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Alexandra Bruce

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  • What is the meaning behind that skull on his scarf?

    He opens by telling us he is doing this – ‘going on a manhunt of government gangsters, together’ – for fun?
    Great Americans in the CPAC room represent ‘Donald Trump’s army’?
    Donald Trump is sold as an ancient mythical Greek Hero performing in an Arena. And the Warrior-hero needs lots of extras while he performs in the arena – those passive lurkers watching this show seated in their sofas at home – as a mise-en-scene fillers behind his back.
    Yet in this performative act of Election-2024 it is not the Warrior-Hero who is expected to fight, instead in this upside-down production the extras are expected to ‘take the fight’ to the MSMedia, swamp bureaucracy and defence industry. Sofa fighters assuming national wide all-out media warring posture while their Hero is projected in front of his sofa-army and pouts.
    What a joker this agent Cash!
    Typical CIA spookling openly mocking those sofa fighters who still believe in larger-then-life Hero stories while remaining fast asleep and dreaming fairy tales. Until November, when they are triggered to wake up and vote.
    ‘Eight years ago the deep state was real’ … only as far as the MSM and counterintelligence ALT media – under the CIA control – allowed it to be made publicly ‘real’. If by now ‘they’ (the CIA controllers) ‘have multiplied’ throughout all institutions … is just continuation of public perception management by the same ‘them’ (CIA’s MSM, ALT media and counterintelligence run social platforms).
    Then we get from Cash some blame shifting between ‘they’ and ‘us’, which indicates that this top brahmin-bred Intelligence spookling is talking about Intelligence infighting. And for this musical chairs fun-game to continue he (‘them’ and/or ‘us’) needs people who are willing to vote and he also needs people’s (501c3) nontaxable money.
    When talking about ‘no coincidences in government’ he is describing some manipulations used by the CIA controlled institutions – faked intelligence information, hijacked FBI, secret courts, lied to judges – yet he is omitting the fact that all parties/institutions involved in those acts of manipulation by hoaxing of public perception are willing participants (judges, prosecutors, defendants included). There are ‘no coincidences in government’, remember?

    I think he is performing this shout-out appeal to potential extras needed in the coming grand production of Elections-2024 theater for a simple reason: he wants people to be ready to vote. Because freedom to vote is ‘single greatest benefit’ in this country, you know.
    Really, … a single greatest benefit?
    I wonder for whom?

    Enough said in first five minutes to see that this spookling’s job is to agitate and ruse people until he gets their reaction. Until he is sure people are conditioned enough to snap out of their dream state for a few days and drag their feet to a voting booth. Once November passes, he will then continue with standardized mocking (fake events), relentlessly lulling people back into deep slumber mode in order to have them mesmerized for CIA’s future projects wrapped in tall-tales of national salvation.

    Because they are fitting, I will adapt for this occasion some thoughts from the linked paper by Miles Mathis:

    “[…] … just another sign of the ongoing but mostly covert civil war being waged between factions in Intelligence/military. This [is] obviously run by the pro-Trump faction that is trying to tank the Democratic Party. And why tank the Democratic Party, when just a few years ago – during the rise of Obama – Intel/military was completely behind that party? I have told you that many times before. It is because they were too successful, and they almost killed the Republican Party doing it. In those years the Republican Party was almost destroyed, with exit polling showing support of under 25%. This fake two-party “democracy” we have can’t exist on those terms, since the whole point is to fool people into believing they are involved. If one party collapses, you are left with just one party and no choice, which means no reason to vote. If people no longer vote, their last connection to self-government is lost, and with it the pretense they are involved. So, with those warning lights flashing, the CIA and all other agencies were choppered in to re-inflate the Republican Party by any and all means necessary. That is what you have been seeing since 2016.

    But not everyone is on the same page with that strategy, for several reasons.
    One, such drastic measures can cause financial ruin across certain sectors, and we are seeing that.
    Two, such a flip can be dangerous, since it can go too far, destroying the Democratic Party instead, and taking us to the same place in the end. What they need is balance, with the parties about equal, one party just squeaking by each four years, and balance in Congress. They need that balance in Congress to making sure it is a constant squabbling, where nothing ever gets done except rubberstamping of military and Intel budgets. So they need the heavy factionalizing, the hard split, in order to move the country right, but at the same time they have to try to keep it from spinning out of control. They need just enough revolution to get people to move, but not enough to get them to actually revolt in any meaningful way. As you are seeing, that has turned out to be a big request, and isn’t working. The fake chaos is turning into real chaos, which can reverse on them.”

    Shadows in mirrors. Auto-deception, it all.
    Buffaloes obliviously grazing on a .plain, suddenly stampeding and settling back into obliviousness by juicy greenery of fresh grazing grounds.

    • K$H = 11&8
      Choosing letters K and H for Cash’s scarf logo is no coincidence. Letters represent numbers 11 and 8 (aces & eights).


      “The numbers 1 and 8, also called aces & eights, are hoax markers in many languages: When written with Hebrew numerals, they spell out chay for “life”, meaning a person who died a fake death is still “alive”. And chay also puns with chawy for “show”, which is officially admitted. Latin 1 & 8 are uno octo, which puns with “an act”. And the numbers 11-8 are undeca-octo, which puns with undique acta “completely enacted.”.

      Cash is giving us ‘completely enacted’ performance. He is what he does, a completely enacted personae.

      Potential meaning behind the skull on Cash’s scurf:
      it is a ‘punisher’ variant of Jolly Roger. Modern day pirate:
      “[…] there is a fine line between a privateer and a pirate, the former being in the employ of a European government and considered a type of black-ops naval officer. In fact, the line is so fine, there isn’t really a line at all. The modern conception of the “freewheeling outlaw” pirate, a la Jack Sparrow, is entirely fabricated. All pirates were funded by European governments, which means all pirates were really privateers, and thus were really naval intelligence agents.
      The pirates were also useful “enemies” of the state. A more contemporary analog might be the mafia or the drug cartels; a manufactured goon squad that could play the bogeyman whenever it was convenient, i.e. whenever a European power needed a reason to extract more taxes for more defense spending.”.

      So this K$H-skull spookling’s role in the CPAC video is to give people a scripted performance of ‘punisher’-pirate. His job is to scare people into wild goose chase action so that they will be later on (whence exhausted from meaningless purging activity) willing to silently accept more defense spending, … so that the government can solve the “problem” it created.
      This government racketeer’s verbal “attacks” with fanciful make-believe narrative inciting hopium release in audiences is stirring whirlwinds in a jar of false promises.

  • Trump is guilty of Treason against entire American Population, by genetically modifying every human and child who took his warped, speeded covid lethal injection!! Whoever even mentions Trump for any re-election is in fact an INSANE IDIOT, in particular an ex CIA agent, who always stays to be that agent. Look up the FACTS!!! In particular Trump executive order from Sep 2019, preparing for the genetically modifying covid agents! This channel pushes TOO MUCH pro-Trump propaganda while endangering Amerika.

    • So you’re going to vote Demonicrat? You are stuck in the perpetual hamster wheel that clouds your mind that people don’t wake up knowing that Trump was dooped by treasonous alikes’ in his admin like Fishy Fauci etc. I wish he’d publically admit he was wrong but his future actions will show what he knows now and is planning to correct his mistakes.

      If we all knew what we know now about people’s motives we would be better off but that’s not real. We have to make corrections if we are to stay on the right path.

      Insanity is doing the same mistakes over and over never making corrections and learning from them. Trump has learned from his mistakes being in Washington and plans to amend them to rebuild on the Demonicrats demise they push to dissolve this Constitutional Republic. It’s always been about sides, you clearly have picked the wrong one.

      This is not “Amerika”, it’s America of the free and home of the brave that We The People are fighting for.

      We The People Walk Worthy will not comply and allow you to walk over us

      • If Trump was truly “dooped” as you say then he is a total, dangerous moron and not worth a vote.

        Glad you know Trump “is planning to correct his mistakes.” Maybe he’ll raise from the dead all those he killed too.

        My Sunshine in Texas, you must believe in rainbows and unicorns too.

  • Kash’s Trump worship is nonsensical.

    Today, in an article titled “Covid Showed Us Who Really Rules America,” Ryan McMaken wrote, “… an American president, for the first time in American history, introduced the idea that it was possible—and perfectly legal—for government institutions to “close down” the economy by forcibly shutting, en masse, countless businesses, schools, and churches. Trump stated repeatedly in press conferences that it was up to government officials to decide “if we open up.” It quickly became standard procedure for health bureaucrats, governors, and media figures to casually speak of “closing the economy” or “opening up” as if we were talking about a coffee shop deciding on closing time.”

    In short, Trump’s shutdowns were an unmitigated and grossly unconstitutional national disaster. And his Warped Speed shots were — are still — murderous.

    • Then jump in the fight to remove the Bioweapon shots!

      If the Demonicrats wanted to, they could’ve ended all this when coming into office in 20’? Yet they didn’t because Trump was in a their way with the plan to destroy this country and “fundamentally change America” as they have stated.

      Kash is spot on in what he said about the Oligarchs/ Demonicrats. He doesn’t worship Trump. He knows that we are better off w Trump rather than the w the tyranical rule by the Demonicrats.

      We The People Walk Worthy

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