The basic structure of the latest coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is the same as that of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), which broke out in China in 2003. Like the SARS virus, 2019-nCoV has been found to share the same receptor, Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).

Some suspect that these two viruses have been deliberately weaponized, due to a finding that Asian males have five times as many ACE2-expressing cells in their lungs as any other demographic. This line of inquiry is being shut down on public chatboards for being “discriminatory”, which is absurd.

This echoes complaints shared by Chinese Ambassador to the US, Cui Tiankai on Face the Nation this past Sunday of “racial discrimination” and “xenophobic” comments (like “bat soup”).

He warned that online discussion of the topic was “dangerous”, for fear of causing “mass-panic”. The 50-Cent Army has succeeded in shutting down related threads on Reddit and elsewhere.

Another feature of 2019-nCoV that has raised suspicions of weaponization was described in a study from India submitted for peer review, that the same amino acid “insertions” in the spike glycoprotein as seen in the HIV-1 virus were present in 2019-nCoV but are not present in other coronaviruses.

The study stated that these “insertions” are “unlikely to be fortuitous in nature”. The paper was hastily withdrawn by its authors, due to pressure, likely from the Chinese government.

In AIDS patients, these spike glycoproteins drop off the virus and plug into receptors on the intestinal wall, blocking the absorption of nutrients and causing the dramatic physical wasting that is a hallmark of AIDS.

Bioweapons expert, Dr. Francis Boyle is shown in this video saying, “SARS, itself is already a biological warfare weapon and then they… supercharged it…with DNA, genetic engineering of maybe synthetic biology to add in to SARS, HIV…they gave it these gain-of-function activities.”

The videos coming out of China are harrowing. People are being violently dragged away from their homes, to be taken to quarantine facilities. Alternately, the doors to apartment complexes are being welded shut, to prevent residents from exiting the buildings and spreading the disease.

Philippines Senate President, Tito Sotto showed a video suggesting that 2019-nCoV was a product of Bill Gates and the CIA. Many truthers have published similar stories; that the Pirbright Institute in the UK owns the 2019-nCoV patent and that Bill Gates is involved.

In response, a spokesperson for Pirbright, Teresa Maughan said that “not only does the patent in question not involve a coronavirus strain that affects humans, but the institute’s work with the virus wasn’t funded by the Gates Foundation.”

The Pirbright Institute owns the patents for several coronaviruses that affect poultry and pigs. The CDC owns the patent for SARS, having sequenced the genome in 2003, at the time of the outbreak.

On January 24th, the Institut Pasteur in France announced that it had sequenced the genome of 2019-nCoV, which matched the one shared with them by Chinese authorities on January 11th. Presumably, the novel coronavirus will be patented by the Chinese.

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Alexandra Bruce

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