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#国文GUI #BREAKING REVOLUTION #New Federation of China – 9/15/2022 Wenguigate:

The meeting between Xi Jinping and Putin marks the official formation of an alliance between China and Russia, and the CCP’s participation in the Russian-Ukrainian war will be a full-scale confrontation with the West.

Miles says, “The essence of this meeting is that the two countries formed an alliance in war, economy and an alliance in life and death.

“Strictly speaking, this formal face-to-face meeting of Xi and Putin officially marks China’s entry into the Ukraine war, along with Russia and an absolute challenge to both the US and Europe 100% without leaving any leeway, followed by a series of actions, i.e, financing Russia with weapons, money and massive personnel.

“The PLA would even disguise their identity and intervene immediately.”

He adds, the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 sets the stage for a diplomatic decoupling between the US and China and the world economic and financial war will begin in Hong Kong.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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