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Alexandra Bruce
December 29, 2013

There is an endless amount of chatter about a cover-up, regarding large objects in our Solar System, that are predicted by some to soon wreak a series of Mass Extinction Events.

This will begin with the massive and “chunky-style” debris field of Comet Ison, through which Planet Earth will pass, beginning January 12-19th.

I can only vouch for the statements made in the second paragraph, above. I cannot vouch for what this Coast to Coast interviewee is speaking to (because unlike him, I do not have a hotline to the ETs from Zeta Reticuli), so make of his comments what you will.

I certainly don’t want to believe a word he’s saying – but this meme all over the ‘net, so whatever it is, something’s up.

What that ‘something’ is remains a mystery to me, at least.

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Alexandra Bruce

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