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Alexandra Bruce
December 4, 2013

Interview with A. H., Boeing Aerospace:

A.H. is a person who has gained significant information from inside the UFO extraterrestrial groups within our government, military and civilian companies. He has friends at the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, ONI, NRO, Area 51, the Air Force, Northrup, Boeing and others. He used to work at Boeing as a surface technician.

He was introduced to four-star General Curtis Lemay and one day went to his house in Newport Beach, CA and spoke with him about this subject. Lemay confirmed the ETV crash at Roswell.

AH’s NSA contact told him that Henry Kissinger, George Bush as well as Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev were all aware of the ET subject.

His CIA contact told him that the USAF had shot down some of these spacecraft.

A friend of AH’s who worked at Boeing was part of crash recovery and personally saw and carried ET bodies.

AH says that a group in the FBI discovered that radar testing was causing interference with some of the ETV’s and that this was what was causing so many crashes.

He also says that there are underground bases testing and maintaining extraterrestrial technology in Utah (reachable only by air), Enzo California, Lancaster/Palmdale California, Edwards AFB in California, March AFB, Eglan AFB in Florida, London England and many other locations.

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Documents and testimony from “Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal The Greatest Secrets in Modern History” by Dr. Steven M. Greer.

Music by Miguel Sala Leon.

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Alexandra Bruce

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