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Establishment caught.
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Remember Laura Robb = CISA HQ

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  • Let us not participate in mass delusions focusing on symptoms of rebellion, but rather recognize that humans are born with a sense of right-ious-ness. It is written upon our hearts by the Divine Author of life, of being.

    This divine sense can become calloused and atrophied when it is pushed aside by carnal sensuality, more particularly by adult vices! Thus impairing ones judgment, now on a scale unknown before in our nation, but quite observable in the history of the Old World where both civil and religious persecution were common practices.

    Both the supposed left and the right recognize neglectful mistreatment, even malicious ill-treatment of neighbor and environment, and are naturally inclined to do something. The problem we have is with leadership of both our religious and our political institutions that have become so corrupted that neither have adequate interest in peaceful resolutions, or else have some kind of interest in fueling the fires of resentment for selfish gain.

    These symptoms are all traceable to the philosophy of education leader John Dewey, the Marxian darling of the 20th century higher learning educators who deliberately set out to destroy the nation’s education system and rebuild it upon a purely materialistic, evolutionary world view. Central to this philosophy we can see Dewyite educators, reducing sexuality to a mere mechanical act of self gratification. Read what they teach and read Marx’s Manifesto. This is fundamental to the sorrows we now face.

    From this “belief” core flows all the rest. This twisted view of love being one of self gratification which is the very opposite of love. It leads to all kinds of destructive behavior, not the least of which is self-degradation now widely manifested in youth who deface even their own bodies.

    Whereas Americans were taught to love their neighbor as themselves after loving the Creator as G-d. It was from this world view that Dewey and fellow travelers deliberately set out to replace – they said as much in their writings, but most were too busy to pay attention, and of course many powerful rich were interested in promoting acceptability of their practice of sexual license.

    All of them are identifiable and on record.

    The remedy is to learn truth, then speak truth to untruths.

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