I’m really happy to see Spiro Skouras breaking out on his own. Some of you may recognize him as a reporter on Sibel Edmonds’ Newsbud channel.
Spiro gives his highly-informed assessment that the coronavirus outbreak is being used as a pretense to conceal the crimes of the international banksters. The plan is to remove cash from circulation so the central banks can roll out their digital currencies. This won’t happen overnight but within the next few years.
The intention is to create a cashless society, which as he says, will be “the cherry on top of the Surveillance State, where everybody will be tracked, controlled, monitored, taxed and regulated into submission.”
He explains, “The United Nations and the central banks have the same controllers above them and are working together on many fronts, to establish a form of global governance, which has been laid out in documents – their own documents – specifically, the 2030 Agenda, which was previously Agenda 21 and everything that’s happening, right now, everything that we’re seeing, I believe is undoubtedly connected.”
In a previous interview Spiro did with Francis Boyle, author of the US Biowarfare Act, the latter confirmed the coronavirus is a bioweapon. Spiro also covered in detail ‘Event 201’, which was a drill for a coronavirus pandemic conducted by UN just before the actual coronavirus outbreak occurred in Wuhan.
He says, “Coincidentally or not, on the same day that the World Military Games were holding their opening ceremonies in Wuhan – which, of course would have provided the perfect cover for a foreign nation to release a weaponized biological agent there, in Wuhan, which is now Ground Zero.”
The current debt-based central bank financial monetary system has been used as a means to control and enslave entire nations and, as he says, the dominance of the US dollar “was never meant to last forever. In fact, I personally believe it was first meant to last just long enough till technology caught up with the ideology of technocracy.”
The new digital currency paradigm getting ready to be rolled-out is basically a new system of control and it’s going to take a traumatic event to shock people into accepting it.
“9/11 is a perfect example of how people would have never accepted the roll-out of the police state or the surveillance state, in addition to the endless wars abroad, if it were not justified by major crisis; the ‘terror attacks’ on September 11th.
“Now, the current economic and financial system is on life support. The Federal Reserve is pumping trillions into the system to keep it from crashing, until the new system of control is ready to go – and it’s just about ready.
“The major central banks have been working for years to develop their own digital currencies. They’re called CBDCs or Central Bank Digital Currencies. They’re all onboard, they’re all doing it. I’ve been researching this on a daily basis forĀ a while now and you can see it coming. You can see the partnerships taking place…
“Now, it’s starting to go mainstream and it’s just about ready to roll out. It was only a matter of when and how and the coronavirus looks like the perfect storm to roll out this new system.
“Now, if the US economy crashes, the global economy crashes, but it’ll be a controlled demolition, just like the Twin Towers on 9/11 and in my opinion, when you see domestic air travel in the US restricted, that will basically be a major domino to fall, which signals the crash is only days or weeks away. I hope it doesn’t come to that but this is what it’s looking like.
“We have already seen a huge loss in the stock markets, they say it’s already the largest and fastest drop in the stock market since the 2008 financial crisis and we’ve already seen the New York Stock Exchange signaling shutting down floor trading; they’re worried about ‘contamination’ and they’re encouraging traders to work from home – and on top of that – this is really important – the New York Stock Exchange is planning to run a disaster recovery drill on the morning of March 7th, so mark your calendars for that – it’s about a week away…
“Now, the Financial Stability Board, they operate under the Bank for International Settlements, is currently preparing final drafts for the new financial system and they’re going to be presented to the G20 [on November 21-22, 2020]. And it’s going to be the global framework for this new financial system.
“Now, the UN has also had plans in the works and they’ve been funding their own cryptocurrency projects. Mark Carney, who is the head of the Bank of England will soon take on a new role at the United Nations, as the Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance.”
It’s being sold as a new “sustainable financial system” to “stop runaway climate change”, with a stated goal of reaching a “net zero carbon economy” globally in the not-too-distant future. Carney has clearly stated that a new financial system is already under construction.
Spiro says, “He’ll also be a major player in the new system of control of the new financial system and its roll-out, as well as the former head of the International Monetary Fund and current head of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde.
“Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not about money, this is about control. These private central banks print money out of thin air. They literally have all of the money in the world that they could ever need or want. They want to centralize power, they want to control the population and ultimately, reduce it. It’s been documented over and over. I know, that sounds extreme but it’s real…”
Thanks for the share and info. I believe the writing is on the wall already. Buy GOLD! About to go do the same!
We come to the Canary Islands a lot ….. 3 / 4 times a year and we are in Tenerife now …. Costa Adeje……. when we landed we were all told to go to a check in machines that took our pictures and finger print ? ….. then we had to go to a manned check in point and put our finger on a scanner to be checked …… the officer was seeing if our finger print matched the picture that had just been taken ….. WHY ….. this had never happened before …….. anyway read this article……. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/53070.htm
JT Who are the globalist scum you write about? Banksters? Corparatists? That’s kind of vague isn’t it? Kind of Alex Jonesish.
Don’t you mean the International Jews that enslave humanity? The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Schiffs, Warburgs and so many other inbred “families” of the Synagogue of Satan. The ones that follow the 24 Protocols of Zion and own and control all Central banking, industry, media and thus all so called “governments”? And all their paid off minions who would sell their own mothers into slavery for a pile of sheckels?
See that wasn’t so hard. Truth. Simple.
Lets see if this blog has the guts to post it.
Lol, Rockefeller is a Jewish name now? You want it so bad to be true. You NEED it to be true, because you’ve deluded yourself with tons of conspiratorial nonsense propaganda over the years. You refuse to look objectively at the facts, and that you’ve been duped by those in real power pushing black propaganda. Citing the ‘protocols’ as an authentic document too? Hahahah you are such a newb buffoon.
John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the Rockefeller empire, ā(ā¦) was the second of six children and eldest son born in Richford, New York to con artist William Avery “Bill” Rockefeller (November 13, 1810 ā May 11, 1906) and Eliza Davison (September 12, 1813 ā March 28, 1889). His siblings were Lucy (1838ā1878), William Jr. (1841ā1922), Mary (1843ā1925) and twins Franklin (Frank) (1845ā1917) and Frances (1845ā1847). His father was of English and German descent while his mother was of Scots-Irish descent.ā (John D. Rockefeller – Wikipedia)
The German Wikipedia is more detailed. According to it, genealogists could trace his origin back to a village Rockenfeld in the district of Neuwied. In the year 1723, Johann Peter Roggenfeller from the village of Altwied migrated to the United States and settled in Germantown, Pennsylvania. In the district of Neuwied there are many Rockenfellers/Rockenfelders/Roggenfellers until today. (See John D. Rockefeller ā Wikipedia, German)
āRoggenfeldā is the German word for rye field.
According to Ethnicelebs, Nelson Rockefeller, John D. Rockefellerās grandson, ethnically is āEnglish, with small amounts of Dutch, German, and Welshā. David Rockefeller was one of his brothers. They have never been registered by any Rabbi as a Jew.
I browsed through the Wikipedia articles about the family (patrinear and matrilinear), and his ancestors were indeed mostly English, no Jews at all, especially ‘international’ ones.
Are we still living in the 1920’s too? Where are the Warburgs today? You can’t answer it. You’re a buffoon, because it’s all in your head.
In a cashless society no one will be able to pay anyone cash “under the table” which is the entire economy of illegal labor. I have the impression that the illegal economy is what keeps the Democratic party afloat–at least in California where people I assume are voting illegally. So what is going to happen to the two million or whatever illegal people who live on cash payments–the nannies, the housekeepers, the contractors, the gardeners, the guys who weed whack, etc. etc.?
I suspect it’ll just make the black markets stronger.
“Stop runaway climate change…”
Don’t forget that it’s for sustainability too!
Well, pretty good plan.
Conduct weather manipulation daily with:
+ dumping of ship bunker fuels dumped daily in the pacific fukushima ocean to manipulate the atmospheric rivers.
+ constant cloud seed with aerosols sprayed ahead of a storm to alert the moisture to the best laid path.
+ put toxic chemical trails all along the storm path for downstream steering.
+ use nexrad haarp machines for microwaves to enhance the storm where needed.
Climate Change?
The only thing real about climate change are:
The huge toxic cloud over China that changed worldwide climate in the 1980’s and relocated the atmospheric rivers to the point where our weather broke down and required cloud-seeding, which enabled all kinds of shenanigans like weather warfare by the USA, Europe, Russia and China.
Meanwhile, the manipulators at the Club of Rome saw an opportunity to get much of their preferred socialism agenda sold to the public under the guise of saving the planet and SUSTAINABILITY.
Of course, our beloved weather warriors never lose an opportunity to enhance government control by doing things like building, enhancing and steering a hurricane to their desired spot to carry our their IMF or corporate agenda – see Bahamas 2019 or Puerto Rico 2018.
Who? All the same exact bankster, corporatist folks who want to end all nations, their currencies, take away their guns and all of their rights.
The globalist scum. That’s who.
When truth becomes irrelevant, because it does not go with the plan to control.
Trouble is always on the way from these globalists. Who will stop at nothing, to run the world!
Poetic Truth!