by Greg Reese

Putin has made it clear in several interviews that he is well aware of how US Presidents come and go, and US policy never changes.

Vladimir Putin:
I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but the politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.

Putin is well aware that it is the CIA who directs US policy. And it is the intelligence agencies of NATO countries who have been covertly instigating war with Russia for decades.

In the Tucker Carlson Interview at the Kremlin, President Putin seemed to be speaking directly to the CIA. Twice, playfully hinting that Tucker is a representative of the Intelligence organization.

Tucker Carlson:
With the backing of whom?

Vladimir Putin:
With the backing of CIA of course. The organization you wanted to join back in the day as I understand it. We should thank God they didn’t let you in. Although it is a serious organization, I understand.

Tucker Carlson:
Who blew up Nord Stream?

Vladimir Putin:
You for sure.

Tucker Carlson:
I was busy that day. Do.. do you have… I did not blow up Nord Stream, thank you though.

Vladimir Putin:
You personally may have an alibi, but the CIA has no such alibi.

And the CIA responded to Putin via their New York Times media outlet in the recent article, The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin.

The article admits that the CIA, operating through three different presidential administrations, has transformed the Ukraine into “Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin.” They have secretly trained and equipped Ukrainian intelligence officers over the past decade. And constructed a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border used to launch cross-border attacks on Russian territory.

This means the CIA is responsible for the attacks on oil refineries and energy infrastructure.

The article describes secret underground command centers established near the Russian border. Financed and equipped by the CIA.

A CIA program called ‘Operation Goldfish’ enabled Ukrainians to hack into Russian military networks, break into satellites and decode secret conversations.

Two years after the 2014 Western backed coup in Ukraine, the CIA set up training programs for an elite Ukrainian commando force known as Unit 2245

The CIA trained Ukrainian spies who operate inside of Russia, across Europe, and in other places where Russia operates

The article points out that this operation may have even been hidden from Trump. While Trump’s rhetoric was friendly to Russia, his administration of anti-Russia war hawks, such as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, kept Western aggression moving forward. Which is what Putin has been pointing out for years. Presidents come and go, and the policy never changes.

The article says nothing about the several bio-weapons labs that the US admitted to having along Russia’s border. Some of these labs were seized by the Russian federation, who say they are preparing to release a report on them, but have so far remained silent.

Putin has made it clear that Russia’s actions in Ukraine was in response to decades of hostile US-NATO military expansion on Russian borders. And the CIA is now admitting this to be true.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Men and Women of Action:
    You want to do something besides building your Assembly into a working State Government — that really is the most important thing that you can do at this moment in history, fellas, but if that seems just too tame and boring and you feel the urge for a fight, here’s some ideas for you.

    Get a million Americans to join a tax revolt against the IRS Terrorists. It should be easy enough, once they realize that Federal Reserve Notes are truly worthless and that you can’t possibly accrue debt or profit, aka, income, by their use.

    There are three reasons to do this: (1) expose and end the illegal caste system; (2) refuse to support these Domestic Terrorists and Racketeers; (3) refuse to pay taxes to corporations that are supporting genocide in Gaza and causing it in Ukraine, because you are required not to pay taxes to such organizations under international law.

    Don’t want to be an accomplice to that, do you?
    Make it your aim and job to get as many Americans fully informed and ready to Just Say No as possible.

    Here’s another great project and long overdue — shut down the use of Fluoride being added to drinking water in this country.

    Fluoride is an industrial waste from the Aluminum industry and a horrible poison. Its addition to drinking water has been outlawed in Europe for decades.

    It calcifies your Pineal Gland and that causes among other things: obesity, adds to Alzheimer’s, thyroid dysfunction, low melatonin production, poor circulation, adrenal failure, and digestive incompetence.

    It is a poison and it does serve to kill tissues and glands and organs in your body.

    So what are you waiting for? Want to burn off some energy? Do something good and meaningful for your community and your country?

    End the IRS.
    End Fluoridation of drinking water (or anything else).
    End Pfizer.

    Of all the ubiquitous, obnoxious, dangerous, ugly, filthy corporations, Pfizer has taken the place of Dow Chemical and Monsanto, and impacted far more lives adversely.

    Start researching everything that can be known about Pfizer and use it to force not only Congressional Hearings, but Congressional Action against Pfizer.

    Did you notice something crucial in the 1986 Reagan-era Hold Harmless Legislation promising that Big Pharma would be immune from vaccine damage suits?

    Who accepted the liability? Congress.

    And Congress is a Corporation like all these other Corporations. Lead the stampede to charge Congress for vaccine damages.

    See how long it takes them to pass new legislation.

    There, I have given you all three great public service projects above and beyond the hard work of building your Assembly. And if you are wise, you can use projects like this as a fulcrum to build your Assembly, too.

  • The short film “The Early Inauguration” that came out just before Trump took office, immediately comes to mind.

  • pointing out how useless trump was against the deep state do you really want 4 more years of trump doing the swamp backstroke while barely making any progress at all outside of the constant courthouse collisions with his own DOJ , FBI and CIA directors . winning means watching as trump stuffs his administration full of the top swamp picks that get the nod from his handlers . just like last the time he caught the golden ring on the washington vote counting merry go round you realize you don’t actually end up where you want to go but it is only meant to keep you distracted as the ride only last until the money finishes trickling out of your pockets and jingles on the floor .

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