Dane Wigington joins Greg Hunter at USAWatchdog.com to say that the Western US is under siege by covert weather warfare that is causing crop failures, food shortages, farmer bankruptcies and that Bill Gates is ready and waiting to buy their land for pennies on the dollar, as the largest buyer and owner of farmland in the US.
Many of us already know the story told by former NATO Supreme Commander Wesley Clark to Amy Goodman at Democracy Now!, about how he was shown a list of target countries in the Middle East; countries that had been marked for invasion by the US military-industrial complex, long before 9/11 had occurred. This, by itself gave us pause. What if it were just as widely known that every one of these Middle Eastern target countries subsequently underwent a once-in-one-thousand-year drought?
“That’s not nature, that’s climate engineering,” Wigington says. “In fact, the leaders of some of these countries stated so on the floor of the UN, like the leader of Iran. They have sophisticated atmospheric monitoring equipment and they stated, with no ambiguous terms that NATO was cutting off their precipitation, which destabilizes food productions and thus populations.”
The obvious next question is, “How many other global populations are being covertly targeted by the climate engineering operations? Let’s start here: ‘Engineered Drought Catastrophe: Target California’. That’s the title of a presentation given by myself on behalf of geoengineeringwatch.org many years ago. The data presented in that presentation is more relevant now than ever before.
“Climate engineering operations are the crown jewel of the military-industrial complex. Remember that it’s a weapon by which they can bring populations to their knees without those populations ever even knowing or understanding that they are under assault. Crush crop production and blame it on nature. That is the MO…
“The global science community is telling us that ‘we need to geoengineer immediately’, as if it hasn’t been going on for 70 years, already…They describe the need to fill the atmosphere with light-scattering particles to reflect some of the Sun’s incoming thermal radiation, i.e. thermal energy…And the elements named in climate engineering patents: aluminum, barium, strontium, polymer fibers, all of that showing up in every lab test that we take from around the globe. It’s happening and the climate science denial is beyond criminal, at this point.”
The The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted that, based on a warming planet, the Pacific Northwest would receive a huge increase in precipitation in the Lower 48 but that’s not what’s happening. Dane Wigington explains, “That hasn’t happened because they are aerosolizing the moisture that enters from the west and they’re establishing pressure zones, like the high pressure dome [created by a HAARP-like ionospheric heating devices] that’s parked over the Northern California-Southern Oregon region, which deflects all the incoming pacific moisture, over and around us and then, down into the eastern half of the Lower 48, Greg, which is statistically, since 2012, the last 9 years, the most anomalously less-warm region in the entire world.
“This is not nature, this is climate engineering, period…We can speculate into…the agenda behind the drought-creation, we can speculate as to the motives but the fact of the case of the drought in the Western US, and what the rest of the world have gone through, like Australia, Spain, Portugal – this is a direct result of climate engineering operations, period…That they are completely derailing the hydrological cycle and drying out the US West is beyond dispute.”
And it is already leading to food shortages.
Moreover, he says, “Why wouldn’t we think this is a platform to disperse biologicals? We know, in the case of CV-19…we have a peer-reviewed study from Italy to prove CV-19 was attached to airborne particulates. How does that happen?
“We have the world’s second most-recognized geo-engineer, Ken Caldeira, now working directly for who? Bill Gates. We have Bill Gates, buying up more farmland in the US than anyone else. He’s the largest owner of farmland in the US of all and we have Gates involved with the seed bank, the doomsday seed bank in the Arctic. We have so many pieces to this puzzle that paint a very, very dark, nefarious picture, Greg…
“The cutting off of the precipitation in the US West, breaking farmers, causing, in many cases for them to have to sell their land for pennies on the dollar – and who’s there to buy it up? It appears Bill Gates! The fox is running the henhouse and if we don’t deal with this soon, we won’t have much to care about.”
Could we all just unify and take back our world? Many of us know the sources of our difficulties but where is the unity to do something? I’m so encouraged when I see the multitudes come together in European cities and march. It’s our world we’re talking about.
Weather Warfare US corn outlook ‘very concerning’ as drought adds to planting woe
April 12, 2021
US-based analysts have cited another reason for the surprise shortfall in the expected planted area of corn, with some highlighting the impact that drought is likely to have in the production equation, marking a development that could have profound consequences for corn importers and end users.
Corn futures, a yardstick for global price direction and often reflective of domestic US issues, have hit multi-year highs in recent weeks amid strong Chinese buying, mounting expectations around the size of the US export slate this year, and potential for smaller-than-expected planted area next year. Corn Got Wiped out in 2019 and 2020 Trump Sold Massive amounts of Grain and Pork to His Enemy China, Pigs were Culled by the Thousands Rising Pork Demand Drives U.S. Hog Prices to Highest Since 2014 … Worst outbreak ever’: Nearly a million pigs culled in Nigeria due to swine fever … America’s Mass Hog Cull Begins With Meat to Rot in Landfill.. Disease that killed millions of China’s pigs poses global threat …/ US pork exports to China skyrocketed before fears of meat shortage
U.S. pork exports to China have been elevated since November 2019 As Meat Plants Stayed Open to Feed Americans, Exports to …
Jun 16, 2020 · While lobbying to keep operating during the pandemic, the U.S. industry sent a record amount of pork to a country vital to its growth. A record 129,000 tons of pork produced in the United States 2020 Derecho blows away expectations of a record-setting U.S. corn crop h../ 2020
U.S. sells record amount of corn to China despite rising tensions …/ 2019 Thousands of farms destroyed – Food prices to skyrocket – Flooding to continue
March 25, 2019 Millions of acres of farmland are underwater, millions of bushels of wheat, corn and soybeans have been destroyed, and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of livestock have been lost, writes Michael Snyder.
With more than 90 percent of the upper Midwest and Great Plains covered by an average of 10.7 inches of snow, and with all of that snow starting to melt, NOAA is warning of historic, widespread flooding through May. 2020 China buys corn and soybeans ‘to keep me happy,’ says Trump https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jun/18/worst-outbreak-ever-nearly-a-million-pigs-culled-in-nigeria-due-to-swine-fever?fbclid=IwAR1f7rSRWHLFLQ74UH7yxKGzIyTDSykWczGg6RFQaPtjiQqzX4a6oqT7Lao https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-28/closed-jbs-plant-will-be-used-to-euthanize-hogs-peterson-says?fbclid=IwAR3HFCe1kk4hEG5-F6jLXQs7hGJGPcD5AhIrAyGdvZ–YVUD7Knv0peW2LY https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=iba&vm=r&hsimp=yhs-3&grd=1&type=gyff_9002_FFW_US&p=2020%20pigs%20culled%20 https://nypost.com/2020/01/16/disease-that-killed-millions-of-chinas-pigs-poses-global-threat/?fbclid=IwAR1hhG2Pwd-UwJAcQMvjubGC5p1-DsJPL0WP1S_4x3-TRKIZzcuL_gsgssc https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/coronavirus-pork-exports-china-meat-shortage?fbclid=IwAR1ASicvuElpg-NwRHqR8hOR3aGa4DYEwIH9unOuXM9pdnvWVLpH-t0xEKk https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/16/business/meat-industry-china-pork.html?fbclid=IwAR0_xUHd1U0Q_YKDmWRBgs-mVMDFZU-wkzpOFI1BYq7KDrRKWePz1KJhgyE https://www.agriculture.com/news/business/derecho-blows-away-expectations-of-a-record-setting-us-corn-crop?fbclid=IwAR3O5jphyHl4B3utIRYJAKPQLVTEytTKGB0Lq-hWI5JQZgDGyXrzlJ8m9-Q https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-sells-record-amount-of-corn-to-china-despite-rising-tensions/?fbclid=IwAR3knpTktvslK_gOxflWQUf-vw432GrLdwpSGhcH2v3PzX02o1uRGC7b2Wc https://www.iceagenow.info/thousands-of-farms-destroyed-food-prices-to-skyrocket-flooding-to-continue/?fbclid=IwAR25xQESyG44q46ElFeRyp4kRTP9nikSg4GmI05tvHwm3bAdGEOduCXAyC0 https://modernsurvivalblog.com/preps/the-us-national-grain-reserves-are-apparently-gone/The US National Grain Reserves Are Apparently Gone https://www.agriculture.com/news/business/china-buys-corn-and-soybeans-to-keep-me-happy-says-trump?fbclid=IwAR2UoOt-E7Ydn2FA6LIm9OlfilQjgYAceOVO2mGFJ_xRE0l1INmJeCI4yN8https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/lean-hog-price?fbclid=iwar3knptktvslk_goxflwquf-vw432grldwpsghch2v3pzx02o1urgc7b2wc https://www.agricensus.com/Article/US-corn-outlook-very-concerning-as-drought-adds-to-planting-woe-16215.html?fbclid=IwAR19Vd9OljXgLQh3ypIU15syQ0X0P0wxhgftGcbUXBYuA4GyjoW4BGdWXLs https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-07/rising-pork-demand-drives-u-s-hog-prices-to-highest-since-2014?fbclid=IwAR1WIwpP0NXbsuqGzHpYcZJeAnE_vVA13DPKrYrjSDrISVWlvsiAXDRmBFE
All the people that believe those vaccines are good for them are the same ones that will not fight for this planet because they don’t research about much of anything.
So we are doomed to live in a soup of chemicals.
Build NAWAPA…Solve the problem…
Dane is fighting the most important battle we face right now. We have to deal with what’s happening in our skies right now. The longer we wait, the more the chance we will be past the point of no return very soon! Share this info with whoever will listen. Thanks for having Dane on the show.
Been following Dane Wigington for sometime. I remember seeing one of his early video’s of his personal story how he got involved, due to his Solar Panels on his home were no longer working. He continued to investigate, he had the means to do soil & water samples because of his chemistry background. Here is an exceptional character in life that thinks of mankind as a whole. I Commend & Admire your work Dane
Clouds without water. Biblical.
But churchies won’t likely make the comparison.
“The wider horizon” indeed. Depopulation is the name of the game. That’s what all these ops are about. CV-19 vax included… And oh, Greg, where are the links to Dane’s info?
The one titled ‘Engineered Drought in California’ is in the transcript, in purple lettering.
Fluoride, waste product from making aluminium, put in the water we drink, it calcifies the pineal gland, makes us slow to understand things, then said aluminium is reduced to nano particulates add more particulates of other elements, spray it in the air, activate with high frequency, you own the weather, and can kill everything, and everyone. Alien overlords?
O.K. I can’t agree with everything about the engineered climate because I do believe the forces of nature are more powerful than any engineering scheme. Still, I have watched those mega creeps spraying the skies of California for years now. And they love to do it before the storms come our way. They dry out the air to prevent the rain. I believe the climate engineering gig more than I believe the nano-particles in the brain gig because my sense of these “engineers” is that they are simply greedy little piglets sucking on the body politic. They WANT TO OWN everything in California so they reduce its value to buy it up cheap. I wish there were a word stronger than “loathing.”
This was a great interview until the corny, uninformed ‘crack’ about aliens. Yes the nasty alien agenda is being pushed as one of many distractions – but other world species HAVE been visiting and existing on this planet for centuries. I have long recognized the damage the chem trails – along with 5G and other weapons – have done to the trees on our property. Resolution of what’s going on in our skies requires those who pulled off the take-over coup to be removed and tried. Thanks for posting this interview.