by Greg Reese
Some are saying that Directed Energy Weapons are being deployed to spark the largest fire in Texas history. And we know that these weapons exist.
“This newly released footage shows the Dragon-Fire laser directed energy weapon system in action. And it could be in the hands of military personnel in five years time. It destroys targets with an intense beam of light and has pinpoint accuracy. It’s able to hit something the size of a £1 coin from a kilometer away.” – Claire Sadler (Forces News)
The fires we have seen in recent years, including the fires in Texas, are very different from what we have seen in the past. They often selectively spare the trees while burning the infrastructure into a powdery ash footprint.
“I have witnessed and observed some extraordinary damage in our state. Could be caused by hurricanes or tornadoes, and frequently when you see the aftermath of that damage, there’s a, some semblance of a structure that is still there. When you look at the damages that have occurred here, it’s just gone, completely gone. Nothing left but ashes on the ground.” – Texas Governor Greg Abbott
After the Maui fires, many people believed that a blue roof was able to deflect these Directed Energy Weapons and spare the home from destruction. And Joe Biden recently eluded to this twice.
“If you fly over these areas that are burned to the ground, you’ll see in a mist of 20 homes that are just totally destroyed, one home sitting there because they had the right roof on it. And, anyway…” – President Joe Biden
“And by the way, have you noticed when you fly over in a helicopter, those places with good roofs, they didn’t burn!”
“With the right materials.” – Unknown
“Yeah! So I gotta change that. Anyway…” – President Joe Biden
Joe Biden is clearly not a reliable source for accurate information, but why would a roof save a house from burning? And while there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that suggests Directed Energy Weapons are being used to start these recent fires, arsonists have been arrested starting them the old fashioned way. And there is a clear motive.
The United Nations, who have been orchestrating the open border policy of America and several other countries, have openly announced plans to clear the lands of people and move them into Smart Cities.
Starting with Agenda 21, a map which shows designated off-limits-to-humans areas, lined up with the 2018 California fires.
Nine Years ago, planning was announced for Smart Cities to be built on Maui. But the most coveted property was owned by natives whose families have lived there for generations prior to Hawaii being annexed by the US. In August of 2023, Maui was devastated by highly suspicious fires. Roads were blocked off to keep residents from escaping. And the US government gave survivors a mere seven hundred dollars per household.
A conference in April of 2023 met in Viña Del Mar, Chile to provide the municipality with support in the transfer of knowledge about the theory and solutions of smart cities. A year later, Viña Del Mar was ravaged by fires. It was blamed on Climate Change, but local officials claimed arson.
And in 2022, Amarillo Texas was reported to be the number one area ‘under the radar’ for the Texas housing market under the United Nations’ vision 2045. On February 26th of this year, the biggest fires of Texas history broke out in this same area.
Vision 2045 is the latest iteration of the United Nations’ plan to seize control of ninety percent of the land and limit people to fifteen minutes cities.
“We’d like to think that change happens in manageable ways. It doesn’t happen like that. It happens in punctuated equilibrium where we have periods of stability and then periods of massive radical, disruptive and transformative change. And that is where we are right now.”
“This is the decisive decade in the history of humanity. We who are here now have a responsibility that no future generations will have.” – Vision 2045
The DEWs don’t have to be lasers the new scuttlebutt is sonic devices so no energy signature to track . overland microwave beam communications is a pencil beam that travels for miles they once proposed to put satellites in geostationary orbit ( flat earthers can ignore that part and just use the fake sun model ) that capture sunlight and convert to microwaves and beam it down to earth and convert it to electricity actually still cheaper than nuclear power also safe and effective and green AF . not bird , bug or plane safe though but better than living next to a nuke power plant which make excellent targets for when the DEWtards come to snatch it all away like sometime in 2024 .
Aluminum has been used as an accelerant in artillery shells for a very long time. Aluminum speeds up the burn, making it more powerful. With the creation of nano aluminum the effectiveness goes up exponentially. This occurs because the actual molecules are created in such as shape as to lock into place with one another leaving no gaps between them. The reason I am telling you all of this is because nano aluminum is one of the three consistently measured elements (along with barium and strontium) found in air, soil, and water samples after heavy aerosol activity (AKA “chemtrails”). Keep in mind that the trees have been absorbing the aerosols since the stratospheric aerosol injection program unofficially began in the mid nineties. Needless to say, they are saturated. So once a DEW sets them ablaze, they are next to impossible to extinguish. We have seen this over and over again in all the “wildfires” across north America and Canada.
We are The Ground Crew. There is a prize to be won. The prize is the Earth.
I would like to give thanks to God, The Angels, The Unseen Ones in The Network of the Wise, The Ancestors and the ALIEN HYBRID infiltrators at Davos for coming up with the perfect statement of vision and purpose.
WE will make the change. WE will clean the air, not them. WE will farm the food, not them. WE will set the limits on technology, not them. WE will teach healing and medicine, not them.
So since they hyjack everything true, beautiful and good and turn it against us, well…… what’s good for the goose is good for the gander but it it is WE who will bring OUR New World Paradigm into it’s destiny. It will not be cakewalk, but it will be easier since they just created our new statement of purpose for us.
Ground crew Troopers, here is our new statement of purpose and intent:
““We’d like to think that change happens in manageable ways. It doesn’t happen like that. It happens in punctuated equilibrium where we have periods of stability and then periods of massive radical, disruptive and tran formative change. And that is where we are right now. This is the decisive decade in the history of humanity. We who are here now have a responsibility that no future generations will have.” – Ground Crew Vision 2024
““We’d like to think that change happens in manageable ways. It doesn’t happen like that. It happens in punctuated equilibrium where we have periods of stability and then periods of massive radical, disruptive and transformative change. And that is where we are right now.”
“This is the decisive decade in the history of humanity. We who are here now have a responsibility that no future generations will have.” – Vision 2045
One more thing just to keep you updated Alex, BTW Alex, I got to have a chat and gave “The Briefings” from “Allies of Humanity” to FRK Jr Friday. Saturday I reconnected with Del Bigtree, his communications director and my old associate in the VAXXED team Del Bigtree.
I am amazed at the synchronicities when Knowledge has it’s way and the Unseen Ones kick into action.
Thank you again Alex. You are a blow-torch for humanity. I know it is hard. Love is not a good feeling. It is hanging in and hanging on together through hard and sometimes painful work.
Oops on a typo there. We’re talking 2024 Statement of Purpose and intent. It begins with a concept. Thanks again Davos.
Maybe a good market to invest in would be blue roofing paint? Who needs enemy aliens from other worlds when you’ve got your own compromised government?
Decades of ORCHESTRATED LIES by science, history, governments, educators, media…
Current Cadre of leaders are void of moral compassion, and believed in false science and ideologies.
It is impossible to elect a reformer? It will take total reversal of everything we know.
These weapons do exist though there isn’t enough evidence to say that it was used there, and how it was used.
It’s easy to say bogus stuff such as it was shot from (so called)space or from as far as that based on SiFi (brainwashing) movies we’ve seen, but who’s actually done it? …”theoretically” possible, but that’s just one out of bunches of unproven theories, somebody really has to demonstrate it and prove that it wasn’t from anything else.
You might consider pulling your head out of the crack below the belt before you smother to death!!!
And JSUK the mil.W.H. has identfied and destroyed one of the DEW planes
The DEW signature is pretty clear on 1) vehicles that were crispy-crittered on 9-11, 2) the landscape in Paradise, CA, 3) Maui, and so on. The ‘look’ is pretty clear – not at all natural fires.
To reply to John, here is a good start for proofs:
It’s not the only site where you can actually find science and even government admission of what they are doing since decades.
Ground-based directed energy weapons are far, far less expensive
and can be deployed & programmed to instantly eliminate expensive space-based DEWs
within microseconds upon seeing threats,
protecting the earth, people, forests, grasslands & buildings from fires
before any significant damage can occur.