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What would happen in a full-blown nuclear exchange.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Prefer content related to “things we can do something about”. This little exercise in fear porn is about the last thing that I would share.

  • Alexandra, ain’t gonna happened. Hasting’s UFOs and Nukes book (second edition is updated) proves ETs can control our nukes. That includes disabling mid flight (see Jacobs), firing off as in USSR Ukraine, or even reprogramming to “send it to sender” mode (no offense to Elvis Presley).

    You would not go to to a duel as a gun slinger knowing that outcome is controlled by a third party. Would you?

    MH370 case proves that we have more advanced technology then nukes.

  • It’s mutual assured destruction MAD, that NATO is flaunting, but Russia is not impressed and they launched a satellite killer into orbit the other day to let war mongers like Victoria Nuland and US Senator Loon from South Carolina know that Russia will not be bullied into submission.

  • The psychopaths, the scumbags, the scumbag factory, Octogon, which are all the Aristocracy, and their Base in Switzerland.

    Will not use full nukes.,,,,then their needed game of power would end….they won’t do it, intentionally anyway.

    Nuke Missiles and Nuke Bombs, are only dirty bombs.

    A full and real nuke blast, must come from the ground or a platform…..a stable base.

    So if a full nuke blast happens, the nukes must already be placed on the ground…..their targets.

    Nuclear Winter, and the 12 billion jabs, will put a crimp in humanity.

    Ants and Cockroaches, will become the new Kings and Queens….The new Aristocracy if you will.

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