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Both of George Webb’s YouTube accounts were pulled shortly after he posted this video last Saturday, in which he explains that these riots are not organic, they are false flags to bring about the replacement of US police departments with NATO contractors and mercenaries.

He says that the DNC, through key players, like Minnesota State AG, Keith Ellison is helping to orchestrate the rioting across the country, using Black Lives Matter and Antifa, financed through “donations” made via GoFundMe and the DNC’s ActBlue funding platform.

These riots are being allowed to happen by DNC mayors and governors and he says, “We have to look at [protests / riots] as just that: feints and demonstrations coming from the real enemy, which is the people who want to replace your police force and that is NATO and that is the CIA.”

He says, “I can assure you, this is a tried-and-true plan that NATO has used, in conjunction with the CIA for a takeover, city-by-city of all of a country’s police departments,” a tactic that was outlined in a book by Doug Valentine called ‘The Phoenix Program’. “This happened with UN Peacekeepers, not only in Bosnia and Kosovo but Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Haiti.

“We looked at the players in our series, talking about Carl Bildt and David Petraeus and the reason why it’s important to show the plan is that you don’t want to go for these fakes and feints and the demonstrations that the generals on the opposite side do and put all your time and energy…into the demonstrations or the feints. You want to focus on what’s the actual plan and then devise a defense to that plan.”

Webb refers to Harry the Greek’s recent posts on about NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, head of the One World Order Police State and about the Strong Cities “Global police force”.

Webb continues, “But again, the thing we’ve concentrated on in our series is exposing the network. That’s the sort of counterintelligence that takes the least amount of work. Almost – laughably – hardly any work to get the maximum amount of results.

How do we make this stop? Webb proposes a “declassification strategy” of two key documents to identify who the players are. He says that John Radcliffe, as the new DNI is the one positioned to do this.

1. A memo between Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin referring to “Anthony Weiner’s trusted staff”, discussing who configured the Blackberrys. Webb says, “Expose the administrator [i.e., Imran Awan], then you expose everything the administrator worked on…the administrator knows all of the emails in a company…they’re the perfect person to go to, to get the whole network.

“Same thing with phones. The administrator configures all the phones, he knows all the phone numbers, he knows all the secret pin numbers, he knows the encryption, he knows where he got the phones and again, this is a key person that you wanted collect the evidence and…interview and also bring in front of Congress to question, subpoena.

He says this memo was already published by WikiLeaks but needs to have its redactions removed. “We have several Congressional committees, as well as the Inspector Generals saying these [phones] were used for nefarious purposes…So, we’re just recommending the lifting the masking tape on one part of a memo that’s already out, already public, that says who configured the phones for Anthony Weiner’s “trusted staff”.

2. The other one is a State Department memo with 22 redactions revealing the identities of the operatives who did the Iran nuclear deal. He says this would also point to who did Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Congo, Haiti, Honduras and Colombia. He says, “Those are going to be the same people who replaced the police departments in those countries with DynCorp – or other contractors, like Blackwater. Mercenary contractors.

“Those are going to be the same people who want to replace the police departments in the United States. It’s just that simple. If you have somebody who goes around the world doing this strategy, this Phoenix Program strategy in all these countries – in 30 or 40 different countries – and then you see them do two or three police departments in your own country, starting with the key conspirator, with Keith Ellison working directly with Imran Awan and they do three of the departments in lockstep prediction of replacing the police departments, as we predicted on the channel, you have to believe that they’re going to continue to go, police department to police department.

“They’re gonna do demonstrations through the DNC to make it look organic and this is something we can easily predict, if we expose – just lift a masking tape on who configured these phones for this dark network, for this criminal enterprise of taking over the United States’ key enforcement arm, which is all of our police departments.”



The demonstrations we’ve seen around the country to make it seem like these demonstrations we’re seeing in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Atlanta, etc. are “spontaneous” but George Webb says, “I can assure you, this is a tried-and-true plan that NATO has used, in conjunction with the CIA for a takeover, city-by-city of all of a country’s police departments,” and this has been written in a book by Doug Valentine called ‘The Phoenix Program’ and it outlines how you create disturbances in each province and after you get a foothold of the police department, you make that as your center of main sanctuary for mercenaries that you bring in, like the Muhajideen in Bosnia or Kosovo, etc. and then you go from using your forces, that you gain from one foothold to the next.

“So you would go from a Seattle let’s say to a Portland. We predicted that and that’s exactly what’s happening today. This happened with UN Peacekeepers, not only in Bosnia and Kosovo but Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Haiti.

“We looked at the players in our series, talking about Carl Bildt and David Petraeus and the reason why it’s important to show the plan is that you don’t want to go for these fakes and feints. And demonstrations that the generals on the opposite side do and put all your time energy and effort and worry etc. into the demonstrations or the feints. You want to focus on what’s the actual plan and then devise a defense to that plan.

“And it turns out, it’s remarkably easy and I’ll get to that at the end but just so you know that this has happened in many many other countries, you can just Google “UN peacekeepers” and see it’s happened, not only in Bosnia and Kosovo but Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Haiti.

“We talked a lot about Haiti in our program. We learned about how much the Strzoks, Peter Strzok was involved, along with his father and we talked about Congo and Tanzania, Kenya, all these countries. This is sort of a Safari Club that the Strzoks have in Africa, especially the Horn of Africa, Honduras, Colombia, all over Central and South America. These “replacement programs” for replacement of police have occurred.

“Our strategy’s always been to identify the players, identify their plans and identify their players, so that we can defend against them…and part of that is to learning the fronts, the front organizations…The big fake, here is the Atlantic Council.

“The Atlantic Council is basically the UN / NATO’s rinse to make you think it’s not the Business Council it’s not the War Council of NATO – but I can assure you that all the technology being brought back – that the US taxpayers are paying for and the money going to NATO – is rinsed back through the Atlantic Council and business ventures that come back and are used against the American people, primarily through the Department of Homeland Security; Chertoff and Haden and the like.

“So, let’s talk about the technology that they bring. We’ve identified a guy named Dmitri Alperovitch, who I’ve had the, I guess unfortunate experience of knowing. But I’m glad I did know him because I saw these operatives being brought in to a major corporation that was writing antivirus software and basically, these NATO – I saw with my own eyes – as bringing these NATO operatives in, after they were turned, as the old Soviet Union collapsed, to actually writing virus attacks on the people of the United States, the financial systems the United States, in much the same way and COVID-19, which shut all the businesses, these viruses would shut the American businesses down, toward the end of these quarters and the only way that you could ‘get out of jail’, so to speak and get your financial statements out was to buy Dmitri Alperovitch’s antivirus.

“Isn’t that the same game as this COVID-19? Where we played the virus vaccine game? We developed the virus, we developed the vaccine, now are in a position to play the virus-vaccine game – only this time, with human beings.

“We talked a lot about satellite technology in our series, going to places like Pakistan to find Osama bin Laden, Operation Blackjack and how that same technology is being turned back into tracking through the National Geospatial Administration into a Global Information Grid. We’ve been talking about this Global Information Grid and how it’s being used to track people with this sort of ‘tag and trace’ technology – and now we see it being used in ‘tag and trace’ technology with COVID.

“We’ve we followed these couriers for biowarfare. Again, you have to get down to the actual players and plays. You can’t just say, ‘Well, what’s their plan..they run a passing game.’ That’s not gonna be good enough. We have to actually draw-up and chalkboard-out actual passing plays they use and who the receivers are and who are the threats, in order to organize the defense.

“So, we talked about the NATO couriers in biowarfare going to these different DTRA [Defense Threat Reduction Agency] centers in our series.

“Chemical weapons. We’ve gone to the University of Delaware, where a lot of these foundations are funded, the Duesberg Foundation, the development at Edgewood Arsenal, the testing at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, we talk a lot about drones, drone technology.

“Again, remember the Green Zone phones, we have mentioned in our series work with the drones. So, you can fly using encrypted communications that can’t interrupt these drones. You can’t take them down with normal defeat defenses, electronic defenses…and everyone in our series, again, this is going to go to how we combat this: All of the people in our series map – this intelligence command, which is in Fort Huachuca – and that’s where you’ll learn to fly these drones. Drones can be used for surveillance, drones can be used offensively to spray either a mild bioweapon, severe bioweapon, chemical weapons, as well as even deliver missiles and so forth.

“So and then, just the whole asymmetric warfare manual that we’ve identified…we’ve talked to Jeffrey Prather and through various YouTube channels, like Farmer Jones’ channel, we sourced the actual playbook, the unconventional warfare playbook. We’ve looked at the Elon Musk NATO flamethrowers, we’ve we’ve looked at the various folks in the political organizations that are rinsing these – the DNC, particularly – that’s rinsing these unconventional warfare techniques as something ‘demonstrators’ do.

“So, by doing a news story on ‘demonstrators’ using a paint or hairspray can with a lighter to improvise a flamethrower, that’s a way of basically hiding the fact that you’re teaching people how to do an improvised flamethrower. The same thing can be true with flamethrowers created from gasoline cans and Molotov cocktails.

“Again, we have this lawyer, a DNC lawyer from the Eastern District of New York showing people how to throw Molotov cocktails and showing pictures of how to do it. Again, we need to expose this network in the DNC, as DNC is the rinse point, if you will, for this NATO technology coming back in the United States. These demonstrations are mainly done through the DNC. We have to look at them as just that: feints and demonstrations coming from the real enemy, which is the people who want to replace your police force and that is NATO and that is the CIA.

“So how do we stop this? Well, you can predict and and make educated guesses at what they might do with these flamethrowers…Recently, we had a blogger named Harry the Greek do a show about a hundred foggers that this Mormon mafia in in Utah was was putting together, going to potentially intercept the the Trump rally, creating a toxic cloud over a large freeway for people approaching the Trump rally. That’s pretty hard work, because every time you eat drink and breathe, that’s a potential for a enemy to suffocate you or poison you or attack you but it is helpful, because it does kind of maybe disrupt plots.

“But again, the thing we’ve concentrated on in our series is exposing the network. That’s the sort of counterintelligence that takes the least amount of work. Almost – laughably – hardly any work to get the maximum amount of results. And if you forgot that strategy, I’ll talk about it here:

“The declassification strategy: identify who the players are. Obviously, John Radcliffe of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is the key person who could be doing these declassifications and we’ve recommended two key documents to be declassified and one…of these documents is already out on WikilLeaks, we’re just talking about removing the masking tape, removing the redactions in just two memos. One is called “Anthony Weiner’s trusted staff”. There’s a memo between Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin for configuring these Blackberrys and the person who configures the Blackberrys, the administrator knows all of the emails in a company. The administrator knows all the emails, so they’re the perfect person to go to, to get the whole network. So, expose the administrator, then you expose everything the administrator worked on.

“Same thing with phones. The administrator configures all the phones, he knows all the phone numbers, he knows all the secret pin numbers, he knows the encryption, he knows where he got the phones and again, this is a key person that you wanted collect the evidence and also bring, interview and also bring in front of Congress to question, subpoena.

“Remember, in our series, we go to all the homes of this Imran Awan, who is the key person configuring these phones and emails for Congress and we find the fact witness to these phones and we find the phones and we find these hard drives from the server. So we know they exist, we have a fact witness.

“And now we have several Congressional committees, as well as the Inspector Generals saying these were used for nefarious purposes. So, there was Nancy Pelosi’s Inspector General. So, we’re just recommending the lifting the masking tape on one part of a memo that’s already out, already public, that says who configured the phones for Anthony Weiner’s trusted staff.

“The other one is 22 pieces of masking tape on a State Department memo, saying who did these deals? Who are the operatives that did the Iran nuclear deal? Or what I call the “Iran Weapons Deal”? Who were the people who did Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Congo, Haiti, Honduras, Colombia? Those are going to be the same people who replaced the police departments in those countries with DynCorp – or other contractors, like Blackwater. Mercenary contractors.

“Those are going to be the same people who want to replace the police departments in the United States. It’s just that simple. If you have somebody who goes around the world doing this strategy, this Phoenix Program strategy in all these countries – in 30 or 40 different countries – and then you see them do two or three police departments in your own country, starting with the key conspirator, with Keith Ellison working directly with Imran Awan and they do three of the departments in lockstep prediction of replacing the police departments, as we predicted on the channel, you have to believe that they’re going to continue to go, police department to police department.

“They’re gonna do demonstrations through the DNC to make it look organic and this is something we can easily predict, if we expose – just lift a masking tape on who configured these phones for this dark network, for this criminal enterprise of taking over the United States’ key enforcement arm, which is all of our police departments.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • That may be their ‘PLAN’……but I do NOT see that happening!! WE have an INTACT MILITARY!!!! And NO OTHER military would DARE set foot on US soil……they would get their asses handed to them in 5 mins flat!! Not to mention, We, The People ARE ARMED!!! Dear U.N., please DO try it!!

      • I disagree, Frank. There are many folks in the US who have been enlightened to the attempts by the UN and their globalist cohorts to gain control of our country. I know there are those few who think POTUS is working with them. And, they bring up various departments, agencies or cabinet members who are still pushing for more troops overseas, more domestic surveillance, immigration loopholes , economic pitfalls etc. Then the MSM, as well as some citizen journalists, state knowingly that POTUS is influenced by these dark hats and will acquiesce to their ‘recommended’ policies. Everyone seems to forget President Trump’s victories over the globalist agenda. Removing the US from, TTP, NAFTA, the Paris Accord. The ongoing trade battle with China, making them pay to market goods here, as the have done to us for decades.

        Also, as DawnieR mentioned, the US has the most deadly military anywhere. Add to that we are the largest heavily armed citizenry on the planet. Including the most trained, loyal and patriotic military veterans of any country.
        The NWO will never take over the USA overtly. It is the traitorous politicians we must be on guard against.

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