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The Empire Files: Post-Soviet Russia, Made in the USA – Abby Martin

The bizarre charges coming out of left field from the US Establishment of “Russian Hacking” and “interference” with the US Presidential election, in the immediate wake of Donald Trump’s victory is elucidated in this interview of Mark Ames by the wonderful...

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Big Pharma Shaking as Trump Appoints Top Vaccine Truth Advocate

The reason why I started this site was because the combine harvester of Corporatism had utterly infested science, education, pop culture and the news media, to say nothing of politics. Honesty and transparency had become stultified and skeptics of Corporatist narratives were sanctioned...

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Robert Steele: The Republican Party Will Self-Destruct within 2 Years

The Outer Dark is a new YouTube channel founded in August 2016, which already has over 20k subscribers and according to YouTube has had some 2.3M views. Ed, the young Australian who created the channel here asks seven questions of intelligence professional, Robert David Steele. I’m...

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Dark Journalist: Dr. Richard Sauder – UFOs, National Security and Deep Underground Bases

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and the author of Hidden in Plain Sight, Dr. Richard Sauder continue their exploration of the secret network of deep underground bases, worldwide. In this Part 2 episode, they focus on the question of attempts from secret elements in the military to conduct re...

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Max Igan with George Webb: Crimes of the Clinton Foundation

Max Igan interviews American citizen-researcher, George Webb, who erupted on YouTube in the aftermath of the US Presidential Election and whose clips I have been running since the beginning, only to find them removed. The first two went completely viral but I deleted the first one, after...

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