they are accelerating Global Heating.
    They know damn well what they are doing. It is called the Republican Global Population Reduction Program (RGPRP).
    Years ago, I saw the pamphlet for donations to build the Georgia Guidestones. My father, a millionaire, had been solicited for a donation in late 1977, but Dad refused.
    The brochure talked about the importance of getting the Global Population down to under half a Billion. It claimed that Southern Asia, Africa and most of Latin America could be set aside for Nature and wild animals. (What the hell!)
    The fact that those three regions were spelled out, but Australia was passed by, was obvious proof that the intent was to eliminate all people of color in those regions.
    (I.e. the majority of Rich White People were not targeted for “disappearance/elimination.”)
    Dad refused because he was married to the Samoan Royal Princess who had a beautiful light brown color to her skin. Dad would not support any Republican Racist Nonsense so refused to donate.
    When I asked him about it, he said that, “Those modern Republicans have all turned into money worshipping racist A$$holes who believe the dark people and the poorer people need to be removed from the Earth because it is getting overcrowded. It is just Hitler Racist Eugenics Crap expanded to the entire Globe.”
    I do believe Dad was correct. Dad was murdered after refusing to donate. He was 73. Three young men smashed his skull in in three places (with a bent double construction rod that was recovered a short distance from the crime site)and took his wallet to make it look like a strong-armed robbery. It may have been, but you do not need to kill an old man like that to take his wallet. I believe it was a deliberate murder.
    Those Rich Republicans did get their money and they did erect the Georgia Guidestones that mandated Massive Global Population Reduction. It is all there carved in the stones on a small hill in Georgia.
    We are seeing that program in process now.”?

    • Republicans? ROTFLMAO It is not the Republicans behind the Great Culling that is for sure. It is the Aristocrats, the WEF, the WHO, the Illuminati, the Central Bankers, the Cabal but it’s sure not the Republicans.

  • Chlorine dioxide , Ivermectin, HCQ , Fenben (horse paste), cycled once a month for micro parasitic control works

  • By the way, parasites being cause of cancer could be another one of unproven claims.
    It could be due to toxicity accumulated within our body, negative mental, drugs being used in past, other harmful stuff we took in past and so on.
    And some people even claim that some parasite could be beneficial for our health just as bacteria (ever seen people with raw meat diet?).
    Of course, having too many bacteria and parasites is likely problematic.
    And if you still are attempting to get rid of parasites, it may be a good idea to stop consuming sugars and carbs + do some fasting as it will starve them.
    But each of us are different.
    Therefore, if you are having some health issue, try one of the elimination diets first, then start adding other stuff one by one (that we will know which works / doesn’t) instead of going to other people to find solution for you or else it could lead you to another endless circle.

  • Microparasites are what causes most all chronic illnesses and the medical cabal has known this fir over a hundred years. They created a whole corrupt industry to just treat the symptoms so the can make trillions of dollars. This site has a lot of information on it all.

  • Yep!
    We used to think like it was a common thing to follow these unproven scientific “theories” because of their “claim” since a long time ago.
    But after being triggered by C19 scam, we are somehow learning to evaluate each claim.

    And it s not even “theory” (as they never proved existence of it) but “false claim” based on fraudulent circular reasoning.
    Yet many of those in “freedom movement” would not admit it, because once they do, they won’t be able to continue their business as most of them are getting income for selling supplements or other pharmaceutical drugs, or have they existing contract with pharms (conflict of interest similarly to FDA/phackzer) unless they start new business based on other stuff.

    Spacebusters (Steve Falconer) just released a good stuff on this topic a few days ago
    People like he, Baileys, Andy Kaufman & Dr. Cowan summarizes this matter in language that most people should be able to understand.

    And if that’s still too difficult to understand, we can just try focusing on our own health (such as start doing small exercises, eat natural food, drink clean water, getting rid of harmful chemicals and so on), then we’ll likely see great improvement on our health without dealing with medicines / drugs / supplements.

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