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Sean at the SGTReport interviews Bill Holter from JS Mineset and they get deep into the various forces driving the inevitable failure of the US empire.

They begin with a discussion the totalitarian policies in France, whereby journalists were threatened with jail time by that country’s election commission, if they were to report the details of the incriminating email leaks of new French President, former Rothschild banker, Emmauel Macron’s campaign office. Sean observes that a similar kind of totalitarianism is occurring on Google, with the current CEO, Sundar Pichai saying that they are demonetizing everything that they deem to be “Fake News”.

Then they get into the topsy turvy stock market, where a stock like Amazon is trading at nearly $1,000 per share. Bill warns that despite popular opinion that the DOW, S&P and Nasdaq can only go up, the END could come in a flash, and when that happens, many people who were rich on a Friday could wake up broke on Monday.

The two remark on how “The world has become a Banana Republic,” both in terms of justice and Rule of Law, as well as in financial and monetary policy.

They get into the advantages of the cryptocurrencies, due to their being out of reach of the manipulating banks and they discuss recent drop in precious metals prices. Holter maintains that having physical precious metals is what will see people through the inevitable financial crisis headed our way.


Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • As far as the media blackout goes, it is a law in France. It did not happen just this cycle to keep anyone from finding out just how swampy the leftist candidate…indeed this whole world… is. We are going to hell in a handbasket. There is no moral compass, pedophilia abounds, corruption everywhere. It’s enough to make you want to hide under your bed and never come out.

  • Concerning Macron, I suggest one has to look behind his back, what is going on.
    Behind his back there is his wife.
    I saw her on t.v. and her smile, where I felt her emotions.
    In some way it could be of interest to discover, in what way she is managing her husband.
    That could be done with all the presidents wifes, or bankers wifes.

    The intellect and the will of power by woman/mothers is mostly invisible and hidden.

    • It is certain, whatever the full nature of their relationship, there is no doubt that they are close and that he has benefited tremendously from having her as an older wiser adviser

      • It was Jesus who said: let the children come to me……..
        Could it be so that the elder do not have the privilage to say: the older the wiser?

        I refuse to “work” with children, as long they are with their parents, because of the impact of the ……….old.
        When both come, so parents and children, than there is a possibility to heal……….

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