This video was faked using video sampling technology that is 20 years old. It’s since been improved with Artificial Intelligence technology and incredibly, this footage appeared during a live broadcast on NBC News.

This sampling technology was pioneered used extensively in the 2006 underground hit film, ‘The Secret’. For example, in one scene in that film, they dressed three actors in Roman Legion costumes and then, replicated their images several times to create what appeared to be an entire phalanx of ancient Roman soldiers. It’s a form of Computer Generated Imagery (CGI).

I was involved in TV/film production and post-production for many years and I actually wrote a book about ‘The Secret’ and about the nascent online streaming, Video-on-Demand (VOD) technology and the guerrilla marketing techniques that completely circumvented Hollywood and enabled this low budget Australian-produced film, to gross over $65 million.

In reality, this Marine was, indeed present at the scene in Butler, PA – but he was several hundred feet away from the SUV, as shown by a wider angle taken from the stands, in a recent Tore Says Show.

The fact that the Marine’s image was sampled and pasted in front of Trump’s SUV by a special effects technician at NBC, suggests that he or she was either suffering from profound Trump Derangement Syndrome and acted alone – or was following the orders of his Trump-deranged Senior Producer, who is either a CIA asset or else took their orders from their higher-up at NBC, who is.

These people at NBC wanted to send a message that Trump is not even safe from his beloved military.

NBC Headquarters and studios are located at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, if you catch my drift.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Hi,
    I took a Very short Photography class in 8th grade 2nd semester in 1980 ,
    We just learned basics ,
    I would of Believed the NBC video as real and The Guy who raised and lowered his rifle in video as a nut Job , since I don’t know much about faking videos….

    Cause of news media reports if other cops who were or are nut Jobs. .

    And this is off topic but has anyone seen the Satanic Olympics Videos or articles ,
    They did a mocking if the last supper ,
    And Later on The Death ride the horse of death also in video ,
    With deagel population of 2025 , it’s kinda spooky how it’s playing out. ,
    Here’s an article link for it

  • it’s a common thing to be suspicious about everything that MSM says nowadays, but things are getting more f*cked up with AI shit (extremely difficult to tell which is real / fake).

  • A little Reminder:

    The “Secret Service” is an Agency Subcontractor; it’s British.

    The totally aberrant instructions given to the security personnel guarding Trump at the Butler, Pennsylvania, campaign rally by Kimberly Cheatle require no other explanation.

    Just as Cheatle obviously departed from sanity and safety protocols that have stood as standard operating procedures since 1901, and obviously did this in order to leave Donald Trump wide open for shooters, the same Secret Service inexplicably didn’t show up for work on a certain November day in 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

    They were nowhere to be seen when JFK was gunned down.

    The Secret Service has a finely honed ability to be absent, a way of looking away, being distracted, having a training session, walking away at the critical moment, laying down behind the podium, stepping behind a rose bush, not scanning any rooftops, taking a potty break or sliding down a storm cellar—-just like their famous General Montgomery, in World War II.

    Somehow, they are never present during the fighting, but first in line for the victory party.

    The Bank of England is now refusing to accept USD (Petrodollars) ever since the 50-year sole source crude oil contract with Saudi Arabia expired. Canada and Australia are not allowing purchases of Postal Money Orders using USD and not using USD for international money transfers.

    When Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

    All this “virtue signaling” and appearance of fear on the part of the Bank of England, silently suggesting that even the American Petrodollar is questionable and not to be trusted, is the backside of the attack on Trump.

    Bank of England knows that if Trump gets back into office, he will rev up the economy and drill, baby, drill. They also know that we’ve got a petroleum basin of light sweet crude oil that dwarfs the Saudi Arabian resources, This immense oil source is tucked along the Eastern side of the Rockies. Trump won’t need an XL pipeline from Canada nor ten years to build it. He can just stick a straw in the Eastern Rockies Reserve and all our oil and energy needs will be taken care of for hundreds of years.

    God is good.

    This cheerful and immediate energy independence is not what England wants for us, especially when they are planning to feed their own people drivel about scarce energy resources— in order to justify horrific high costs for fuel actually caused by taxes and inflation resulting from sovereign debt that hasn’t been paid down in over a century, and which the Brits had intended to foist off on us. With interest.

    Bank of England is not happy with us, but then, we are not happy with them. They have grossly betrayed the trust of their business affiliates and depositors and happily robbed the families of dead soldiers. Heck, they’ve been happy to rob entire countries.

    So what’s a little acrimony between “friends”?

    By the time all the British Bunko left over from the 19th century gets straightened out, my great-grandchildren will have grandchildren; by the time their infamous schemes throughout the 20th century are put to bed, the Sahara Desert will be blooming again.

    We strongly suspect that a substantial portion of the billions of metric tons of gold that the Bank of England and its affiliates have salted away, including a portion of that gold left on deposit by Czar Nicholas for the people of Russia and Prussia, will prove to be gold that was stolen from India during the occupation of the British Raj.

    We look forward to seeing the quote “little brown people” unquote happily having their gold returned to them.

  • I was examining videos on YT and came across a different camera view. The video above was taken with an extremely long lens. A telephoto lens foreshortens the foreground and the background. The soldier was there in the picture as filmed but he appears to be somewhere around 75 yards away in the rear. The telephoto lens used here makes it look as though he is very close to the limo, but in reality he was very far away. I have no idea what he raised his rife and pointed at.

      • Hi Alexandra
        Search for “foreshortening effect of telephoto lenses” and there are many entries explaining this interesting phenomena. The effect is used regularly by cinematographers making films. It is especially useful out on location filming.

        • I’m aware of the phenomenon. I was in the movie business for years. I rented and insured this equipment through my production company.

          The SWAT guy (I’ve been corrected, he’s not a Marine) in the wide angle has a white background and the red part of the barn behind him is obscured by a black SUV from the Presidential Caravan.

          Therefore, I say a long lens could not have created that effect.

          He was cut ‘n pasted in front of the President’s SUV.

    • Yeah, No it doesn’t work that way w “telephoto lens”, You don’t know what you’re talking about, Liar!

      TORE SAYS show shows this same vid twice with him at the tent and then at the vehicle both where the camo officer is doing the same action . She points out the AI Realtime editing. Q is which vid is real? Other video now coming in shows him at the corner of the tent, NOT at the vehicle….all camera vids are from people in the stands, NOT USING TELEPHOTO LENS’s.

  • C’mon!!! The dude in camo was NOT even aiming at the SUV; the AIM was OFF to the LEFT (camo-dudes right)!! Trump got in on the right side of the SUV. I cannot believe that ANYONE (except maybe a delusional LibTard) would even SAY this, when the VIDEO is CLEAR, which way the gun was pointed (PAST the LEFT/Drivers side!). Just MAKE SHIT UP, ‘Tore’!

    • Please just read the first few paragraphs of the article before commenting, because you’re on another planet.

      The Marine was CGI’d in. He wasn’t even there. NBC wanted to subliminally communicate that he was there.

  • Wow. They can manipulate live video or at least very recent footage shown on a live show. How often is this being done and it will only become more common place.

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