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They are literally working on a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t exist yet.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • “virus that doesn’t exist yet” CORRECT.
    Ignore the bullshit, don’t comply as we’ve already done during C19 scam.

  • OK, so firstly I’m English/British, and I’ve never seen this shite before, probably because I don’t have a tv to receive the mind control bullshit. But, when I watched this, it is very well done, very measured – concerned but not panicky. It’s all being put across in a nice believable, and (what appears to be a) very credible package. The female scientist they interviewed with the lab backdrop seemed nice and very concerned. Unfortunately, British people have been exposed to this well orchestrated level of brainwashing for years, thanks in big part to the good old BBC. I live here, and sorry to be the harbinger of doom but I don’t think there’s a cat in Hell’s chance of people in this country waking up en mass.

    • Phil, well said.

      There is an old Italian Mafia saying that money talks, BS walks in which there is some truth, a lot in fact. The problem both nations have is there is another Mafia loosely regulated, not Italian, that controls money through the central debt based money masters fractional reserve banking system. I dare not identify that other mafia here, lest the sky fall on FKTV, but I can at least attempt to guide others in the right direction. We can grouse about the particulars till the cows come home, it doesn’t interfere with that mafia’s plans for us. It may slow them down or otherwise inconvenience them, but it doesn’t stop them because they control the money supply which can do all kinds of wonderful things – for them.

      We are educated to have a blind spot concerning this banking system, because it is a system of warfare, secret warfare, cunning warfare that eats out other peoples property in which the generals uniforms are white collars, expensive suits and invisible aires of superiority! It’s the head of the crony-capitalism masquerading as capitalism. Another wedge at their disposal is the wedge of divisiveness, busying people with squabbling over whatever right works best – for them.

      None of this works with a truly well educated electorate! That is why they’ve been working like beavers to undermine and destroy ‘classical education’ and replace it with ‘vocational education’. IE. worker bee education. The man most responsible in my homeland was an admitted atheistic Marxian collectivist by the name of John Dewey, the darling of crony-capitalist funded teacher colleges in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It’s in the records. Dewey was a Christ hating bigot!

      Anyone who does not understand the fundaments of what we are facing has no chance of even figuring out what to do about it. So, what do we do? We follow the noise, made by political Pied Pipers promising to deliver us – to them!

    • I’m sure it’s just the same crap in a bottle as Round 1, possibly “more personalized” according to whatever DNA they’ve managed to accrete, so as to be more “effective”; I doubt they will use the “safe” word anymore.

      Which brings up:
      Whoever planned&wargamed this deal screwed up big time: if they had just left the death and destruction in the people that they “eliminated” from the “trials”, and then gave everybody saline shots, then they could point at how efficacious their “vaccine” is (“see, hardly any deaths or hospitalizations from our beautiful vaccine”); and then, when they turned the terror up to 20, EVERYONE (present company excepted) would be CLAMORING for their doses. They shot their wad too early and too ineffectively.TYJ

  • 20 x zero = ZERO
    ZERO excess mortality in 2020
    until the vaxxxiciding started.

    I’m sure they will bring force appropriate to your 2nd Amendment situation when the door -to-door “vaxxxine XXX” campaign commences.

    Here’s hoping they run out of INjectors B4 we run out of OBjectors.

    Be like Stalingrad.


  • How do you create a vacc if the X doesn’t exist?

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling, hurry up and create something to defend from it. What’s causing it, I don’t know just make the sh*# up and go with it!

    What is a birds lifespan? BS climate change.

    So deceived

  • 1:51 ‘Not to go anywhere near the birds’???? This general manager must be slightly drunken, while being ~ 20cm from the deadly bird…

  • “All because of climate change” – ok, got it. Brain dead cult. Do they really believe their own rubbish? I liked it better when it was just called pollution.

  • They showed one dead bird on a vast beach and claim it is from a new disease caused by “climate change”. No proof of anything, just another opportunity to instill fear into those who trust the science and watch TV.

  • These people, like social engineers, got plenty of money and nothing to do but invent mischief. What a life!

    This is where lawlessness leads. I’m not referring to common man made law, but to divine law that is a bar against trespassing against one’s neighbor. That and natural law is what the US Senate federal court gate keeper told the whole nation that neither could be allowed on the federal bench. That rudderless genius now sits in the captains chair in the Oval office.

  • Just a repeat of the mass murder that was renamed ‘covid-19’ … BigPharma had the ‘cure’ in place by the time ‘the pandemic’ struck …

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