Lance “The Big Mig” Migliaccio and his co-host George Balloutine were lucky enough to get both Dr Jan Halper-Hayes and Brigadier General AJ Tata onto their podcast Thursday evening and their interview begins about 24 minutes into this video.
Dr Jan Halper-Hayes emerged last August as being part of the 12-member DoD Task Force that advises a US military PSYOP team in our current 5th Generation War. In the 20-odd interviews she’s done since, she has repeatedly recommended that we read ‘Double Crossfire’ by AJ Tata, saying that it gives many clues as to what was going on behind the scenes during that fitful time. (The book was backordered but I just received my copy yesterday).
Tata was the Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy for Chris Miller while the latter served as Acting Secretary of Defense during the final three months of the Trump administration, after Trump fired Mark Esper. Dr Jan has also repeatedly said that Tata is probably one of only 7 people not currently enlisted in the military who is “in the know” about what’s really going on with the Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs).
Tata is also the author of 16 books, most of which have included a storyline about the corrupt, self-aggrandizing DC bureaucrats that he has observed throughout his career. He says, “Every one of my books has some version of that theme in there and it all crystallized with ‘Double Crossfire’, where I saw the massive headwinds, where everything came together; Big Tech, the super liberal progressive movements, the Uniparty – because, remember, 90% of the Republican Party didn’t love [Trump], either.
“He was the David against the Goliath of the monolithic government, techno fascism and the Uniparty all coming together – and the media, of course – that empire that’s been created, between the media, the tech world, Big Tech and the Big Government. They are crushing people like you and me and Dr Jan and they’re trying to control the narrative – and they do, pretty much, every day – but little bit by bit by bit, it comes out and from an entertainment perspective, I’m trying to do my part to show, to break that narrative as well, with the stories that I tell that are fiction but there’s also a lot of fact in that fiction. Life imitates art…
“I want my readers to take away my passion, of love for this country, for all of us that are scratching out a living every single day, to try to make the country better, to try to serve our families better and try to just be happy and have peace, against those who try to divide us and destroy this country and that’s what my passion is. That’s what the themes of my books are.”
It’s a wide-ranging conversation with a lot of interesting tidbits from everyone.
Retrain Your Brain: Correct Your Political Status back to American State National / Remove yourself from United States Inc
Let’s get the basics down. The federal (contract) government operates out of the District of Columbia which belongs to all states and to no states.
It is its own turf and has its own laws. Inside this “District” (Territorial Government British subcontractor 1789) is the Municipality of Washington, DC, which operates as an international city-state (City of Rome subcontractor – think Postal Service/US Patent Office/US Customs). It is also its own turf and operates under its own laws (Roman Civil Law).
Both of these foreign entities with their foreign governments are perched on land that was provided to them by Virginia and Maryland as part of the peace treaties and other agreements coming out of the Revolutionary War. The Congress acting as a corporate Board of Directors operates the affairs of the District of Columbia as a democracy (which is completely foreign to the republican form of government the states and people owe themselves) and also
operates the municipal government of Washington, DC, as an oligarchy. These are both foreign nations and foreign governments co-existing on our soil.
The government of the District of Columbia has operated as a corporation known as the “United States of America” since the Civil War. The government of Washington, DC, has operated as another corporation doing business as the “United States” but actually formed as the “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation”. These two corporations have franchises that they operate in both the names of the people and the states. They have been used to fight
each other in phony commercial wars over the past century and a half —-wars in which we and our actual states are naturally non-combatant Third Parties.
Think War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Terror (fake “state of emergency”) Unfortunately, we have been deliberately mischaracterized and mistaken as combatants
in these “wars”— as if we knew a thing about these commercial subcontractor corporations. The Territorial Government subcontractor (our military/Crown Corp)
& Municipal subcontractor (Civil Service/Vatican Corp) have been playing war since King John…both agreed to play nice in 1937 The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.
Technically, the only job, role, or reason for existence either of these two foreign entities have for being here, is to provide “essential government services” under Article IV of the actual Constitution—-to your actual states——and only secondarily, in a subrogated fashion, to you. Example: “State of Pennsylvania” is a separate and foreign entity from the “Pennsylvania State” and the municipal version operating as the “STATE OF Pennsylvania” is again a separate foreign entity apart from either the “State of Pennsylvania” or the “Pennsylvania State”. These States and “States of States” and Municipal “States” are all as foreign to each other
as Spain and France and Denmark.
The United States of America (Territorial Corp)operates under Federal Code. It’s franchises operating as “States of States” operate under private, copyrighted, corporate state statutes. Remember that the word “of” here means “without” so the phrase “State of Pennsylvania” translates as “the state without Pennsylvania”.
The “State of Pennsylvania” is not within the Pennsylvania State you live in, because it is a foreign state populated by British Subjects (subcontractors) – a paper entity…not fully formed – inchoate…operating as a Democracy, co-existing in our midst—- supposedly only to serve the actual Pennsylvania State and its republic a nd people, but in fact is serving itself at your expense because you have failed to ride herd on your own employees.
So it stacks up like this: United States of America is a corporation operated by British Subjects, for the purpose of providing stipulated services to the subscribing actual states of the Union. These British Subjects (employees) are called “United States Citizens” (U.S. Citizen) and they owe their allegiance to the British Crown (Serco is paymaster).
This corporation has its own internal government, which serves the British Subjects and operates as a Democracy and which with respect to us and our states is obligated to operate exclusively in international jurisdiction. Internally, of course, it has its own “government” and it also provides governmental services to its own citizenry via its network of “states” such as the “State of Pennsylvania”.
The Crown crept in through the back door without firing a shot. Time to WTFU! Our Lawful Government has not been seated since the Civil War…Lincoln was a BAR Attorney (British Agent) an Esquire in British peerage and restricted from holding “Public Office” – 13th Amendment TONA.
There Are Two Sets of Corporations Involved:
The British-backed organization merely appearing to be properly formed as the “United States of America, Incorporated” is busily spreading disinformation about its equally complicit and colluding Municipal Corporation counterpart, doing business as the “United States, Incorporated”.
There are two sets of phony corporations involved, one British-backed, one Roman Municipal, neither one properly formed as corporations, both operated under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure, both serving foreign masters.
The Puppetmasters who own both sets of phony corporations use them alternately as “carrot” and as “stick” and then pit their bloated bureaucracies against each other to keep the rubes entertained, much like the annual Army/Navy Football Game.
It’s all for show and it’s all for fraud.
There are two sets of equally guilty and obnoxious and self-interested for-profit governmental services organizations, and one set of owners.
Go figure.
Once in a while these mentally and morally challenged owners go too far, as in the present instance, and then they are motivated to drum up some kind of smoke and mirrors sideshow to draw attention away from themselves and displace the blame.
Often this sideshow takes the form of political fisticuffs like the Gladstone v Disraeli debates, or “The American Civil War”, or the September 11th Attack, or most recently, the biowarfare Pandemic.
They keep us busy cleaning up and paying for all their mistakes. They aren’t too bright and lack a moral compass, too. They are in charge of both sets of phony corporations, which aren’t actually corporations. And they are all acting as pirates.
These organizations only appear to be corporations because the governments responsible for their existence are incompetent to form corporations.
This in turn means that the British Crown can’t enfranchise them.
Which leaves them stateless.
This in turn means that all their assets are simply liquid assets owed to their Creditors, so we stepped forward as the Preferential Principal Creditors and claimed the whole shooting match — both sets of phony corporations.
The USA brand of pirates has been stomping around talking about the Organic Act of 1871, providing a separate government for the District of Columbia — not noting that the Act was repealed in 1874 and only enacted in a piecemeal fashion afterward. The US brand of pirates has been ignoring all that, because they had every right to form a separate government in the District of Columbia — just no right to force it on all the rest of us.
And now, because none of these things were ever properly formed as corporations, it turns out that all the contracts related to these stateless entities are either defaulted, voided, or both; we are the Last Men Standing, and are the only Principals in evidence, except for Ivan Talbot, still standing for the Kingdom of England.
Seeing that this entire situation has been mismanaged into a population collapse and an economic collapse, too, and that these pirate organizations are stateless, we have foreclosed as their Preferential Creditors.
Both teams of pirates are officially dissolved, so all the acrimony between Team USA and Team US can stop. All the lies and slander, all the propaganda, all the profiteering, can stop. Both teams are under new ownership and new management.
From now on, everyone knows that they work for the American Government and nobody else. We won’t be playing any carrot and stick games, no Good Cop, Bad Cop.
There are no arguments about creating a separate government in the District of Columbia, because strictly speaking, the contracts creating the District of Columbia are null and void.
There is just one big, happy, dysfunctional family left to sort out the incomparable mess left by three centuries of lies, thefts, misrepresentations, and fraud against the people of this country and many other countries as well.
The Insular Tariff Cases – 1900 to 1904 – WTFU Alex! (we are dealing with Commercial Feudalism – public slavery)
As we have noted, our unincorporated Federation of States was impersonated by a Scottish-chartered commercial corporation calling itself “The United States of America” — Incorporated, beginning in 1868.
We call this entity “the Scottish Interloper” and credit it with a National-level identity theft scheme in which it passed itself off as our Federation of States in order to gain access to our credit — similar to what credit card hackers do today when they pretend to be their victims, run up a bunch of charges on the victim’s credit card, and leave the poor sod to pay for all their unauthorized spending.
Eventually, of course, enough people caught on — especially their German Creditors — and the perpetrators of these international crimes against our country and our people — hit upon the idea of going bankrupt and leaving us as the presumed Secondaries responsible for paying their bills.
As a commercial corporation, The United States of America, Incorporated, was eligible for bankruptcy protection and instead of laying the burden on Scotland, its debts were landed on the completely clueless American Public.
This ultimately led to the First World War, but let’s pause here at 1906-07, when The United States of America, Incorporated, was being entered into bankruptcy and the time period just prior to that— 1900 to 1904, when the bankruptcy was being prepared.
After all, there had to be an effective means to extract the payment out of the American Public for the bills that the bankrupt Scottish Corporation had run up in our names. Right?
So now, we need to study the Insular Tariff Cases, which ostensibly dealt with foreign subject matter quite unrelated to the corporate bankruptcy scheme, but ultimately setting things up to administer the phony bankruptcy.
These several related United States Supreme Court Cases all revolved around questions that arose from the Spanish-American War and the change of the formerly Spanish colonies to the status of United States Possessions. They also dealt with how tariffs were to be collected and who was responsible for this function and how these officers were to be held accountable.
The foundational case discusses Cuba, but the same situation also applies to Puerto Rico, where the Spanish Law of the Inquisition was enforced and maintained as part of the law of belligerent occupation.
It’s important to note that from 1860 to 2020, the actual American Government was silent, so that all the acquisitions that the British Territorial Government made remained in Territorial possession under the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance.
Because there was no land and soil jurisdiction government in Session and able to take possession of the land and soil of the new territories, Puerto Rico, like the other Post-Civil War insular states and possessions (which included the western States-of-States entered into Territorial Statehood) has remained in limbo and under military occupation, and, that means under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.
So with this background, look at: U.S. Supreme Court Neely v. Henkel , 180 U.S. 109 (1901) Neely v. Henkel (No. 1) No. 387 Argued December 10-11, 1900 Decided January 14, 1901 180 U.S. 109 APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Syllabus There is no merit in the contention that Article 401 of the Penal Code of Cuba, which provides that the public employee who, by reason of his office, has in his charge public funds or property, and takes or consents that others should take any part therefrom, shall be punished, applies only to persons in the public employ of Spain. Spain having withdrawn from the island, its successor has become “the public,” to which the code, remaining unrepealed, now refers. Within the meaning of the Act of June 6, 1900, c. 793, 31 Stat. 656, providing for the surrender of persons committing defined crimes within a foreign country occupied by or under the control of the United States and fleeing to the United States, or any territory thereof, or the….
The upfront of this is that even though Cuba (and also Puerto Rico) were no longer Spanish colonies, they continued to be under occupation and administered under Spanish Law —which is how the Spanish Law of the Inquisition was retained in a US Possession.
The additional and important point, is that this decision allowed for the extradition of government employees responsible for financial affairs in Puerto Rico or under Puerto Rican jurisdiction, even if they fled to one of the States of the Union.
This was to be of vital importance later on, when the vast Internal Revenue scheme led to the creation of millions of Municipal Government corporations being set up in the names of Americans in Puerto Rico and thereby becoming subject to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.
This was also key, when it came to mischaracterizing millions of Americans as British Territorial “Taxpayers” — meaning that these Americans were acting as volunteer Warrant Officers in the British Merchant Marine Service, responsible for collecting taxes and tariffs and paying them to the Crown.
This is the essence and basis of the fraud and the power and the means of enforcement contrived for the Internal Revenue Service to operate offshore and still be able to extradite these millions of clueless American Taxpayers cum British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers into Puerto Rican jurisdiction — and try them under the insanely draconian and self-serving law of the Spanish Inquisition.
Even if we “fled” —having never actually been in Puerto Rico– to one of the States of the Union, we could still be extradited and jailed and tried under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition, thanks to the law of belligerent occupation that allowed all this nonsense to exist and to continue for decades after it should have been resolved.
Other mechanisms and presumptions created to implement this gigantic fraud scheme were set up by other Insular Tariff Cases, most notably, Downes v. Bidwell, and Hooven and Allison v Evatt.
It was all about mischaracterizing Americans and impersonating us in various ways and capacities, so as to “legally” but not lawfully justify misapplication of foreign laws to us and confer foreign obligations upon us.
This whole pile of dog dung is ready and waiting for anyone hearty enough to dive into it, determined enough to come out the other side, and within the context of the times, realize that the perpetrators backing the bankrupt Scottish Corporation dba The United States of America, Incorporated, were preparing the means to collect the debts of that Scottish impersonator from the American Public, upon its upcoming bankruptcy in 1906-07.
They continued and elaborated upon this scheme when they imported the Internal Revenue Service, Inc. via the State of Delaware franchise in 1925.
All of this convoluted and inbred fraud was further expedited by false salvage claims under Admiralty Law, when all the bogus Municipal Corporations warehoused in Puerto Rico were targeted as abandoned franchises of a bankrupt parent corporation and all assets vested in these presumed to exist Cestui Que Vie Public Trusts were deemed to be subject to salvage as stateless and civilly dead “prizes” adrift on the High Seas and navigable inland waterways in 1953.
And absolutely all of this is gross international crime and fraud brought to us by the British Crown, the British Monarch, the Pope, and various other parties thought to “represent” us.
The only one to dissent consistently was Chief Justice Harlan, who recognized the potential for all the “mischief” these Insular Tariff Cases could cause via the misapplication of Admiralty and Maritime commercial law to members of the American General Public— precisely what has happened for the past hundred and twenty-three years— during which Americans have lived in fear of foreign debt collectors engaged in foisting off foreign debts on them.
We note that the age and duration of a fraud is insignificant, and that there is not statute of limitation on fraud, whether in Admiralty, Maritime Commerce, or Roman Civil Law.
We have brought our claims before the High Courts which are refusing to answer for their sins and also before the Court of Public Opinion worldwide, so that everyone in every nation can see how we have been abused and betrayed by our own employees and our purported Allies.
In view of this and other examples of premeditated fraud and self-service on the part of the British Crown and the British Government and the Popes and the Roman Curia and the Government of Ghent — and these dog piles of prior-arranged court cases serving to implement the frauds and false claims benefiting these perpetrators — we must ask, why would anyone do business with them? Why would anyone trust them? Why would anyone believe a word they said?
Like the Naval Agency and Dispositions Act passed by the British Parliament in 1864, there is a clear and obvious premeditation involved. These people knew that they were committing fraud and crimes and they provided for it in a premeditated and self-interested fashion behind the backs of their trusting victims.
They used a storefront and pretense of “law” to do it, while in fact operating as a criminal syndicate under color of law.
Their latest gig has been to promote the “rule of law” which does not imply anything related to any actual or true law, but rather to their literal “rule” as despots using secret code and star chamber courts and undisclosed private corporation “laws” to promote their criminality throughout the world.
We do not doubt that they will attempt to popularize this onslaught of corporate criminality in the name of “democracy” — a form of government that they have never even attempted to practice.
The Truth of the Matter:
The common language meaning of “the truth of the matter” is equivalent to “the truth concerning this subject or issue”, but the arcane meaning is reduced to “the truth of this subject” — plus, the secret understanding that the “subject” being referred to is a British “subject” who happens to be Catholic.
Now, please understand that this British subject is not under indentured servitude to the King; no, they are enslaved to the Pope, instead, and the British Monarch is simply paying his dues to the Pope in his role as the Overseer of Commonwealth lands when he administers those lands and subjects.
What a bunch of convoluted sectarian and economic bunk, no? All purposefully constructed to hide the fact that they are talking about free men secretly and unlawfully impersonated and enslaved under color of law.
So when you say, without thinking about it, “the truth of the matter” — think twice.
There is no truth involved in any of this, and the “matter” comes in when living men and women are regarded as things — matter, as in “matter and antimatter”.
What they are really saying is, “the truth concerning this pile of dirt” and then they proceed to treat people like dirt.
Everything that we are seeing play out is not about politics or race or creed. It’s about criminals seeking to hold onto the benefits of criminal practices and criminal institutions.
The U.S. Army was left in charge by Abraham Lincoln who had no right to assume authority in the first place, so we have a deft substitution fraud based on similar names (substituting the President of the United States of America, Incorporated, for The President of the United States of America, Unincorporated) followed up by redefinition of which “Commander in Chief” we are talking about, too.
If Lincoln had been Commander in Chief under the auspices of the Federation it would have been different and the actions he took would have been taking place in the jurisdiction of the land; but Lincoln was prohibited from the actual office he pretended to occupy, so that he wasn’t really Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces, either.
Lincoln was an actor, like Joe Biden is an actor, a puppet being used by the British Crown to secretly usurp upon our government and set up a phony “military protectorate” which was in fact a mercenary operation designed to pillage and plunder our country and our people for the sake of European interests.
The so-called American Civil War was fraud and everything resulting from it was tainted by fraud. After Lincoln’s death, the Perpetrators had a free hand, and they proceeded to establish their phony military protectorate under the auspices of the world’s first (and still bogus) Executive Order, known as General Order 100, or the Lieber Code.
This, and the unlawful conversion of our military into a mercenary force, is all to the dubious credit of the U.S. Army Brass including Ulysses S Grant, William “Tecumseh” Sherman, the members of Lincoln’s Cabinet, and certain members of the Territorial Congress.
They had already accomplished their aim of establishing a de facto military putsch and passed it off as a British Territorial Protectorate by 1865; their premeditated breach of trust and contract is demonstrated by the “Naval Agency and Distribution Act” of 1864, undertaken by the British Parliament.
So these people and institutions were already dirty and sunk up to their chins in the muck by the 1860s, but things got even more sideways after FDR and the 1933 bankruptcy of “the United States of America, Incorporated” — a planned debacle in which the privilege of public bankruptcy was used as a means to shift all the debts of the British Territorial Government off onto the backs of the working people of this country.
The Brits needed money from the Pope, so the Pope allowed them to sell all the Municipal citizens of the United States as slaves to raise money; in exchange, the Brits were obligated to recognize the Pope’s Municipal Government dba the Municipality of Washington, DC, as the civilian government that the military serves.
So, our Honorable Military Service which is supposed to serve this country, was unlawfully converted into a mercenary force by Lincoln’s deceits, and then, some seventy years later, it conveniently forgot which “United States” civilian government it was bound to serve.
The U.S. Army began following the orders of the Municipal city-state government as their civilian government authority, instead of the actual civilian government of this country.
That is, they started taking their orders from “the United States, Inc.” instead of The United States, Unincorporated.
It’s been this way with both foreign service providers acting as Municipal Corporations in collusion since “The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States” was published in 1937.
The US, INC., pretending to represent our civilian government, would give its orders to the USA, Inc. mercenaries, allowing them to engage in war profiteering and drug running and other crimes under color of law.
All the cost of this and the infamy of it, was tossed off and ledgered against the accounts and the good names and reputation of Ma and Pa back home, and all the blame has been attributed to our country, “America”.
Now you know why angry crowds are gathered all over the world, saying “Death to America!” — when America has been the victim of these same traitorous back-sliding Principals, their institutions, and their corporations, along with everyone else.
The truth is that our Federal Subcontractors and their employees have wantonly embezzled our credit and assets, operated in gross breach of trust, terrorized, murdered, robbed, and trafficked our people for profit, and they have done all this while pretending to represent us and while acting under color of law.
These foreign corporations have helped themselves out of our pockets and have presented our lawful government as a mockery of itself. They have operated as a theater company, from their “Acts” of Congress, to their impersonation of our people as Municipal CORPORATIONS.
The independent international city-state known as the Municipality of Washington, DC does not represent us and is not the civilian government to which the U.S. Military owes its loyalty and allegiance. The rats have simply gotten away with this cozy arrangement with the Pope and the British Crown for so long they’ve forgotten who we are —and they have plenty of reasons they don’t want to remember us, either.
After all, Lincoln left them in charge, so, for better or worse, everything that has happened since 1863 is on them.
This includes “mistaking” the civilian government of the Municipal United States for the civilian government of The United States.
All the dirty double-dealing and war profiteering and violent obstruction and theft and human trafficking and domestic terrorism that they, the military subcontractors and federal agencies have committed, gets left on our doorstep— and attributed to us by the rest of the world.
We, meanwhile, get violently bilked by their private debt collectors to pay for all this “service” that we don’t want and never ordered and don’t profit from.
This is the truth of the matter.
The first questions in EVERY interview should be:
1. “What do you think happened on 09/11/2001?”
2. “Has the U.S. DoD been using Directed Energy Weapons on civilian targets in NY City, California and Lahaina, or are they allowing someone else to do them?”
The answers to those 2 questions let you know, right off the bat, if the interviewee has one little clue about “what’s going on”, and failure to ascertain and publicize the credibility of their guest marks the hosts as either “in on it” or “clueless”.
I am no longer going to waste a minute of my little time listening to interviews of people who seem to still believe in Santa Claus, 19 hijackers. superbly talented wildfires and the pantheon of American “self government” mythology.
Where the hell is our military and why the hell are they not stopping the communist in dc from destroying our Republic ?
I wished we could have heard a lot more from Jan, she hardly got to talk, i thought she would have gave us some good information, so disappointing.
Thanks for allowing your guests a few moments to speak.
Ugg! K-Mart visuals. It’s hard to take these guys seriously with all the bells, whistles and whirly gigs in motion I have o look through to see their out of focus faces. What are they thinking about????