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In the US, many state pharmaceutical boards are barring doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for COVID. Such intervention against two safe, essential medicines with decades of effective use is completely unprecedented in US medical history. Until now, doctors generally had the authority to prescribe any drug for off-label use, as they saw fit.

In Australia, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are illegal and any doctor who prescribes them goes to jail, according to Dr Zev Zelenko.

Dr Zelenko also let us know that when Trump tasked the government to make hydroxychloroquine widely available to everyone through the “Right to Try” legislation, he gave it to Secretary Azar, who gave it to Larry Kudlow and it ended up on the desk of Rick Bright, a total Deep Stater at the CDC who countermanded Trump’s order and instead, “issued an Emergency Use Authorization that restricted the use of hydroxychloroquine to hospital settings,” according to Bright, in his own words in the documentary film, ‘Totally Under Control’, in which he bragged, “We were creative.”

It would appear that Rick Bright, who was fired by Trump was one of the prime movers of the American genocide. Dr Zelenko says that out of 600,000 dead Americans, 510,000 could have been prevented from even going to the hospital, had these medicines not been withheld from doctors.

As if coordinating with Bright at that moment, the FDA then used the fraudulent study in The Lancet, which had ALREADY BEEN RETRACTED the previous month to revoke the Emergency Use Authorization of hydroxychloroquine – a drug which was showing 85% reduction in hospitalization and death, at 20 cents a pill – in order to confer that EUA status (there’s only one drug at a time that can have EUA) to remdesivir, which needs to be administered via IV in hospital and costs $3,200 and has since caused kidney failure and death in hundreds, if not thousands of patients.

Any argument for the existence of a pandemic would be extinguished, once and for all, had these two essential medicines been widely distributed among the US population, as they have been in places like Uttar Pradesh, where *33* districts have been declared COVID-free

But if things really start to go south, like in Australia or France and if human-dosed ivermectin becomes difficult to obtain, it may still remain available for a time for farm animals, where today, it can be easily bought from agricultural suppliers and from places like Amazon.

So, should you end up needing to use ivermectin in the horse paste form, this video demonstrates how to have an idea of the dosage, which is based on the recipients weight. I’ve heard that the ball of paste should be around the size of a pinto bean.

Ivermectin Dosages for COVID from Investigative Trials

Ivermectin is a key factor in a protocol for prophylaxis and early treatment of outpatients with COVID-19. In the protocol, those at high risk for COVID-19 infection receive ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg on day 1 and day 3 and weekly for 4 weeks.

Those who were exposed to COVID-19 receive the same dose at day 1 and day 3 and both groups receive daily doses of vitamin D3, vitamin C, quercetin, zinc and melatonin.

For early outpatients with COVID-19, the protocol calls for one dose of ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg on day 1 and 3, along with the same daily vitamins, plus 325 mg per day of aspirin.


If you’re interested in a prescription, Dr. Stella Immanuel can prescribe Ivermectin to you HERE.


Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Would you have any information about what else is in the horse paste?

    I cannot find out any information about what the inactive ingredients are in the paste itself.

    When I was prepping some capsules, I tasted the past – apple flavored – and it had a sweet, slightly tingly or numbing feeling on the toungue.

    I would really like to know what those inactive ingredients are – especially they are the ingredients that may be hazerdous to humans – being that the Ivermectin is safe.

    Thank you for posting this video – It was very explanitory and helpful.

    • You say that it is safe to use the ivermectin from horses in humans I believe you. About how much Moxidectin horse paste would be safe to use as a human for scabies?

  • I think the dosage is supposed to be 0.4-0.6mg/Kg if you are actually symptomatic. Even doctors seem to be unaware of this, but that is what I have seen and if actually ill, you have a very short window to shut it down before it takes over your body. I was unable to find out what the added ingredients in the horse paste were and when it came down to it I was almost afraid to use it. Almost like they planned it that way. Once someone is ill there is no time to obtain these things, so I recommend everyone try and find an independent doctor who can help you if necessary. Throw the “kitchen sink” at it like Joe Rogan and President Trump did using multi-drug therapy to cover all the bases, since we don’t really know what exactly we’re dealing with and it’s far better to be safe than sorry. Obviously easy for them, but if you plan ahead it is possible. Look for a doctor on or Treatment within the first few days is crucial to survival for vulnerable people. This bioweapon is brutal, so please be prepared! You will not get a second chance…I tragically learned this the hard way and my life will never be the same.

  • Have faith in being able to treat this with home remedies if that’s all you have. My husband and I are late 60’s. We believe we got the virus in Dec. 2019. My protocol for virus is Vit. C, D, zinc, echinacea w/goldenseal, ginger tea. It worked then but many are skeptical of home remedies because of programming. Your body will heal with intention and patience and compatible treatments.

  • I have sourced using these guys,

    Price is okay, they send with tracking (did take 4weeks) but could see where the package was, tabs seem to be the real deal, date stamps and use by dates. Package came in as “non-restricted RX Medicaments”
    got both Ivermectin 12mg and HCQ 200mg

  • My biggest concern at this point are those who created this health storm will also intercept the efforts for curing this storm to a calm. What I mean to say is every individual must be absolutely sure of their sources when purchasing ANYthing that claims to cure the damage done to them caused by these shots. Just be especially careful and due your due diligence.

  • Thank you for posting this. I used the Frontline Doctors site to get a prescription but it turned out to be a scam. I’ve heard this same thing from many other people. I’m sure the pharmacies they choose have no oversight because Ravcoo only has a voicemail telling patients to send a text message that they never reply to. I also complained to Frontline Doctors but got no reply. So now I’m out $90 for the prescription. I and many others will have no options except to use the Horse Paste. My pharmacist neighbor told me the inactive ingredients are poisonous to humans… which I wonder if this is actually true. He said Ivermectin was useless for COVID… Anyway, when you start going downhill, you will do whatever you can to stay out of the death chambers in the local hospitals.

    My only concern is this, is my pharmacist neighbor telling the truth? Or is the paste the same ingredients that are in the pill forms for humans?

    BTW, I also ordered Ivermectin from a Canadian company but it will take about 6 weeks to get here — if it does show up at all.

    Thank you,


    • You are being lied to. People who live on farms have been using ivermectin paste to cure their colds and flus for decades now. They don’t end up in a hospital. The only thing about the paste you need to know is that it is strong, so that is why they say don’t give it to dogs.. it is hard to meter a dose small enough for a 10 pound dog. Definitely not toxic to humans. It is just easier to meter out pills to humans, we don’t spit them out like animals do.

      • Hi Chip I think we may have given ourselves abit too much as I’m feeling nauseas.. do you know if this eventually goes away as we only used it once a day for 3 days with no other symptoms.
        Thanks Jen

        • Must be taken on a full stomach.
          If you’re doing the paste, take every other day. You skip a day in-between.

          Each notch equals 50# human weight.
          120# would be 3 notches (150#- go up, not down.)

          Do not get Gold, or Plus or any other added ingredients.

      • Actually, the paste measurements normally start at 250 lbs. If you mark the plunger and the ring (the part that doesn’t move – hope this makes sense) you can figure out half the 250 lbs (or less). I’ve given it to my dog as well, and it works. 125 lbs is good for my weight. The measurements normally go from 250 lbs to about 1100 or 1200 lbs. And the good news is, even if a person swallowed the whole thing, they might feel nauseous, but it’s really hard to OD on ivermectin, so you don’t have to get a really super exact measurement. It is not harmful to humans or dogs. Big Pharma just doesn’t like cures or treatments that they can’t make money on. I’ve even known some people that took a small does of the MSM for horses for their sore joints or arthritis. Not sure I would do that, but they are still here! lol

    • is not a scam. If you paid the $90 that was for the phone consult to get your script. If you never heard from the pharmacist to get your medication you need to contact them again. I have been using them for almost a year and have had no problems. You can go to where you will find info about the telemed and there is also a phone number on there to call. You can text them at 832-808-5574 give your name and phone number you used for your telemed and they will get back to you. There is lots of info on this site about the vaccine mandates and exemptions too.

    • My wife and I have been using for 9 months, never sick, preventive medicine. Your Pharmacist Sir is full of $hit, why would they put poison in when folks are treating there horses. Makes no sense at all, I was a Pharmaceutical Rep. for 20 years.

      • So have you been using the paste for horses and how much of it (by body weight?) and is that per day once a day by body weight and for how long if you are sick?

        • Must be taken on a full stomach.
          If you’re doing the paste, take every other day. You skip a day in-between.

          Each notch equals 50# human weight.
          120# would be 3 notches (150#- go up, not down.)

          Do not get Gold, or Plus or any other added ingredients.

  • come and join our experiment to see how much poison we can inject into the sheep before they wake up and figure out we are trying to kill them off. it’s not too late to take the sheep wormer antidote and reverse some of the damage but the brain damage from wearing the mask is permanent the good news is you will not notice the difference.

    • sounds like you live in the opposite universe. you must know george kastanza. he used to occupy the gutter in seinfeld. heck, i still recall him picking up his first date when he went to the opposite universe. happy hunting!

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