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Biotech analyst Karen Kingston joined Maria Zeee on the Stew Peters Network to show patents that explain the links between the COVID-19 injections and the Internet of Bodies, Smart Cities, to turn human beings into “hackable animals”, as viruses can be remotely programmed to kill the host on demand.


Attorney, Todd Callender, who’s been defending US servicemen against taking the Death Shot joined Jeffrey Prather to discuss the next plandemic, with the release of the Marburg pathogen, which he says will be the excuse used to force the unvaxxed into FEMA quarantine camps, where they will be administered the death shot.

Todd says that those who received the COVID shots already have in their bodies the dormant Marburg virus encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, which would be released into their tissues via a specific pattern of pulsed 5G frequencies.

While I can’t verify all of his claims, what is worthy of concern is the HHS’ December 2020 Notice of Declaration Under the PREP Act for Countermeasures Against Marburg Disease, because if we’ve learned anything from Event 201 and the SPARS document, such declarations and drills can definitely indicate that we will be seeing the rollout of what they’re declaring and training for.

The PREP Act  has a Marburg Provision, that allows for additional spending, when invoked. The Health and Human Services has already invoked the Marburg Provision, meaning they’ve already parted ways with money and spent it, under the HHS Enabling Statute to build quarantine camps, among other things, throughout the United States.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The thing that the ignorant people call as “virus” is what the mad scientists study in order to create the symptom by poisoning the cells, therefore, the “thing” starts existing after taking these shots, which based on the study.

    What is it inside the capsule then? No one knows it for sure, except highly like it is a combination of poisons,
    stop calling it “virus”

    I hope that people will get it soon, because the belief in non-existent “virus” is the main source of fear.

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